Status: Active- slowly, but i will try my best to update as often as possible

Dannah Jonas: International Superstar

Battle Studies

A week later, Dannah stepped out of her car with her mother and they walked briskly into the local store to pick up some food on the way to Rolling Stone. Denise walked into the back as she walked down the magazine isle to pick up an issue of Seventeen, Vogue and Teen Vogue; she saw that on the cover of NOW! Magazine[i/] was a picture of her hugging Robert Pattinson and the headline.

Jonas and Pattinson L.A. Hook-up:

Dannah couldn’t help but flick through the article to see what it read. After looking it up on the content, she found that it was a small segment on the Hot or Not page. She giggled as she read:

R-Pattz & Dannah-J

Decaydance Darling, Dannah Jonas and Twilight Hottie, Robert Pattinson, were spotted getting cosy outside of KiSS FM on Friday. The bashful boy and daring darling first met at the MTV Movie Awards, last year and sources say that they have kept in contact. However as cute as they look together, both continuously insist that they are not together. Right now this is a NOT, but we hope that they change that really soon as Dannah said in an interview with Perez that ‘he is cute and a really great guy,’ and Robert said his article in People that Dannah ‘is an amazing person’.

As Dannah stood in the middle of the store, reading the article, a teenage girl began to approach her nervously. She tapped Dannah on the shoulder and looked almost frightened when Dannah turned around.

“Hi,” Dannah said as she put the magazine down and picked up her intended magazines. The girl just stood in front of her smiling nervously and slightly shaking. “I’m Dannah, what’s your name?”

“Hi, I’m Ally. Umm… I was just wondering if I could get a picture with you?” She spoke slowly, trying not to stutter.

“Oh, sure you can. Have you got a camera or one on your phone or something?” Ally got her phone out. “Oh, wait I have an awesome idea, do you have a Twitter?” Ally nodded. “Okay, well let’s take this picture.” Dannah took out her Blackberry and smiled as she cuddled Ally to her side. They took another picture with silly faces and then Dannah used TwitPic to send it to Ally:

DannahJJ me with the awesome @ally32. just met @ally32 before heading over to @RollingStone.

“Thank you,” Ally said as she hugged Dannah.

“You are so welcome.” Dannah said and Ally ran off outside of the store and into a car with a smile on her face.

She smiled as she got her Vitamin Water and headed to the counter, smiling at the person behind the counter and then headed back into her car and waited for her mother to return


Dannah and Denise walked into the Rolling Stone HQ and walked straight towards the receptionists.

“Hi, we are here for the interview and photo shoot.” Denise offered professionally.

The receptionist nodded and typed some things into the computer, “Okay, Miss and Mrs. Jonas, your journalist is Mark Binelli and your photographer is Peggy Sirota. This is your schedule for the day.” The woman handed Dannah a schedule. “First of all, at 11am, you will be in the first set up which is a Glam Rock theme and will be in Studio 1, then you will have lunch around 12.30pm and then return at 1.30pm prompt for the second shoot which, again, will be in Studio 1, this time will be more of a girly theme with a rocker vibe to it. Then you will have your interview with Mark and then he will take you to the swag room to get your RS Apparel and you also get to have a look at the back catalogue for any covers that you want and we can get them printed up. So you should be done by around 4.30pm and then when the spread is ready which usually takes around two weeks, we will call you to come and have a look. Any photos from the photo shoot are yours, just let Peggy know and we can mail them to your or your agent if preferred.” While the woman informed them, Dannah put reminders into her Blackberry and nodded to show she was still listening.

“My father and brothers will be coming later on; they will not be arriving with any security except for our Head of Security. So we were wondering if it would be okay for them to come and see what is going on and stuff like that.” Dannah asked.

“That is absolutely fine; I will just put a reminder for myself and print and extra few copies of the schedule for them.”

“Thank you, so do we just head on though right now?” the receptionist just nodded and pointed to the elevator on her right.


Dannah had finally finished with her photo shoot and was now sitting in front of Mark Binelli, fresh-faced and wearing what she arrived in: black leggings, a sequined, off-the-shoulder jumper with Uggs; sitting on a large, blue sofa. Mark leaned forward to the coffee table in-between them and turned on his tape recorder.

