Status: Disclaimer: I don't own Avenged Sevenfold, but the concept and other characters are completely mine!

A Wonderful Night


The next couple of days were going to go by extremely slow because I had just found out that Danielle, my best friend of 12 years, was taking me to an Avenged Sevenfold concert. This was already her second concert of theirs that she was going to. I looked over at her and she had a huge smile on her face. I asked her why she was smiling so hard and she said, “Well, that’s not all! We’re going to be meeting them!” Besides the ear-wrenching scream we made, we saw the excitement all over each other’s faces. Knowing that we were going to meet our babies, Johnny and Syn, the next three days were going to be complete torture! We did absolutely everything we could possibly think of to make the days go by faster. The night before the concert finally came, but it was the longest night of them all. We woke up every half-hour thinking that we had been sleeping for hours. I hated when that happened. When the sun came up; we got up, showered and ate breakfast. We left the house towards Orlando at about 10:30a.m.

Once we got to the arena, we saw that we were the first ones there just like we wanted to be. We made sure we had everything that we needed and started talking to some of the security guards. We wanted to get on the security guard’s good side because we wanted to try and get as close to our babies as we possibly could get. When the security guard told us we could go up front, we were so happy that we just jumped up and gave him a big hug. We also couldn’t stop thanking him. He just smiled and told us that it was no problem. Luckily for Danielle and I, when the security guards went in before everyone else, the guard that we had been talking to, took us in with him. We got to stand wherever we wanted which was of course where Johnny and Syn would be. We were so excited at that point that our hearts were racing really fast. When they let everyone inside, it was crazy, there were hundreds of screaming people, pushing through and trying to get up as close as they possibly could. We held onto the barricade because we were not going to let anyone move us from were we wanted to be.

Once the music started, everyone started screaming not even caring if it was or wasn’t A7X. I didn’t know any of the bands that were opening for them, but it was so exciting just to be there. Once the last band finished all there last song; it got really dark and quiet. All of the sudden there was a big flash of light and a slight drum role. Then you heard A7X start playing Bat Country and everyone, including Danielle and I, started screaming at the top of our lunges! Next thing we know Johnny and Syn are standing right in front of us! I screamed, starring up at the stage as my eyes started to water. Yes, I was crying but only because I was so happy! Danielle looked over at me, then back up at the stage with the biggest smile on her face, laughing because of my reaction. I dried my eyes and starting singing with everyone else.

As the concert went on, Danielle was giving Johnny all these seductive looks, though I was giving them to Syn as well. They kept smiling and winking at us. When I looked over at Johnny he was starring and smiling at Danielle. I got his attention and threw him a piece of paper with Danielle’s number on it. She didn’t notice what I had done. Between songs, I saw him bend down, as if he were tying his shoe and pick up the paper. He slightly looked at it, looked up and winked at her. I could feel that he liked her. Now if only Syn felt the same way that I felt about him. My daydreams were going absolutely crazy in my mind.

All of the sudden, Syn looked at me and motioned for us to go backstage. As we made our way to the side of the stage, we were almost hit by crowd surfers. At the stage were two big security guards that looked really mean, but the guys looked over and told them to go ahead and let us through. They looked down at us as we quivered. One guy smiled while the other guy laughed at our fear. As I walked up the stairs between them, Danielle clung herself to my shirt.

Walking into the darkness, I almost got lost. Danielle happened to see Rev so we stood over by him. We looked to see if we could find Syn and Johnny but we couldn’t, so we had to move around. I found a perfect spot but it almost took my breath away. Danielle moved past me to see what I was looking at and all she could see were thousands of fans everywhere! Once I got past the shock of all the people, I saw Johnny who looked over at us to see if we were enjoying ourselves and he kind of giggled at the amazement on our faces. He then walked over and stood back to back with Syn and whispered something to him that made him look back at me and smile. His smile caused my knees to weaken and made me smile back!

I don’t know if Danielle knew that I could tell that Johnny really liked her, but all I know is that she was extremely happy and couldn’t stop smiling. After a couple more songs they came backstage. The crowd cheered for an encore, so they asked us what we wanted them to play. I said, “Well, Danielle really likes ‘A Little Piece Of Heaven’ and she didn’t get to hear it at the last concert she went to.” So, just for Danielle, they went out and played that song.

All the sudden, the guys came running off stage towards the dressing room. Syn looked back at Rev and told him to bring us with him. So he grabbed us both by the arms and brought us into the dressing room. After introducing us to the rest of the band (though we already knew who they all were), he asked us what our names were. Since Danielle was still in shock I pointed to her and said, “This is my best friend, Danielle and my name is Stephanie!” They all said hi and told us we could have a seat. Everyone was sitting all over the room. Rev was drumming on his thighs. Matt and Syn grabbed a beer. Zacky started eating and Johnny was starring off in space. Rev asked us if we wanted anything to eat or drink but we said no. I did have to go to the bathroom though. I asked where it was and Syn jumped up and said he would show me. It was kind of ackward having the man of my dreams walk me to the bathroom but hey, I was alone with him. It was strange because the bathroom was way in the back of the dressing room, like in a completely different room. As Syn and I walked away, Johnny got up and sat next to Danielle. They started talking about each other’s tattoos and what inspired them to get them. I know that Danielle was really interested in why he got his skull cowboy that was on the left side of his neck.

