The Weeping Angels


“I still don’t understand why they didn’t zap you away as well.” Emma sighed as she sat down in the chair opposite Eric’s desk.

“And you think that I do?” Eric asked as he slung his jacket over the back of his chair.

“Seriously Eric, you shouldn’t be here anymore.” Emma leaned forwards and rested her elbows on his desk.

Eric rolled his eyes at her as he sat down and turned on his computer. “Maybe I’m not interesting enough for them. Maybe they have some sort of criteria that needs to be filled.” He chuckled slightly under his breath.

“I’m being serious Eric.” Emma glared at him.

“Why do you care so much anyway?” Eric asked exasperatedly. “I’m still here, it didn’t happen. Move on.”

Emma’s cheeks tinged the faintest red and she pushed herself away from the desk. “Is there anything you want me to do?”

Eric shrugged. “Just go over the files the police gave us, see if there is anything there.”

“You know there won’t be.” Emma spoke over her shoulder as she walked away.

“How could I forget?” Eric muttered. He sighed loudly and scratched his hands through his hair. This case was going nowhere, and it didn’t seem as if it would ever move forwards. He glanced at the phone, there were no messages, obviously Martha Jones was still busy. “We need to find The Doctor.” Eric mumbled and turned on his computer.

“Nothing.” Emma sauntered into his office an hour later. “Just like I said.”

“I know.” Eric tapped at the keyboard.

“Then why make me do it?”

“To give you something to do.” Eric sighed. “Quite obviously there isn’t much to do on this case. You should’ve noticed that by now.”

“How could I not?” Emma sat down and tapped her fingers on the desk. “Has she gotten in contact yet? Martha I mean.”

“No, nothing.”

“But we need her.”

“How do you know she’s going to be of any use?” Eric turned away from his computer and leaned back in his chair.

“Well, she appears to be the only one who knows how to get in contact with The Doctor. And apparently he knows how to deal with these things.” Emma sighed and looked away. She chewed on her lip as she thought. “What happens if we solve this case?”

“What?” Eric frowned.

“What do we do?” Emma glanced down at her fingers as they played with the edge of the desk.

“We go back to our regular jobs. Thankgod.” Eric laughed quietly.

“So you’ll go back to the other office?” Emma leaned back in the chair but didn’t look at him.

Eric shrugged. “No idea. Maybe not, I kinda like it here. Well, except for the case that is.”

Emma laughed quietly. “Damn, I was hoping you’d be leaving.”

“Well, maybe I will.” Eric smiled. “Let’s go get lunch. There’s nothing to do here at the moment.”

“Sure.” Emma stood and walked out of his office.

Eric grabbed his jacket and followed. They walked together to the small cafe just down the street from the office. “I’ve never been here before.” Eric said dubiously as they stepped inside. “Is it any good?”

“Yeah, I love it.” Emma smiled as she took a seat by the window. “They do excellent coffee here.”

They ordered and sat in silence until the drinks came.

“What do you want to do after the case?” Eric asked as he took a cautious sip of the coffee. He raised his eyebrows and drank some more.

“Told you it was good.” Emma smirked. She stirred some sugar into hers and leaned back in her chair. “Not sure. Maybe take a holiday.”

Eric laughed. “Yeah, a holiday would be good.” He paused, “I haven’t had a proper holiday in a while.”

“I’m not surprised.” Emma commented.


Emma shrugged “You just don’t seem the holiday type.”

“Huh,” Eric frowned. “Maybe it’s because I haven’t taken one in so long.”

“Why not?”

“Busy. I’ve taken breaks, but I’ve always just stayed in London. I haven’t been outside of England in eight years.”

“Wow.” Emma stared at him for a moment before looking down at her coffee. “Do you want to?”

“Sure. There’s still heaps I want to see. I just don’t know when I’ll have time.” Eric said slowly. The food arrived then and they ate some before talking again.

“Do you think they’ll promote us if we solve the case?” Emma asked.

Eric shrugged “No idea, depends on what mood they’re in I guess.” He chuckled.

Emma grinned, “Yeah, I suppose it does. But seriously, I think they should have to.”


“Because we’ve worked goddamn hard on this, and it’ll be bloody brilliant if we do solve it.” Emma smiled.

“Yeah, it would.” Eric smiled thoughtfully. “You know, this food isn’t half bad. I should come here more often.”

“Nu-uh.” Emma shook her head. “This is my place. Go find your own.”

“You brought me here.” Eric countered. “It’s your own fault if I come back.”

Emma sighed “I guess.” She smiled deviously “But I won’t give in without a fight.”

“I didn’t expect you to.” Eric laughed.

Emma held his gaze for a moment before glancing away. “We should probably head back soon.”

Eric glanced at his watch. “Yeah,” he grimaced. “We’ve been here two hours.”

Emma didn’t reply, but stood and walked over to the counter.

“Hey,” Eric quickly stood and hurried over. “I’m paying.”

Emma opened her mouth to oppose, but shut it after a moment and moved out of the way. She grabbed Eric’s jacket from the chair as he paid. They walked out in silence.

“Oh joy, back to work.” Emma muttered as they walked into the office.

“Attitude.” Eric grinned.

“Whatever.” Emma walked quickly to her desk and sat down.

Eric frowned and stood still for a moment, watching her, before he shrugged and walked into his office.