The Weeping Angels

Early Morning News

Eric woke sore the next morning. He smiled tightly as he groaned and stretched. He padded into the kitchen and turned on the kettle before taking a quick hot shower. He turned on his TV before going back to his room to dress for the day. The jingle for the early morning news played and Eric buttoned his shirt as he walked into the living room.

“This morning, police are investigating a mass disappearance at a gym.”

Eric froze as the camera switched to a shot of the gym he had been at last night.

“Police were alerted of this strange incident this morning by one of the gym’s morning patrons. As of yet, there is no clue as to what happened here or when it happened, though police suspect it occurred sometime during the night.” The anchor was back infront of the screen. “But now for today’s weather outlook.”

Eric ran into his room and searched frantically for his mobile. He quickly found Emma’s number and rang it. The phone rang four times before she picked up.

“Eric?” she yawned.

“Have you seen the news?” Eric’s heart was racing. That statue last night.

“No, you just woke me up.” Emma sighed and Eric could hear her getting out of bed. “Why?”

“There was a mass disappearance last night at the gym I go to.”


Eric stamped his foot. “The Angels Emma! I saw one there, but I didn’t notice it. It was there when I was there!”

“So why are you still here?” Emma still sounded half asleep.

“I saw it as I was leaving the gym.”

“Look, I’ll be into work soon.” Emma said shortly, “You can tell me more then.”

Eric rubbed his hands over his face and stuffed the things he would need for the day into his bag. His stomach growled and he made his way back to the kitchen. Eric made himself a cup of tea and some cereal. He ate absentmindedly, his thoughts completely focussed on the statue. “I saw it.” He muttered over and over as he walked into the bathroom to clean his teeth.

He got to work faster than usual and sat at his desk, waiting for Emma to arrive.

“Did you hear about what happened?” Jack, the cleaner, asked.

“At the gym? Yeah. I’m waiting for Emma before we go check it out.” Eric ran his hands through his hair. He still hadn’t bothered to do anything about a haircut. He tapped his fingers on the desk and turned on his computer. There was an email from his supervisor, Richard, waiting for him. It was about the Angels. Eric opened the file attachment and printed out the information that had been sent.

He was still reading it when Emma walked into the office. “So, what happened?” Emma dropped her bag on his desk and sat down.

Eric handed her the papers to read. “I went to the gym last night, because I hadn’t in so long. Been caught up in all this crap.” Eric made a face. “When I was leaving I saw this statue, it was an angel and it had its face covered. But I didn’t think anything of it at the time, I was just glad to have finally made it to the gym.”

“How many people were there when you left?”

“I’d say about ten. Including the people who worked there.”

Emma nodded, “Shall we then?”

Eric stood and pulled his jacket on, following Emma out to the car park. They drove in silence to the gym. It was swarming with people milling around, most of them doing nothing at all.

“Eric!” Richard called and waved them over. “So, do you think it was them?”

Eric nodded. “Probably.”

“Where was the Angel Eric?” Emma asked.

Richard raised his eyebrows.

“I was here last night.” Eric explained. “I came here after work and I think I might have seen the Angel when I left.” He walked over to the place where he had seen it. The grass was pressed down slightly and there was a faint imprint on the ground. “Here.”

“How big was it?” Emma asked, squatting down to look closer at the ground.

“Oh, it would’ve been about my height, maybe taller.”

Emma stared up at him. “Seriously? Jesus.”

“So you were here last night Eric?” Richard asked. “How many people were here when you left?”

“I think there were about ten.” Eric replied. He glanced around him. “Are those just the cars that were here this morning?” He gestured towards the car park.


“What about the person who came this morning? Are they still here?”

Richard pointed over towards the chairs near the door.

Eric walked over and sat down. “Hi, I’m Detective Eric Palmer. Would I be able to ask you a few questions?”

“Sure, I’m Rose Fletcher.” She stuck out her hand and Eric shook it.

“So, what time did you get here this morning?”

“About six-thirty. That’s what time I usually come, so I can have a workout before work because I don’t have enough time afterwards.”

“I know what you mean.” Eric laughed slightly under his breath. Rose smiled. “So why did you call the police?”

“Well, the place was open and there were all those cars out there so I just assumed it was open as usual. But when I got inside there was nobody there and everything seemed to be in a mess. So I rang the police.” Rose sighed. “I called work and told them I might not be in today. That’s what that man over there told me.” She pointed at the back of a man in uniform. “He said I would be wanted for questioning for a while.” She turned to Eric, “He made it sound as if I was involved somehow.”

“Well, you might be wanted for questioning, but I highly doubt that anyone thinks you did this. It’s just that you were the first on the scene.”

“So do you have any idea what might have happened?”

Eric nodded slowly. “Yep, I have a pretty damn good idea.”

“Can you tell me?” Rose gave him a small smile. “I was here first.”

Eric chuckled and stood. “Perhaps later. I’ve got to talk with my colleague now.” He shook Rose’s hand and hurried over to Emma.

“Anything useful? Did she see anything?”

Eric shook his head. “No, I think it would’ve happened just after I left.”

“So, why did they let you go?” Emma asked. “Why didn’t they take you as well?”
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It's really annoying, nearly everytime I type Angel I type Angle instead, so I'm sorry if there are typos with that word, I'm pretty sure I correct them all, but I might miss some :S