The Weeping Angels


“Anything interesting?” A man called from his desk as Emma and Eric entered.

“Scintillating.” Emma replied, rolling her eyes at the older colleague. Her phone rang loudly from her desk and she glowered. “Don’t start anything until I’m finished with this okay? Eric!”

Eric nodded absently as his continued into his office. Nothing in this case seemed to add up. How could statues be transporting people back in time? He rested his head in his hands as he waited for Emma to finish with whoever was on the phone. “God I hope it isn’t another person who has disappeared.” He muttered as his fingers massaged at his temples. It had only been a few weeks since he had first been put onto this case, but it felt more like years.

Emma didn’t bother to knock as she walked into the room and sat down infront of him. Eric looked up slowly and took in her puzzled expression. “Who was it?” He asked without really caring.

“A girl who said she had been there when the Angels were here last time.”

Eric sat up straighter “Last time?” he parroted.


“How old is she?”

“Well, she didn’t sound very old, thirties maybe.” Emma pursed her lips. “So that would mean that she wasn’t sent back?”

Eric nodded. “What was her name? Did she say?”

Emma glanced down at the piece of paper in her hands “Sally Nightingale.”

“What else did she say?” Eric was leaning forwards, trying to catch a glimpse of the paper and what Emma had written down.

“She said that we could come and talk to her about it tomorrow. She read something about it in the paper, did a bit of research and found who was working on the case, then rang here.”


“Yes, do you think you can survive that long Gramps?” Emma smiled sweetly at him.

Eric ignored her teasing and grabbed and paper that she was holding out to him. He squinted to try and read Emma’s quick scribble. “Is that the address?”

“Yes, can’t you read it? Maybe you should invest in some glasses, I’m pretty sure that eyesight gets worse as you get older.”

Eric glanced up at her, “Maybe you should learn to write.”

“Oh wow, I think that might be the first time that you have actually had a comeback. Well done.” She clapped her hands together mockingly.

“Emma, you do realise that I have the power to take you off this case if I want to don’t you?”

“I don’t think you would do that.” Her smile dripped with false sincerity. “You wouldn’t be able to manage by yourself.”

“Well we don’t seem to be getting anywhere with you on the case either.” Eric stared straight at her, not allowing her to drop her gaze from his.

“Touchy today? Better get some sleep tonight so that you’re not rude to Sally.” Emma spoke shortly and walked out of the room.

Eric barely contained the urge to stick his tongue out at her. He shook his head and smiled ruefully, Emma’s childish nature seemed to be rubbing off on him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, update.
Yes, that is Sally Sparrow I am bringing in. This story is obviously set a few years after the last Angels were around and Sally has married Lawernce or whatever his name was (I can't seem to remember so if you do, please tell me :) ).
Anyway, sorry that this was so short, but hopefully it will suffice for the moment :)