Status: Active- slowly, but i will try my best to update as often as possible

Dannah Jonas: International Superstar

Life of the After Party

Once the awards were over, the limos came back around to take people to the after parties. The hottest teen spot was the annual Jonas concert in the Nokia Theatre across the street from the center. Dannah, Miley, Demi, and Taylor hopped into Miley’s limo and drove through the crowds to get to the theatre and when they arrived, an hour before the performance, found that the fans were lined up for the meet and greet. When the girls joined the guys at the meet and greet table, the fans got louder. After almost an hour of photos and signing stuff, they were all escorted into the two dressing rooms at the back so that they could get changed into more comfortable clothes. The girls got changed back into their performance outfits and they all ran out to the stage. The crowd wasn’t too big, there were only around two hundred people. Dannah loved shows like this. Small shows felt more personal to her.

The rest of their bands had gone home so Nick was on Drums, Joe on Tambourine, Kevin, Miley and Taylor on Guitar, Demi on Keytar and Dannah on Bass. Selena Gomez was on the side filming for the website and being the MC.

“Hey ya’ll, thank you so much for coming. First of all, we just want you to know that the $25 you spent to get in here will go to the Change For Children Charity. Now as a treat we are also gonna be hanging out with you guys for a little while before we go.” Selena introduced.

“So, now that we have the introductions done, ARE YOU READY TO PARTY!?” Joe screamed as the crowd roared back at him. “One, Two Three, Four.” Joe yelled as the opening chords to ‘Hey Baby’ rang in.

“Alright. For this next song, we need you to say this with me: ‘U Got Nothing On Me’. Okay so go!”

The crowd started chanting, “U Got Nothing On Me” until Demi counted into the song,

“Alright ya’ll I wanna see you jump up and down.” Miley yelled as Kevin played the opening chords to ‘Kicking and Screaming’ and Nick banged out on the drum kit.

As soon as the song ended, the teens carried on rocking out and having fun, even getting the crowd involved with the performance. After the one hour set, the three roadies came and packed up all of the musical equipment and Dannah, Miley, Demi, Taylor and the boys began to mingle with the fans.

Miley and Dannah stuck together, approaching a group of five girls.

“Hi!” Miley greeted with a warm smile. “Did you guys enjoy yourselves tonight?”

“Oh my gosh, we had so much fun, you guys are amazing,” the smaller of two blondes said.

“Well, we just wanted to know if there was anything you wanna ask us.” Dannah stated. The girls huddled slightly, almost as if discussing the questions. After a minute of two, the curly brunette girl turned to them.

“Well, we wanted to know if it’s true that you guys, Demi and Taylor are going on tour this summer?”

“Yeah, we are. We are going on tour and in Madison Square Gardens we will be shooting the footage for the 3D movie.” Dannah answered.

“I am so excited because this will be our first shared tour and it is also Danny’s first nationwide tour without her brothers.”

“Dannah, are any of your parents gonna be coming?”

“That is a good question. I know that Tish is coming because she is Miley’s tour assistant. My mom is coming and my dad is going with the boys. Demi’s mom is staying home because Maddie is shooting Desperate Housewives and Taylor’s mom is coming. But I know that Tish will stay with us for the whole time and our families will come and visit and vice versa. Plus we do have some dates in the same cities as the boys.”

“That is so cool!” the short curly-haired one said. “We’ll let you leave now.” The girls waved and made their way back to the stage.

Once they all had gotten to the stage, the fans sat down where they could. The teens sat down on stools and Nick announced, “Okay, we want to thank you guys for coming to our little after party and for donating money to children living with diabetes. Make sure you have rides home, stay safe and God bless.” They all waved goodbye and went backstage.

“Dannah,” Joe called. “What time will you be home tomorrow?”

Dannah looked at Miley and then turned to her brothers, “Well, I’m not sure ‘cause I’m helping Miley clear out her closet so I might not be home for days.” Dannah joked. “No really, I will be home for about two. Why?”

“We were gonna invite Miley to come over for a movie night, and we wanted to know if we could do it tomorrow. But if you’re cleaning out her closet then we will just have to reschedule.” They all hugged goodbye and walked out to their cars. On the way to Dannah’s Hybrid Escalade, paparazzi started asking them questions.

“Miley, where are you guys going?” “Dannah, is it true that you are having a relationship with Jesse McCartney?” “Are you guys going to a night club?”

They just jumped in the car and drove off. Dannah turned to Miley, “They get boring fast.”

“My name is Miley Cyrus, and I’m here with super-teen-star, Dannah Jonas.” Miley faked a deeper voice and spoke into an invisible mike. “Dannah, is it true that you are not really a woman?”

“Why, yes Miley, that is true, I am actually a Jonas boy and apparently a really good transvestite, hence the real boobs.”

“Well, how do you feel about being linked romantically to Jesse McCartney.”

“Well, considering I have had a crush on him since the days of Dream Street; I am okay with it. Okay, now it’s my go! Miley how do you feel about ‘Party in the USA’ becoming the new National Anthem?”

“Well, it would be weird hearing the president sing ‘moving my hips like yeah’ but I think I’m gonna move to Mexico so I don’t hear it every time I go to a sport game.” The girls laughed as they turned into Miley’s gated movie. “Ahh, home sweet home.” Dannah parked in the drive, and they jumped out of the car. “Hey mom, dad we’re home!” Miley yelled through her house as they headed for her room.

When they got to Miley’s bedroom, they changed into their PJs and got into her huge queen-sized bed. “Man,” Dannah sighed. “Tonight was the most magical night off my life and it makes me sad that it’s over.”

“Well, tonight was awesome; I mean you did a lot more than I did at my first Grammys. BTW why does John Mayer call you Cricket?”

“Well when we were in the studio producing my album, I called him The Master and he couldn’t remember the name to say back so he called my Cricket.”

“Well, we have to wake up early if we wanna make that movie night.” The hugged each other and they lay back. “Night Danderz!”

“Night M-Ray!” As soon are their heads hit the pillow, they fell asleep with smiles on their faces.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really like my story, so if you would like me to carry on this story, please comment.

I actually have the next five chapters already written so it is just the matter of you guys commenting....