When I was done in the bathroom I came out to Syn starring at me. It was a deep stare, so sexy and seductive. I just wanted to jump his bones right then and there. I told him that he didn’t have to wait for me but he said there was no problem and besides he wanted to. He came really close to me, very slowly, looking into my eyes. As he handed me his beer, he pressed his body against mine which made my spine shiver, but quickly moved around me asking me to hold on a second. While he was in the bathroom, I gave the door a dirty look. Knowing he was teasing me made me want him even more. As he came out of the bathroom, I backed up against the wall where he came closer to get his beer. I stood there looking into his eyes, not realizing I was seductively biting my lip. As he got closer and closer to me, I could feel the slight warmth from his mouth on my face. Starring in each other’s eyes, as we came in closer to complete the last bit of space between our lips. Matt yelled, “Hey Syn, we got to get out there for the fans!” I closed my eyes and softly said “damn” as he took a swallow of beer and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I felt so happy to be walking side by side with him holding me. When we walked out, we found everyone ready to go outside and take pictures!

Danielle and Johnny were spending more time together then they actually realized. They were constantly making each other laugh though no one was sure what they were laughing about. All we know is that they were happy. They were both to shy to try and hold each other’s hand but everyone could tell that they wanted to. All of the sudden, Rev walked by Johnny and bumped him a little, which made him hold onto Danielle’s hand. They looked at each other and smiled. When we got to the table where all the guys sat to sign autographs, Danielle and I stood behind them. I whispered to Danielle, “Well?” She told me that Johnny was even more amazing then she thought and asked me about Syn. I said, “He almost kissed me!” We turned to each other and made a tiny, little squeal. Zacky and Rev heard us but just smiled. We were so happy and didn’t even know what was to come.

After they did autographs and pictures with some of the other fans, we got out pictures and then the guys invited us back to the dressing room. Walking back, Zacky brought up the idea of having a party on the tour bus. All the guys agreed it was a good idea. Zacky asked if we were old enough to drink but Johnny said that even if we were, nobody was going to know or find out about it. Once we got into the dressing room everyone started grabbing the food and drinks. Separately, everyone started leaving and heading to the bus. Zacky left first, then Rev, Johnny and Danielle. Then Matt, with his hands full said, “Do you guys have the rest of it?” Syn said, “Yea! Go ahead, I’ll lock up.” Once Matt left, we packed some of the last few things.

While in the room with Syn, I asked, “So, you guys really love what you do, don’t you?” He said, “Yea, we do, why?” I said quickly, “Oh nothing, you just can really tell by the way you guys play.” There was an unexpected pause. Then Syn said, “So your friend Danielle really has Johnny going crazy!” Kind of confused, I said, “She does? I know she has really liked him for a while now.” He said, “Yea! He’s never acted so happy and smiled so much. He must really like her.” We both looked up and smiled at each other. As we walked out of the room and he started closing the door, I saw that I left my bag inside on the couch. I told him and he went in and got it for me. Standing out in the hall, I looked around but there was no one, anywhere to be seen. As I turned around to look and see what was taking Syn so long, I bumped into him as he came out of the room. It was fast and unstoppable but we just laughed and apologized about it. Since my hands were full, he put my bag on my shoulder for me and then we walked out to the bus.

When we got out there, we found everyone was already drinking, so we grabbed a beer and joined them. Danielle asked, what took us so long. I said, “I forgot my bag in the dressing room.” Once we all had a beer, I sat down and started talking to Danielle, Johnny, Zacky and Rev. We all started laughing because Rev was joking around with Johnny who said, “No man, I don’t like you like that!” So out of nowhere Rev said fine and took Zacky’s face in both hands and kissed him. Zacky’s face turned so red. It was so funny. In the mean time, while Rev was messing around with Johnny and Zacky trying to get us to laugh, Matt and Syn went in the back to talk. The beer was definitely working on getting everyone loosened up. Danielle and Johnny were definitely starting to get closer and play with each other’s hands a lot more. They hadn’t kissed yet but that wasn’t a bad thing. They wanted to get to know each other better.

Next thing I know, I saw Syn going outside for a cigarette. I got up trying to get my cigarettes out of my bag to go have one with him, but Matt called me back to talk to me. As I came back into the room, Matt said, “Hey! What do you think about Syn?” I said, “I like him. I think he’s a great guy. Why?” He said hesitantly, “Well, he likes you.” Kind of shocked I said, “Oh, how do you know?” He laughed and said, “Well, I’ve known him for a long time now and he always tells me his feelings.” I grinned and said, “Oh, so you’re telling me that earlier wasn’t a joke? He looked at me like he was confused and said, “What about earlier?” I mentioned, “Right before you called him to go outside for the fans, he almost kissed me.” He said very surprised, “Wow oh yea, that was real. He isn’t the kind of person to just go around trying to kiss anyone.” I smiled and said, “Wow. Thanks for telling me!” He came close and put his arm around my should and said, “No problem. He is really a great guy and he may have a bad-ass exterior but he does have feelings. You would make him really happy. Want to go out for a cigarette now?” As a my eyes started to water, I said, “Yeah thanks, but could you give me 5 - 10 minutes? I want to talk to Syn.” He said, “No problem” with a big smile on his face. I got up and gave Matt a hug and said, “Thanks!”

