324 Autographs, 247 Gigs, and 152 Photos Later...

Chapter 1

‘I can’t believe it’s over,’ I sighed, leaning back onto the purple and orange cushions covering my bed with a plop.

‘What’s over?’ asked Zoe, grabbing a fluffy blue cushion and hugging it.

‘You know,’ I shrugged, and when she gave me a look that made it quite obvious that she didn’t, I continued, ‘school has finally finished, and I'm never gonna spend every day with you and the others again. It’s really scary. I don't want to go to university.’

‘Well you have another year yet,’ Zoe replied, sounding slightly confused at my outburst.

'But I want to do something different,' I sighed, exasperated, 'everyone spends their gap years in Namibia and Australia, helping orphans and sure, that's amazing and everything, but I want to do something different. I want to stand out. I want to do something amazing, that no-one else has ever done in the history of gap years. I want to do something people will remember me for.'

'Well then there's only one choice,' replied Zoe, leaning back onto the cushions too, and smiling.

'What?' I asked, leaning forward.

'You're going to have to break a world record.'

'Now you're talking my language,' I laughed, 'but what?'

‘You could live in a box for a year,’ she suggested.

I shot her a look and she laughed.

‘Okay, maybe not, what about eating bugs for a year?’ she asked.

‘Do I even have to answer that?’ I giggled.

‘Or you could see how many famous hot guys you could get off with,’ she waggled her eye brows at me. I laughed out loud, and threw a pillow at her head.

‘Seriously though,’ she said, ‘think Robert Pattison, Zac Efron, Joe Jonas-‘ she stopped talking, her eyes glossing over as she went off into a daydream.

I threw another pillow at her head.

‘Oi!’ she retorted, ‘what the hell was that about?’

‘We’re having a crisis talk here,’ I replied, ‘and you’re off in the Caribbean with Zac and Joe. Focus!’

‘Okay, okay,’ she grumbled. ‘So what are you going to do?’

‘Go hunt famous people,’ I replied, smiling. ‘I can be like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but for famous people, and better.’

We both laughed.

‘You know,’ she said finally, when we’d both got our breath back, ‘that’s not such a bad idea.’

‘You’re serious?’ I asked incredulously.

‘Why not? You could get loads of autographs, and photos, and go to all the gigs, and get to meet people you can only day dream about today. It would be the best.’

‘You’re right,’ I said, smiling, and beginning to day dream, ‘but what would I need to do?’
♠ ♠ ♠
so, this is our first joint chapter of our co-write. are you guys excited??????? cause we are, we had so much fun writing this. haha. you know, in this story, they're going to meet EVERYONE. the Jonas brothers, Taylor swift, twilight cast, we the kings, demo Locate, EVERYONE!!! If there is anyone specific you want in it, just comment us!!!

So guys, we love you with all our crazy love for reading this, and we would love you even more if you could comment and subscribe and that, because if you do, then we can do our crazy happy dancing, which is always fun. :-D. xxxx

p.s. we both wrote this chapter, SOPHI231 and randomeercmerawr, we're gonna co-write every chapter, but just alternate the names, just so you know. xxx