Mark: Mark Binelli, for Rolling Stone. Dannah Jonas; for the March, ‘Young Fame’ Issue. Okay, Dannah, we will start by talking about what you have achieved so far. So you had your big break last year in The Matchmaker. As you are an accomplished actress, and have stolen our hearts on the big screen as well as the small screen with your recurring stint on Gossip Girl. Why did you turn to music?

Dannah: Although I approached acting first, music has always been my first love. I turned to music because it has always been my outlet of emotions as I am not one to make a scene in a situation. I feel that if I can change one person’s day, I have accomplished what I set out to do.

M: Now, you were picked up by Pete Wentz and John Mayer. How did that happen?

D: Well, I had been playing for different labels and trying to get signed. I was playing a show for record label representatives at The Roxy in L.A. and they came. My back up band was my brothers and Garbo, and after the show, they approached me. After about a month we had sat down and went through the contracts with my dad. They set me up with management, which right now is Pete until we can find permanent management.

M: Wow! Well why did you not sign with Hollywood Records?

D: Creative differences. I really wanted to be with a smaller label as they would be able to nurture me without pressure for an album so quickly. Over the past year, I have been filming Gossip Girl and working with John whenever we are both free to get this record done. Plus now that FOB is on hiatus we can also try and work with Patrick who is an awesome producer.

M: So we all know that you are the Jonas Sister. But what is it like being the only girl of five?

D: It comes with its challenges. I mean, my brothers are brothers and we like to wind each other up, but we never fight. People think that we lie about that but we are closer than some families as we basically moved across the country, away from home and resituated in a town, where we didn’t know anyone so we rely on each other.

M: Are your brothers protective?

D: Very. I kind of took a break from boys because my brothers kept scaring them away or the boy was intimidated by their fame. But I think they are just trying to be good brothers and they do give boys a chance to prove themselves.

M: Talking about boys, you have been rumoured to be dating quite a few guys. Can you clear up a few of them?

D: Sure.

M: Okay first up, Robert Pattinson?

D: We are not going out. We first met at the Twilight premiere two years ago, and we say hi when we see each other. We had seen each other outside of a radio station and hugged. Honestly there is nothing to it.

M: Magazines have predicted that you will get together. What are your thoughts on that?

D: He is really nice, but he is too old for me.

M: Okay, what about Brendon Urie.

D: We met through the record label and then we wrote a song together for my album, but there is nothing there.

M: What about Alex De Leon?

D: I actually met him once, when I took Demi to see The Cab for her birthday when . He is really awesome and kind of cute. But nothing is going on there either.

M: Okay, moving on. You have been seen as a style icon to teenage girls. Do you get to pick your own clothes, or do you have stylists?

D: I do have a stylist, but we only work together for events and photo shoots. I go shopping for my own clothes, and because I am quite busy I shop online a lot.

M: Where do you shop?

D: Umm… I shop with my brothers at Urban Outfitters a lot but I love Forever21 t-shirts and bags and I also love Kohl’s. But I also love big designers, I wear a lot of Marc Jacobs, Christian Laboutin and Anoushka G.

M: Onto your music now. What sound are you going for?

D: I am aiming for, Rock/Pop mainly with a high energy vibe. But I’m also dabbling with some older sound and Soft Rock songs.

M: Who have you been working with, and you are you going to work with on this album?

D: Well, John Mayer is my main producer, but Patrick Stumph has done a couple of songs for me too. I wrote a few songs with Ashlee Simpson-Wentz, I wrote a song with Miley Cyrus, who is my best friend, I did collaborate with Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato to write an awesome track that I hope makes it to the album. I do hope to work with my brothers to create a few tracks because they inspire me to be a better musician and it will be a thank you to them for supporting me.

M: Who are your musical influences?

D: Well, I would definitely say that Kelly Clarkson is a big influence, Paramore, John Mayer, Demi Lovato, my brothers, also Cyndi Lauper and Katy Perry. I also love Elvis Costello, Prince, and Kings of Leon.

M: So what is next for you apart from the album?

D: Well right now, I am in and out of the studio working with John and his team. I have signed to do a couple more episodes in Gossip Girl and then I will be filming some cameos over the next couple of months.

Mark stopped the tape recorder. “Thank you so much for doing this.”

“No, thank you, this was a really fun day.” Dannah and Mark walked out to meet Denise, Joe and Nick. “Hey, Mom, where is Dad?” she asked as she hugged Joe and Nick simultaneously.

