324 Autographs, 247 Gigs, and 152 Photos Later...

Chapter 2

It was a month later before I finally got everything sorted out. Before I’d got the necessary permission from my parents, made a list the same height as Zoe (she’s pretty short) of all the celebrities I was going to meet, and most importantly, called the Guinness Book of World Records to confirm numbers. And so the challenge was set. 324 autographs, 247 gigs, and 152 photos. It wasn’t going to be easy.

And so, after all those days and weeks of planning, and dreaming, and idealizing, finally, it was going to begin. The adventure of a lifetime. It was going to start today, with a concert in a small town, not 30 miles from my own. Zoe was coming with me for moral support, and we were going to see The Script, an Irish band who would make up my first 3 autographs, my first gig, and my first picture. And I couldn’t wait.

When I opened the door to Zoe at 4pm that afternoon, I could feel the beginnings of nervous butterflies forming in my chest, ready to bubble up to their full intensity by the end of the evening.

‘How are you feeling?’ she asked, hugging me tight, ‘it’s your big night!’

‘Nervous, apprehensive, and a little nauseous,’ I replied.

‘It’s natural,’ Zoe laughed, closing the door and leading me to my own bedroom. ‘So what are you wearing?’

‘That,’ I said nervously, pointing to a pair of dark skinny jeans that suited me perfectly, and a long, sparkly t-shirt that I knew looked amazing under club lights.

‘Perfect,’ said Zoe, pulling her own outfit out of her huge handbag, a pair of shiny, fluorescent leggings and a long dark t-shirt, that, because of her height she always wore as a dress.

And so we got to work, getting changed and sorting our make-up, accessories, hair and everything else, in preparation for the first night of the best year of my life. Finally, at 6pm, we were ready, and so we got in my car, a little beat-up vintage beetle (I have a passion for old, vintage things), and began to drive to the gig.


3 hours later we were standing in the pit, singing along to The Script’s first support act, The Absent Elk.

‘They’re awesome,’ Zoe screamed in my ear, dancing away as she spoke. ‘They should totally be your next 5 signatures.’

‘You’re totally right,’ I shouted back, struggling to be heard over the pounding guitar and shiver-inducing vocals resounding from the stage, ‘they’re just TOO amazing.’

‘Agreed,’ Zoe laughed, and we danced away to the sound of our new music crush, and boy crush, because god was that guitar player hot, wearing a really cute checked shirt.


So here was the next issue, we needed to SEE them.
You know, get to them, slightly away from the mass of fans.

This was going to take some sneakery. As much as I Wanted to groove along to the 'man who cant be moved' I had to get down to business.

'This is it!' I whispered down to Zoe, we grabbed each others hand, and pushed to the side of the crowds.
We were going to do it..
DARN, big security guy,
'OK, um, Zoe, work your magic' I shouted in her ear, over the noise, shoving her forward.

I heard her squealing as she collided into the security guy.

'I'm sorry' said Dan (the security guy had a name tag!), 'but the script are unable to see anyone after a show'.
That's a shame, she whispered, attempting to be suggestive, 'but to be honest, I prefer larger guys, rather than skin and bone, you know'
I giggled, imagining the list of Zoe's ex-boyfriends.

'Well', said Dan looking flustered, (obviously all of the other women who had attempted to hit on him, were obviously drunk), 'maybe' he stammered 'after the show we could talk, but,' he said attempting to build up some authority, 'I'm on duty'.

'Well that's a shame', Zoe purred, launching herself onto him,
I had to stop myself from laughing, as I quickly snuck into the unlocked door, merging into the darkness, before Zoe detached herself from the security guys mouth.
I felt my phone buzz in my jeans;

You SO owe me, he's given me a black eye,
he said it was trying to stroke my face
idiot fat guy! >:(

I laughed, and using my phone as a torch, searched for a door to their dressing room.

As the noise of the crowd dimmed, I panicked rushing forwards. I had to get to them before they disappeared.

'OW!' I exclaimed, as I was knocked to the floor.
'Oh, sorry,' said a confused VERY hot guy, wearing a certain red checked shirt!

'Oh, um hi', I said attempting a small wave, still on the floor.
He offered me a shy hand, as I pulled myself up, quickly straightening my sparkling top,
'I know this might sound cliche,' I started 'but can I have your autograph?

'um' he started, I interrupted him
'look, I know its weird, but I am breaking a world record'

'You wha..'
'I need to get 324 autographs, so I guess, what I'm saying is, will you be my number one?'

'yes!' he said quickly,
'oh' I started,
'stop' he butted in, 'sorry, but you talk a lot' he laughed, 'I have a pen, what do you want me to sign?' he questioned.

I pulled out my empty autograph book, grinning silently.


I had followed the really hot guy (whose name I still didn't know!) into the 'absent elk changing room', and was now looking very satisfied at my five signatures, and six photos, (one with each member and one with them all).

Then suddenly Danny O'Donoghue burst in.
'That was AWESOME! You were all so good!' he exclaimed.
I just jumped about 5 feet into the air, dropping my autograph book, and flinging my camera in the air, at the same time.. somehow.

'Eekk, catch it, I cant afford another camera!' I shouted.
The very bemused hot guy from the absent elk made a dive, for the camera, at the same time as me, then in a matter of about two seconds he was lying on top of me, both of us clasping the camera.

I started giggling, then laughing, hysterically, and then I couldn't stop!
I got to the stage where I was snorting, then I laughed AT myself snorting, then the hole room was laughing at me!

The hot guy rolled off of me eventually, and pulled me to my feet.
'That's the second time I've had to do that to you tonight' he grinned at me,
'you just have the habit of knocking me off of my feet, I grinned, then exclaimed- 'hahaa, cheesy!'

'Can I have your autograph, I exclaimed suddenly to Danny, a member of The Script.
Oh yea..


'Well', Zoe exclaimed, 'Did you meet them?!'
'What were they like?!'

'Well, lets just say', I replied, 'as well as ten photos on my camera, eight autographs in that book! I also have eight new numbers residing in My mobile phone! WAHOOOO' I yelled, and started running to the car.

As we started to leave, for home Zoe grumbled
'and I only got a sloppy kiss from a nerdy fat body guard'
I laughed, in joy, till we got home.

Bring on the celebrities!
♠ ♠ ♠
OK, we have UPDATED! celebrate! :)
i hope you like it.
We wrote the first chapter together, and this one is first half- Sophie (SOPHI231)
and the second half was written by me (Charlie/ randomeercmerawr)
so THANK YOU so much for the comments, i don't think I've ever had this many comments so quickly! (don't know about Sophie)
We will include all of your wanted celebrities, thank you for giving us names :)
comment again? and subscribe!
love you guys, and Sophie and I will reply to all comments AND do a happy dance :D
Nothing else inspirational to say, so yeah :)
Sophie will do the next authors note i think. xxxxxxx