324 Autographs, 247 Gigs, and 152 Photos Later...

Chapter 6

‘There they areeeee’ screeched Lisa with the pitch of a whistle, jerking me from my daydreams.

It was 9am the next morning, and I hadn’t slept, or found anywhere to stay, or done anything apart from stand outside the Jonas Brothers’ hotel and get cold, waiting for them to come out.

And now here they were.

‘Ohmygod!!!!’ I replied, craning my neck to see, I was tall, but so were the 10 girls in front of us who were jumping up and down and leaning out so far I couldn’t see anything.

‘What do I do?’ I asked Lisa, panicking, ‘how do I get them to sign my stuff?’

‘Just push it in front of them,’ she said, eagerly getting her poster out that she wanted them to sign, ‘just stick your arm out and hope for the best.’

And so I did. I stuck my arm out, and kept it there, even though I thought it might actually get pulled off. The brothers walked past and I yelled and screamed at them to sign the book. Nick turned around, smiled at the crowd and came over to sign a couple of people’s merchandise, while Kevin and Joe signed further down the line.

My heart was in my mouth as he took the book and signed it, before closing it. He made to hand it back and then stopped, looking at the front cover. I’d decorated it pretty intensely, covering it in picture and spelling out ‘354 Autographs, 247 Gigs, and 152 Photos’ on it in glittered letters. He looked up at me, and then, and I swear I’m not making this up, he spoke.

‘Is this yours?’ he asked, sounding intrigued.

‘Um, yes,’ I stammered.

‘It’s cool,’ he said, passing it back and moving on down the line.

I stood still, shocked by the exchange. I couldn’t believe Nick Jonas had spoken to me and I’d just stammered and not said anything. I was also kinda of annoyed. I may have got Nick’s autograph, but that was one. Singular. And no chance of a photo.

‘WOW!!!!!’ Lisa squealed. ‘Can you believe it? He spoke to you, he actually spoke, with actual words. Oh wow wow wow wow.’

I didn’t reply, but watched Nick as he made his way down the line, signing frantically, until he reached his brothers. They made their way over to their entourage again, and I fully expected them to just get in the waiting car and leave. But they didn’t.

I could see them talking, having a conversation about something. Nick seemed to be telling a story, and every so often, although I couldn’t be absolutely sure, one of them looked over at me.

After a few minutes of quick discussion, one of the bodyguards turned round and made his way back towards the crowd, while the brothers got into the car, and it pulled away.

The bouncer walked over so that he was standing central to the line and bellowed in the loudest voice I think I’d ever heard for us to be quiet. Then he asked the girl with the blonde longish hair and the decorated autograph book that Nick signed to please raise her hand.

It was a bit of a foolish attempt, because, although I raised my hand in disbelief, so did every other girl in the line, many of them without blonde longish hair and decorated autograph books that Nick signed. But it didn’t seem to matter. He made his may straight over to me, and my heart was in my mouth.

‘You,’ he said, pointing at me, ‘show me the book.’

I pushed it forward with trembling fingers, my heart in my mouth.

‘The boys want you to reach your target,’ he said with a smile, ‘take these.’

And he pushed two meet and greet passes at me with a smile, before walking away. I took them with trembling fingers, in complete disbelief.

‘OHMYGOD!!!!!’ Lisa shrieked, louder, and higher, if that was possible, than I’d heard her do before. ‘That was AMAZING.’

‘It sure was,’ I laughed, before making a snap decision, ‘do you want one of these?’ I asked, holding one out to her to take.

Her eyes went wide and for a second she looked as if she was going to pass out. Then she took it and smiled weakly. ‘Thanks,’ she whispered.

‘Anytime,’ I replied. Then we made arrangements for the night, and a I grabbed my bag and left. I had a radio interview to get to

I made a quick stop in the mall first, well I needed an outfit if I was going to be meeting the 'kings of pop later' well, I mumbled to myself, I really think they are pop, but each to their own!

And also, well, I've never been to Walmart! Well this time was my first in America. My friends always came back with the coolest tops from America, and I figured, one thing I needed to do , before money ran out, was to go shopping!

I rushed into the store, (which really seemed like a warehouse) and blimey there was a lot in there!

I'd need a map to find my way around! I headed for the clothes section, I didn't have enough time to muck around.

The dresses were truly stunning! I fell in love with this cream dress, it glittered with sparkling beads, and set off my hair beautifully, but, the price was also quite dazzling, so I hastily put that one back on the rail

I walked around, gazing at the mass of clothes, ok! I thought to myself, this is new me, in a new country!

I want a dress I could wear comfortably! I hate feeling self conscious, at lets face it, thes boys were IT! Way out of my league, but I wasn't going to stumble in their! They are going to remember me.

So I needed something stylish yet unique.. Lets face it, that's what everyone wants!
Time was fast running out, and after buying myself a smoothie for lunch, my purse was feeling decidedly tighter.

I always liked the idea of floral's, so I decided to head over to that section. Eventually I found a dress that showed off my figure well, but I needed to rough it up.

I needed something vintage. Some boots to spice up the dress. I saw a shop out of the corner of my eye, tucked away, and decided to head for that.

I left the mall, running for the bus pleased with myself, I had a denim shirt from England that would look great with the dress and my new boots.

I might not be up to the standards of the Jonas Brothers, but I was pleased. I would look GOOD!
Who wants them anyway


I rushed in to the interview room 5 minutes late, apologising.. a lot!

Someone with bright red hair grabbed my arm 'you must be Chloe' she said.

'Um yes', I replied, then realisation dawned on me, your Lillie, I exclaimed, shoving my finger up automatically, and poking her accidentally.

'oh sorry!' I said, but she just laughed pulling a stumbling me into the radio room, and shoving a stumbling me into the seat opposite.

'And we are back!'
♠ ♠ ♠
okay, i really just needed to get this out, and don't have time for one of our signature long author's notes, but we are in the middle of some important exams, so are being slow. thankyou SO much for sticking with us, we really do appreciate it. Hope you enjoyed! comment and LOVE <3
oh and also i haven't had time to check, so please just say if i've messed something up :)