The Weeping Angels

Judith Hall

Emma blinked slowly and then gave a short laugh. “Yeah, nice one Eric. I’ve got work to do.” She tossed the papers back at Eric and stood to leave.

“I’m serious.” Eric leaned forwards and rested his elbows on the desk. “I even confirmed it with your mother this morning.”

Emma turned and stared at him. “My mother knew? She knew and she never told me?”

“Well, she actually didn’t know before this morning.” Eric frowned and paused before going on. “Actually, she did know, she just didn’t think it was true, which is why she never told you.”

“Huh,” Emma sat down again and picked up the folder from the desk. She stared at the pieces of paper and then glanced up at Eric. “So does this change anything? I mean, I am off the case or whatever?” she rushed on before Eric could reply. “Because I think that would be really unfair. It isn’t as if this is a murder case or anything-”

“Emma, shut up.” Eric rolled his eyes at her. “Of course I’m not going to take you off the damn case.” He reached over and snatched the folder from her hands. “Get back to work.”

Emma paused from a moment and opened her mouth to say something, but thought better of it and walked out of the room.

Eric pushed his fingers through his hair and rested his forehead against the desk. She had taken it much easier than he thought she would. She definitely took it much better than he was taking it. Even now it seemed baffling.

There was a knock on the door and Emma walked back in. “Something wrong?” she asked, seeing him half lying on the desk.

“No.” Eric replied shortly, pushing himself up in his seat.

“Whatever. Get up, we’re going out.” Emma reached behind his chair and grabbed his jacket. She skipped towards the door and waved it. “Come along Grandpa. The world doesn’t wait for you.”

Eric glared at her retreating form as she walked from the office. His mind wandered slightly as he watched her hips sway as she walked.


He shook his head and pushed himself out of his chair.

Emma stood with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot as she waited for him to move. “I’m waiting.”

Eric snatched his jacket from her hands and hurried out to his car. “What this time?”

“Apparently another person has just turned up claiming that they were, quote, ‘touched by an angel and transported back in time.’” Emma grinned as she read through the pages. “Apparently everyone thought she was on a drug trip or something.” She glanced over at Eric, still smiling. “Imagine that, a granny tripping.” She tilted her head back and laughed.

“Hilarious.” Eric replied.

“Oh, get a sense of humour.” Emma stopped laughed and jabbed her fingers in the direction they needed to go.

Eric cleared his throat as he stared at the old woman sitting across from them. She claimed to be named Judith Hall, born in 1995. “So, you landed in what year exactly?”

“1969, just like I told the other people.” She stared desperately at Emma. “Why won’t anyone believe me?”

“We believe you.” Emma smiled comfortingly, reaching out and patting Judith’s hand. “Trust me.”

Eric smiled tightly. “Do you know what day it was in 2009 that you disappeared?”

“Of course. How could I forget? I was standing outside park near my home, staring at this pretty statue. My mother called out to me, I turned around and then all of a sudden I’m in 1969.”

“But what day was it here?”

Judith glanced around them room.

“It’s May fifth.” Emma said, knowing what the woman was after.

“The fifth?” Judith asked, her eyes wide. “It was only hours ago then. It happened this morning.”

Eric frowned and leaned forwards in his seat. “This morning?”

“Yes, that’s what I said.” Judith snapped.

“Can you show us?”

She paused. “Yes, yes I can.”

They all walked out to Eric’s car and Judith directed them to the park. Eric walked around the perimeter searching for the statue.

“It was right here. My house is just there, the one with the red door.” Judith’s hands trembled. “Can I see my mother?” She laughed. “I’m older than her now.”

Emma looked to Eric but he ignored her. “Here?” He asked Judith, pointing to a spot beside the park gate. Judith nodded. Eric leant closer and examined the area. There was no visible evidence that a statue had ever been there.

“Can I see my mother?” Judith asked again, tugging on Eric’s jacket sleeve.

He thought for a moment and sighed. “Yes.” He turned to Emma. “Go with her, just to help with the explaining.”

Emma nodded and the pair walked off towards Judith’s house.

It was a while before she returned, sans Judith. Eric raised his eyebrows.

“Her Mum was a bit shocked at first, understandably. But now they’re getting along just fine.” She glanced around her at the park. “Find anything?”

“Nothing. No sign that there was ever a statue here.” He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. “Did you get some information from Judith?”

“Yeah,” Emma replied as they started to walk back to the car. “I’ll write up the report when we get back.”

“No, I’ll do that.”

Emma stamped her foot and hit Eric on the arm. “No.” She rolled her eyes and backed off a bit when she saw that Eric had no intention of backing down. “Fine, but I’m helping you. You can’t hog all the work you know.”

“Wanna bet?” Eric smirked as they drove off.
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This will be the last update for a little while. I'm going to England in a couple of days to spend Christmas and New Years with relatives.
So I just wanted to update all of my stories before I go :)