The Weeping Angels

Sally's Tale

Eric drummed his fingers on the desk. He checked his watch. Sally Nightingale was late. He sighed heavily and turned to his computer. Emma sat opposite him, waiting for her mobile to ring and Sally to say that she was here. Emma’s foot jiggled impatiently and Eric chuckled quietly to himself.

“What’s funny?” Emma huffed, pushing her hair from her eyes. The foot continued to bounce up and down as she stared at him. Eric shook his head and tapped away at the keyboard. Emma’s mobile buzzed and she hurriedly answered it.

“Yeah, be there in a moment.” She hung up and smiled. “She’s here. I’ll go get her.”

Eric leaned back in his chair and exhaled slowly. Sally Nightingale was here. She would be able to tell them what she knew about the Angels, if she knew anything.

A skinny blonde woman walked into the room behind Emma. Eric stood and shook hands with her. Sally sat in the seat indicated and looked questioningly at Eric.

Eric cleared his throat and looked at Emma. She shrugged and sat next to Sally. “I’m Detective Eric Palmer. You’ve met Emma obviously.”

Sally nodded. “Well, obviously you know who I am.”

“Uh, yes.” Eric scratched the back of his neck. “So, you were here when the Angels were last around?”

“Yes.” Sally scooped up her long curly hair and tied it back. “But I thought he had taken care of everything.”

“He?” Emma asked, leaning forwards slightly.

Sally looked at both of them. “The Doctor.”

Eric glanced at Emma and saw she was just as puzzled as he was. “Doctor Who?”

Sally shook her head and smiled. “Just The Doctor.”

“He’s called The Doctor?” Emma asked, her lips spreading in a smile.

“Yes.” Sally leaned forwards and propped her elbows on the desk. “See, my friend Cathy was taken by the Angels. They sent her back to 1920.”

“1920’s? I thought they only went to 1969?” Eric glanced down at the papers infront of him to check if he was right. Which he was.

“No, each Angel sends you to a different time. Perhaps there is only one Angel around now.” Sally pulled the papers towards her and read them quickly. She glanced at Emma and raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

“So, who is The Doctor?” Emma persisted.

“He’s a Time Lord.”

“A what?” Eric interrupted.

“A Time Lord.” Sally repeated. “He travels through time and space. Only when I first met him he was stuck in 1969 because he’d been touched by an Angel. We saved him in a way.” She smiled at the memory. “Or at least helped him.”

“Who’s ‘we’?” Eric asked.

“Larry and I. He’s my husband now.” Sally smiled to herself as she said that.

Eric cleared his throat and Sally smiled at him sweetly. “So, this Doctor, where is he?”

Sally laughed. “Where is he?” She shook her head as if Eric were stupid. “He’s a time traveler. How am I supposed to know where he is?”

Eric sighed. “Well, do you know of any way that we would be able to reach him?”

Sally sat silent. “It’s been a few years now. But, you might just be able to contact him through Martha Jones.”

“Who is Martha Jones?” Eric asked, impatience seeping into his voice.

“She was his companion at the time. She travelled with him and was stuck in 1969 when he was. We met up a few times after she stopped travelling with him. I’m not sure how she found me, but she did. Probably comes from being with him.” Sally rubbed her forehead as she spoke, deep in thought. “I should have her number with me.” She fished around in her bag and brought out a phone. She searched through it for a few moments before writing down a number. “There you go. Just tell her that you spoke to me and she should help you.”

“Thank you.” Eric spoke softly as he slid the number closer to his phone. “Is there anything else you can tell us?”

“Um, like what?” Sally blinked slowly.

“Like, what are they?” Emma asked eagerly.

Sally shrugged. “The Doctor said they were creatures of the abstract. It made sense then, but as time has gone on….” She laughed and shook her head again. “Anyway, you should call Martha and see if she can help you. She once told me that she was able to contact him, but she never explained what she meant by that.” She looked at Eric and then Emma. “I’m sorry but I’m going to have to go now. I hope I’ve been of some help, but if you ever need anything more you can just call me okay?”

“Sure.” Eric stood and walked with Sally to the door. “Thank you very much for coming in to see us.”

“No problem.” She smiled widely at him, waved to Emma and walked out of the building.

“So,” Emma began as he walked back into his office. “Any clues?”

“Well, we have this Martha Jones who could lead us to The Doctor” He shook his head.

“You don’t sound as if you believe in him.” Emma grinned.

“A time traveler?” He laughed. “Come on.”

“Anything is possible.” Emma reminded him. “Just look at these Angels. I mean, before this I would never had thought any of this kind of thing to be possible. But obviously it is. So the Doctor must be real. The only question is how and if we can get him to come and help us.”

“True.” He glanced at Emma. “Look at you.”

“What about me?” She asked and spun around nervously. “What’s wrong?”

Eric laughed. “I’m talking about the Angels Emma.”

“Oh.” Her face flushed red and she turned to walk out of the office.

“I’ll let you know when I get hold of Martha Jones.” Eric called after her.

“Right.” Emma didn’t turn around.

Eric chuckled and sat back in his chair. He turned to the phone and the piece of paper beside it. The phone clicked as he picked it up. He dialed the number quickly and waited silently as it rang.

“Hello?” The female voice answered.

“Martha Jones?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Haha, another character from Doctor Who. And yes, The Doctor himself will put in an appearance at some point :)