Peter Pan and Wendy Turned out Fine, Sure. But What About Lilli?!


It's always the same story! They always tell the same stupid story! You know, I was there, too. Lilli needs love, too!

Peter and Wendy; Wendy and Peter. Always, always told the same! Wendy Darling, the story teller is brought to Neverland by the amazing Peter Pan, but you know what? Her name should have been Wendy Bitch.

He sweeps her off her feet, and yada, yada, yada... To be honest, I don't know the rest... For I was banished and long forgotten. Yes, I ran away to Neverland... And then I ran away FROM Neverland.

My name is Lilli... Lilli Dawson, and I, at one happy time in life, was Peter Pan's best friend.

Those days were magical, wonderful- everything a child could ever dream... But Peter was very stubborn, as am I... And sometimes we could not agree.

I had always thought Peter and I invincible, without a care... I thought love was a story, like the ones Peter would come back and tell us... The Lost Boys and I. But then he had to bring home the storyTELLER... Tinkerbell and I were both banished for trying to... harm, the "poor" girl. But as I said, I don't know what happened next.

Can you believe this all happened no more than two and a half years ago? Peter was twelve, and he most probably is still, that exact age. I had been nine, almost ten... Now, I am twelve as well.

After being banished, I went back to Earth... I didn't really "grow up" at all, but I was placed in a foster family.

Now, I'm going back to Neverland, because abusive "parents" are not my forte.

I had missed everything about Neverland, and I do mean everything; Mermaids, pirates, indians, and the Lost Boys.

Something was wrong, though, as I looked around my once beloved home... Where were the pirates? Where were the Lost Boys?