Forgotten History

Prologue: Birth

Greetings friend, My name is Jason Bane, but the people around here call me Jay. I was adopted at the age of 3 by who are now my mother and father, Maria and Eli Bane. They are good people with hearts of gold and they raised me well. But I’m not what you would call an average 21 year old. I’m, let’s call it, “Special”. You see, I’m not like most men my age. Most of the people my age are more interested in partying or sex, but not me. I’d much rather read or play my trusty violin. But that’s not all, I am not just a man, I am a creature of the night, I am a monster, I am a Lycan, and this is how I became the man… or beast I am today.

I remember a time, long ago, when I was oblivious to beings such as myself. Mythical beings such as Lycans, Elves, Sorcerers, and Fairies. Believing they were all just ‘make-believe’ and ‘fairy tales’. Thinking that Werewolves and Vampires were nothing but imaginary characters that my mother and father used to tell me to scare me into behaving, or going to sleep. I remember my favourite story, It was the story of ’The Trinity’. The Trinity were three sisters who swore to create a place of safety and a home for all races. They were beautiful and elegant, merciful and just. They ruled with a soft but firm grip and treated everyone with the respect and care they deserved. But they’re just Fairy tales right? Well, that’s what I used to think. But all of that changed. All of that changed on the night of my 18th birthday.

It was a cold night, the 8th of June 2006, I remember it well. I was walking in the gardens of my family home, it was a huge place. I’d say Neo-gothic architecture with a hint of art deco. Beautiful. It used to put me in mind of a surrealist horror fantasy. Anyway, I was pacing in the hedge maze, trying to clear my head, so much had happened in such a short time. My sister, Jodell, was to be married soon to a small mouse of a man, to who which I could not honestly see her attraction. My brother, Nathaniel had joined the family a year ago and so was preparing for his celebrations of a year with us. And I had been summoned to the hedge maze in the freezing cold to meet my father. The frosty breeze bit mercilessly at my ears, as I pulled up the collar on my long, brown, leather jacket. It stretched from my shoulders down to my brown boots, covering my tight black jeans and white shirt. I was getting bored quick and the cold was starting to affect me when a hand came from out of the bushes, grabbing me by the back of my jacket, and pulled me in. Whatever it was it was huge, and strong too. It was carrying me too fast to be human and its was acting as if I were nothing, I felt like a soft white feather floating on a cool summer breeze. That was, of course, until the thing stopped and I managed to see whatever it was that carried me. And boy I wish I hadn’t.

It set me down and my neck craned as I attempted to register and take in what I was seeing. Deep, glowing crimson eyes staring piercingly into mine; A long muzzle filled with razor-sharp serrated teeth; Small pointed ears poking from the top of a juggernauts head and muscles that you could crack nuts between. I was stood near the centre of a hedge maze, toe-to-toe with a Werewolf, a real live in-the-flesh Werewolf, and I had never been happier.
“Follow me,” growled the Werewolf in a familiar voice “Your destiny is decided tonight” He strolled off as he headed for the centre. Naturally I followed, I was too entranced to notice what was going on. As I entered the centre I noticed my Mother stood in front of a statue of a great Vampire hero, along with various other people stood with different statues. I was confused to say the least, but none the less I gathered up my courage and turned to the Werewolf.
“What’s going on? Why am I here?” It sounded more aggressive than I wanted it to, but it’s much too late for regrets now. I looked up at his hulking figure as he crouched to eye level with me.
“Tonight, my Son, is a very special night.” The creature said to me, as I sported a confused look in reply “Tonight, you choose your path in life. Tonight… The fairy tales come true.” He finished and then stood, with what can only be described as the Werewolf equivalent of a smile on his muzzle, and walked over to the only empty statue and turned to face me. I looked around at all of the people gathered in the centre with curious eyes. I didn’t question anything they said, I didn’t want to, this was too good to be true.
“Now, It is time for you to choose Jason.” The Werewolf declared from his perch under a large Lycan, much like himself.
“Choose what?” I asked back, as my imagination soared. If he was a Lycan… what were all the others? It was exhilarating.
“You must choose one of us to turn you, you must become one of our races. It as a rite of passage in the Bane family” The Wolf explained. At that point I began to notice all of the people stood by the statues, were my relatives, this explained why Mother was here.

I spent hours there discussing the pros and cons of all of their races; Vampires, Angels, Demons, Fairies, Sorcerers. It was just like the stories. That must have been why they were so vivid, they were true! The excitement never got the better of me as I listened intently to each of their arguments. Uncle Francois put up a rather convincing argument for the Shape Shifters, but in the end I decided that becoming a Lycanthrope, as my Father called it, was for me. Their allure drew me in. Both majestic and graceful, whilst still blood-thirsty and ravenous. I had made up my mind and nothing could change it. They all clapped and my Father nodded.
“Maria” My father growled “Take everyone for a bite to eat, I have to do this alone”
“As you wish Eli” My Mother nodded and led everyone out of the centre, kissing me on the cheek as she left. My father crouched next to me, and ruffled my hair with his massive claws.
“Remember son, “He who makes a beast out of himself, gets rid of the pain of being a man”” He spoke these philosophical words as I removed my coat and rolled up my right sleeve. I nodded approvingly to him and offered up my arm like a sacrificial lamb.
My father said a prayer and looked up at me.
“Are you ready” He whispered bearing his serrated fangs.
“As I’ll ever be” I lied thinking to myself ‘This is going to hurt like hell’.