I then started walking through the bus to go outside. I needed to talk to Syn but I wasn’t sure how I was going to ask him what I needed to ask him. When I walked outside and closed the door I asked Syn if I could join him. He said, “Yea sure!” He looked so sexy just sitting there on the picnic table with his head down. As I sat on the table with him, I lit my cigarette. I asked him if he was alright because it looked as if something was bothering him. He said, “Yea, I’m great. What about you? I said, “I’m good. Can I ask you something?” Still looking at the ground he said, “Anything…” Nervous and hesitantly I asked him if he liked me. Syn’s head popped up and his eyes widened. Looking at him I said, “Sorry. I just have this feeling that we have some kind of connection.” He said, “Steph, truthfully, yes I do.” As I started to stand up I said, “Oh!” I walked in front of him and stood between his legs. He said, “I didn’t want to freak you out earlier by trying to kiss you but I just couldn’t help it.” I put my finger over his mouth and softly said, “Shhh…”. With him was looking at me, I looked into his eyes and came in to kiss him. Our lips touched and it was so amazing. He was so strong but so soft, at the same time and his lips made me melt into his arms. He brought his hands up my back as they ran through my hair. Putting them one the side of my neck. Holding my back, he brought me closer. Then Matt came outside. All we could do was smile at each other even though our eyes were closed. Matt said, “Everything alright guys?” I said, “Yes!” and Syn said, “Everything’s wonderful!” smiling at me. Matt came out and sat next to us and lit his cigarette. I sat back down next to Syn. He grabbed my hand and rested our hands on his knee. I kind of wrapped myself around his arm. He looked over at Matt and without me seeing, said, “Thanks!” Matt just smiled and patted him on the shoulder, as if it were to mean, that’s what brother’s are for. When Matt finished his cigarette we all went back inside. Everyone could that Syn and I were holding hands. Danielle smiled at me. Syn and I found a seat next to Danielle and Johnny and we all continued to talk. Rev continued trying to make everyone laugh. He was so funny and really sweet!

About an hour later, Zacky got up and poured everyone a shot of vodka. We all took it at the count of three. Within the next hour Zacky, Rev and Matt had about 15 more. The guys were so drunk that they just passed out. Danielle and Johnny were getting really close. One minute they were complementing each other and the next they had their tongues down each other’s throats. I knew Danielle wanted more. But once Johnny started putting his hands up Danielle’s skirt, Syn and I decided it was time to go outside. We knew that they were having fun and that they really liked each other.

We didn’t want to disturb them so we stayed outside. It was kind of cold so Syn wrapped his arms around me. I felt so wanted when I was with him. The other guys were so cool and loving that they automatically felt like best friends to me. It felt like all in that one night of meeting them, that we had formed this relationship that could never be broken and it made me so happy. Danielle was definitely happy too. Syn and I talked for what seemed like hours. We were really getting to know each other a lot better.

Finally about an hour and a half later, Danielle and Johnny came outside for a cigarette. We told Syn and Johnny that we had a great time and to keep in touch with us. Johnny had Danielle’s number and I gave Syn mine. They walked us out to the truck, as we stood there and held each other for a while, kissed them and then got in the truck. We didn’t want to leave them but they both promised that they would keep in touch. So we said goodbye and drove off slowly.

Both Danielle and I started crying on the way back home. We were so happy to have met them. Better then that, our babies liked us as much as we liked them. When we got home and we crawled in bed, I got a text but I didn’t recognize the number. It said, “I had fun baby, can’t wait to see you again! Hope you got home safe! Love, Syn” I replied, “I had fun too. Yes, we got home safe. Can’t wait to see you either.” He said, “Ok, good. I’ll call you tomorrow. Well, I’m going to get some sleep. Goodnight!” I said, “Ok. Sweet dreams. Goodnight!” He said, “…Ohhh they will be.” I replied, “Awww… LOL!” Even though I loved talking to him, I was glad that he wanted to get to sleep. I didn’t want to pass out between text messages and have him think I was upset or that something was wrong. I fell asleep cradling my phone against my chest.

The next morning I woke up and Danielle was already up. She wasn’t in bed but she was out on the couch with her head in her hands. I asked her what was wrong and she said, “Was last night real? It feels like just a dream.” I sat there in amazement, thinking the same thing she was. Could that wonderful night have just been a dream? Danielle, then, looked at her phone to see what time it was. She found that she had a text but she didn’t know the number. When she read it, it said, “Hey baby! Last night was amazing! Can’t wait to see you again. Love, Johnny” At that moment she started crying and grabbed me and hugged me saying, “It was real, it really was!” I then looked in my phone and saw that the text messages from Syn were really there. I said to her, “That really was a wonderful night!”