“He went with Kevin to an audition at the Disney Studios. They are meeting us at Pearl Dragon for sushi.” Dannah nodded as they made their way back to the cars. “Oh, Dannah, while you were in your interview John called and said to not forget that you have the Battle Studies booked for the next three days before you go to New York with Nick.”

“Okay, well, let’s just go to dinner then.” Dannah said as she made her way to her car.



Dannah Jonas was spotted this morning, leaving Starbucks, just outside of the Toluca Lake private estate. She sported a casual look with the usual, huge bag and purity ring. She wore a cute, hand-gestured tank, denim shorts with denim suspenders, velvet boots and red Betsey Johnson sunglasses. The paparazzi were gathered around her Ford Escape Hybrid, but the Jonas beauty was graceful as she kindly said that she was in a rush and politely asked them to move out of the way. A source said that she had been inside signing autographs for fans. This encounter has not been the first time that she has been kind to the fans; yesterday, she took a picture with a fan and posted it on Twitter. Awww! Don’t you just love the Jonas family?

Dannah jumped down from her large vehicle, parked outside of Battle Studies. In the 20 minutes it took to drive from Toluca to Calabasas, she had been fielding calls from John asking her where she was. Her phone rang again for the seventh time as she walked towards the front door.

“John! I am right outside, chill out!” She hung up and before she even got up the driveway, John had opened the door with a peculiar eyebrow raised.

“Where have you been?” He asked as he hugged her.

“I stopped at Starbucks for coffee, signed some autographs and then asked the dudes with the cameras to move.”

“Plus…” John encouraged, as they moved into the living room.

“Plus, mom was making pancakes and I didn’t want to miss out. I have four brothers, you know! If it’s any consolation, she made enough for everyone.” She smiled as she hugged the musicians and the engineer. “What’s up guys? I hope ya’ll are hungry because my mom made pancakes!” Dannah opened her bag and took out a large container. “You guys are boys go get a fork and eat. I have something to show John and Steve.” Dannah motioned for the two men to follow her into the sound booth.

“So Cricket, have you been writing songs?” John took a seat on the couch next to Steve.

“Of course I have, I wrote this song about a week ago.” Dannah sat down at the piano and began to play the opening chord progression.

“Can I ask you a question please
Promise you won't laugh at me
Honestly I'm standing here
Afraid I'll be betrayed.
As twisted as it seems, I only fear love when it's in my dreams
So let in the morning light and let the darkness fade away
Can you turn my black roses red?
Can you turn my black roses red?

Drowning in my loneliness
How long must I hold my breath
So much emptiness inside I could fill the deepest sea
I reach to the sky as the moon looks on
One last year has come and gone
It's time to let your love rain down on me

Can you turn my black roses red? (x3)
I'm feelin like I'll blame it on love (x6)

Can you turn my black roses red? (x3)
Cause I'm feelin like I'll blame in on love
I'm feeling like I'll blame it on love.”

Dannah quietened as she softly thundered on the piano, belting out the last note. “So, what do you guys think?” She turned around and looked at the other musicians standing by the door, staring at her in awe.

“I think this could be a single.” John said.

“This is amazing Dannah. We should record this today and then mess around with the other music to get the other instruments.” Steve said. Chad went over to turn on the sound board as Steve said, “Okay, guys how about we get Dannah to just play the music and then put in the main vocals, then I’ll go in for percussion and then Pino and Waddy for bass and guitars. After that we can get Dannah back in for backing vocals. While the guitars are being recorded, Dannah you can write the music fro strings with Jamie on the keyboard so we can fax it over to Capitol and get that recorded later.”

“When will the strings be recorded Steve?” Dannah asked.

“Well, John and I tried to book earlier, but we could only get Monday.” Steve explained.

“But Steve, I leave for New York Sunday night!”

“We know Cricket; that is why we are going to record the strings and then give it to your mom, so that when you get back, you can listen to the finished piece.” John explained. “Now, we need to finish this track by Saturday; that gives us three days to finalise everything but the strings. Do you know when you and Miley can record the vocals on ‘I Want You’? Because then we can have the whole composition ready for you guys.”

“Well, I will be back on Thursday, and Miley just got back from Australia, so I think we can do next Friday night. When are we recording our song John?”

“Well, the music is ready, we just need to record the vocals and your okay, but we can do that on Friday.” Dannah nodded and shoed them out of the booth so she could start recording.
♠ ♠ ♠
Third chapter posted after forever.

Oh yeah, thank you people subscribing, I appreciate it.