His teeth neared my arm slowly, inch by inch he moved closer and closer. My heartbeat raced, It thudded so hard I could hear each beat emanating from my chest. His teeth touched my skin and it felt like time stopped, caught in this deciding moment of my life for what felt like an eternity. Everything was so clear to me. A perfect white dove circling above us, it’s coos soothing my restless thoughts. Divine pink Cherry Blossom petals falling gracefully around the maze, easing my racing heartbeat. I was ready now. Time began again and his inch long teeth pierced my skin, tearing through the muscle and severing the blood vessels beneath. The pain was excruciating, like a mouth-full needles jagged rusty needles being forced into my flesh. He removed his teeth quickly after enough venom had entered my blood, tearing away strips of my muscle and skin as he did so, causing me to cry out in pain. I fell to the floor in a heap, my arm pumping my crimson life force ferociously onto the gravel floor of the maze. Everything began to seem hazy as I lifted my arm to examine my wound, to my compete astonishment it was knitting itself slowly back together. My light headedness got the better of me and I collapsed into blackness. And then… nothing. No memories, no feelings, no dreams until a month later when I awoke in my room. In all honestly, that morning I had never felt better. I felt like a new man, or a new animal.

After a few months of running under my Father in his pack, I decided that I needed to explore, find new places meet new people. On the 14th of September my Father presented me with a pendant. He told me it belonged to my Father, my real Father.
“Keep this close you your heart, for it is meant for the one you truly love.” He spoke softly, handing me a large oak and rosewood case “Only she will be able to wear it, and ensure that she always does, as one day it will save her life.” He patted me on the shoulder and hugged me tightly before setting me free clutching the case. My Mother kissed me all over the face, typical mother, and then hugged me so tightly I’m sure my ribcage collapsed. I left that night and wandered for the following 3 years, meeting up with members of my family from time to time, but then I came across a kingdom, this kingdom. It drew me in with its beauty and its acceptance, just like the stories I was told. I followed the signs to a place called ‘The Hunting Grounds’ as it sounded like a good place to find some food, and I could have eaten a horse... Several horses... Or humans in fact.

I arrived at The Hunting Grounds in the middle of night, it was rush hour, well… rush hour for hungry beings to pray on humans that is. The entire ruined cityscape had a sort of downtrodden beauty to it. The whole Grounds were left a dingy shade of brown after god knows how many years of neglect and the clouds a melancholic shade of beige as they flooded the sky, blotting out the moon like it was a mere candle light. Dead bodies and hollow cars littered the streets, this place had no rules, no laws to abide by, it was kill… or be hunted. The fire light from burnt out cars flickered majestically, casting enormous shadows over the windowless walls of the countless ruined skyscrapers that littered the Grounds, sending the humans hiding there running. Walking down the street and clutching my large green duffel bag tightly I quickly realised that this was no place for relaxation, danger lurking around every corner, it was truly a massacre. I unbuttoned my black shirt, as not to ruin it, and transformed quickly into my Lycan form. I pounced up onto the second floor of a ruined building I was passing, hoping to find some safety and avoid any confrontation, but only to find a female Vampire crouched in the corner feeding. She whipped her head around hearing my landing and stood from her meal smiling and wiping her mouth clean. I felt my jaw drop as I examined her, she was stunning. Her porcelain face was the image of beauty, it seemed like it belonged on a great painters masterpiece, perfect in every way. Her eyes both entrancing and wise, a granite grey with soft pink swirls, changing colour and pattern endlessly. As I noticed she was not hostile I reverted to my human form and buttoned up my shirt swiftly. She paced towards me gracefully and I felt all of the air escape my lungs. Her long flowing red night gown swished a elegantly as she moved. I was almost translucent and her bright red underwear was clearly visible through it. I couldn't keep my eyes from wondering. She reached me and extended her hand slowly, as to not cause a threatening gesture.
“Hello there” She smiled the most dazzling smile “My name is Jinx, I‘m the Highest Trinity and this is my Kingdom” She paused waiting for a reply, I hesitated making her giggle a little, I took her hand and placed a gentle kiss upon it.
“Greetings friend, my name is Jason Bane, but…” ‘Wait a second’ I thought “Did you just say Trinity?”

Like I said… Just like the stories…
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I'm half way through chapter 1 now =P

please tell me what you think =]