The Weeping Angels

Statue in the Shadow

“How’d it go?” Emma leaned against the doorframe as Eric hung up.


“With that person, um, Martha Jones.”

“Oh, yeah, she can’t come in until next week. Apparently she’s off on some assignment or something. I didn’t really understand what she was talking about.” Eric shook his head and turned to his computer. “She’ll call and let us know when she’s available.”

“So that’s it?” Emma sighed dramatically. “Right, so do you have anything I can do now?”

“You could always write up some reports or something.” Eric smirked.

“Or something equally as thrilling.” Emma groaned and walked back to her desk.

Eric rubbed his hands over his face and let out a long sigh. Today was a slow day. At least it was nearly five. Only a couple more hours to go and they would all be able to go home and sleep. Eric leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. His body relaxed into the comfortable shape of the chair and he stretched slowly. He could hear the bones in his body popping and he grimaced. It had been so long since he had last gone to the gym. Perhaps that is what he would do tonight.

“See you tomorrow.” Eric waved as he walked quickly from the office. He drove home quickly, changed and then drove to the gym.

“Haven’t seen you in a while.” The attendant smiled as he passed Eric a key to a locker. “Been busy at work?”

“You have no idea.” Eric smiled as he walked off to the lockers. He stuffed his things into the one allocated him and then moved to the only free treadmill. He pulled his ipod from his pocket and slipped the earphones into his ears. He breathed deeply as he settled into an easy rhythm. The music from the earphones blocked out the sounds of the people around him – the breathing, the thumping of their feet against the treadmills, the grunts from the other side of the room where people were lifting weights. He pushed everything from his mind, thinking only of the music and the steady pumping of his heart.

Eric stretched as he walked towards the change rooms. He was covered in sweat and he could feel it trickling down his face and back. But it felt good. His muscles burned, but Eric relished the feeling, the knowledge that he had pushed his body to its limit. He turned the cold water on and stepped under the showerhead. He stood still for several minutes before stepping out, drying and dressing.

“Come again soon? Perhaps a little sooner than last time?” The attendant grinned as Eric walked out.

Eric had almost reached his car when he stopped and turned around. Just in the shadows of the building was a tall statue. One hand was stretched out and the face was covered by the other arm. Eric frowned as he stared. He was sure that it hadn’t been there as he had walked in. He shook his head. It had to have been. He just hadn’t noticed it because he had been so focused on getting to exercise. He’d have to ask next time he was here why they would choose to have a statue of an angel like that outside the gym.

He laughed slightly as he got into his car. “What kind of statues should they have?” He asked himself as he turned the car on and backed out. Eric turned the car and drove out of the small car-park. He had been lucky to get a spot in here today. From the corner of his eye, he saw the statue, but completely didn’t register that its face was no longer covered.