The Weeping Angels

Don't Blink

“Did you hear that?” The girl pushed herself up from the wet grass and glanced around the darkness surrounding them.

“Hear what babe?” A slender man shifted his position and watched her. He reached out and ran his fingers along her soft skin.

The girl pulled a face and sat upright, still searching for whatever she had heard. “Stop it Mike,” she ran her hand through her hair. “I’m serious, I heard something.”

“Babe, we’re outside, at night. Of course you gonna hear something,” he laughed deeply and pulled her back down to him. “Now little Sarah, are you going to give me that kiss?”

Sarah shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, “Maybe it was just a squirrel.” She leant over and smiled at her companion.

“Exactly.” Mike grinned at her, his white teeth bright against his dark skin.

Sarah leant down and kissed him, softly at first.


She jerked backwards and glanced around again nervously. “Okay, that was no squirrel.” Her voice shook slightly. “How about we just go back to your place. Do this some other time eh?”

Mike pushed himself up on his elbows, “Well, maybe it’s something bigger than a squirrel.” He glanced around too, searching furtively for the source of the noise.


Sarah pulled her jacket tight around her and scrambled to her feet. “Mike, please, let’s just leave,” she begged.

Mike frowned as he stood and grabbed his jacket from where it lay on the damp ground. “Yeah, yeah. We’re going okay?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “Knowing this place, it’s probably some crazy psychopath who just wants to watch us coz he can’t get any.” He laughed, quietly, nervously.

“This is so not the time to be making jokes.” Sarah glared at him. “I just want to leave,”

“And we are babe.” Mike kissed her forehead and they walked quickly from the park.

The gate squeaked and groaned loudly as they walked through it, not bothering to close it behind them.

“Hey, I didn’t notice that before.” Mike stopped and stared at the statue nestled among a bed of ivy.

Sarah shivered as she stared at it. Its slender stone hands covered its eyes as if it were weeping. The grey wings rose gracefully from its back. It looked so lonely and lost there in amongst the plant. “It wasn’t there when we came here.” She paused and lowered her gaze. “Please Mike, this is just creepy. I want to leave.”

Mike turned to look at her and squeezed her shoulders. “Babe, it’s just a statue. It can’t move by itself…” his voice trailed off as he looked back at the statue.

It was standing beside him, its mouth open wide to reveal sharp, razor like teeth.

“Oh God,” Mike whispered.

Sarah lifted her head and screamed. “Mike!”

They stumbled backwards, staring at the statue in open horror.

“Ahh!” Sarah screamed again as she tripped over her own feet. Mike fell with her.

They looked up quickly as they hit the cold, hard pavement. The angel towered above them, its expression demonic.

“What is this?” Mike cried and blinked.

Sarah screamed and pushed herself to her feet. Mike had disappeared before her eyes. All that was left was his jacket.

She turned and ran, her sandals slapping loudly against and pavement as she pushed herself faster.

But she was not fast enough.

The last thing she knew was the touch of a cold, stone hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is a story that I had actually started writing a couple of years ago I believe. But I took it down for some reason I can't remember.
Anyway, I'm going to start it again, only I've re-written it :)

Hope you enjoy.