Status: Active- slowly, but i will try my best to update as often as possible

Dannah Jonas: International Superstar

New York, New York

“Dannah! Stopping doing that with your foot, it is so annoying!” Nick said as he put his hand on his nervous sister’s knee.

“I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You know I get fidgety when I’m nervous.” Dannah whined from the seat next to her brother.
“Everything is going to be fine. You don’t ever have to perform tonight, you just have to be yourself, which is charming, funny and intelligent. We both know that that will no be an issue as you are a Jonas, therefore you have all of these things naturally.” Nick smiled.

“That is true, I am naturally fabulous.” Dannah joked, “However, does this Jonas thing count with Joe?”

Nick laughed, “Well, mostly, but let’s just keep that between us, we don’t need another situation where he pouts and then tells mom that we are picking on him.” Nick looked at Dannah pointedly.

“Here goes nothing!” Dannah said as the car stopped outside of the studio and Nick and Dannah stepped out of their car and passed the fans waiting outside of Studio 6B, taking as many pictures and giving many autographs before walking into the Roccefeller Centre with The Administration and Big Rob. When they arrived inside of the studio, they were greeted by Jimmy Fallon.

“Hey guys, how are you doing?” Jimmy asked as he hugged Dannah and shook everyone else’s hands.

“We are doing very well, Jimmy.” Dannah said.

“I will show you to the green room,” Jimmy said as he started walking down the hallway. “Is it weird being here without your brothers, Nick?” Jimmy asked.

“Well, kind of, but I’m here with my sister and the guys are like family, so it’s almost the same.” Nick nodded nonchalantly.

“Okay, well here you are, and Chelsea here,” he pointed to a blonde girl with glasses, dressed in casual attire, “will show you where to get food and drink. Also she will tell you the schedule for tonight’s show.” And with that, Jimmy walked out of the room.


Dannah[url] stood just behind the wall, waiting for Jimmy to introduce her. “Tonight, is a real treat for the teens watching as we have a Jonas extravaganza of sort.” The crowd yelled and hollered. “Our second guest tonight is a new solo artist on the scene, who is blew us all away when she performed at the Grammys with John Mayer last week.” The cheers got louder. “Please, give a warm welcome to Dannah Jonas!” As the crowd screamed, Dannah walked out and waved at the audience, then walked over and hugged Jimmy. “Dannah, have a seat next to Tina.” Dannah sat next to Tina Fey and crossed her legs as she got comfortable on the sofa. “Well, first of all, welcome to the show. I know that this is your first late night appearance.”

Dannah laughed a little, “Yes, it is. I was annoying my brother, the whole time we were travelling with nerves. So I think he is a little glad that we have about twenty minutes apart from each other.” The audience chuckled.

“Well, we all know that you are signed with Pete Wentz. But you are working with John Mayer. Does that create a conflict in music taste for your album?”

“Not really because my music is very upbeat and in tune with the other artists on the label. John helps me to take a step further and make all of the songs more personal and meet the maturity of my label mates.”

“Tina, have you heard Dannah sing before?” Dannah turned to Tina.

“Yes, I have,” Tina said with a wide smile on her face. “Last year, my niece took me to one of her shows in LA. It was fantastic, and I wrote an article about it for Rolling Stone.”

“Thank you, that means so much. I have been a big fan of yours since SNL and I loved Mean Girls and 30 Rock.” Dannah chided.

“Well, that’s what happens when you write a teen movie; you suddenly get noticed.” The crowd laughed. “Although, I have never had a teenager mention SNL.” Dannah chuckled.

“So, Dannah,” Jimmy gained their attention. “You are very good friends with the Disney girls, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I have been friends with Miley since we met about ten years ago. I have known Demi for a few years now and through Demi, I met Selena. And my other best friend is Taylor, who I have known since she was touring radio station in 2005.”

“How did you meet Miley?”

“Well, we met when we were seven. Our family had taken a trip to Vancouver so that I could audition for Tim Burton. Her father was in the movie and we joined forces over a PB&J sandwich and an Orange juice box.” The audience laughed.

“So Dannah,” Jimmy looked at her with a suspicious face. “What’s going on in the boy front?”

“Not much, Jimmy.” She shook her head. “I would like there to be a lot more going on, but I think I’m heading towards a dry spell.” Tina and the audience chuckled.

“Well, good other-wise this would end up being an awkward silence.” Jimmy said as he took a pile of cardboard pictures from beneath his desk. “On these cards we have four men that we think have a lot in common with you.”

“Oh my gosh.” Dannah blushed as she turned away. “I’m scared to look.” The audience chuckled.

“I promise that they are all under twenty and come from good backgrounds.” Dannah turned back around. “But first, to get better judgement, we want your brother’s approval. So welcome Nick Jonas, the twin brother of Dannah.” Nick came out and shook Jimmy and Tina’s hands and then hugged his sister before sitting next to her. “Okay, the first one is: Tony Oller. He is eighteen years old, an actor/singer. He is 6’ and an only child. What do you think?”

“Well, I think he is kinda cute, he is tall, and I like that. Demi has only ever said good things about him. Nick, what do you think?”

“I think he is an awesome guy, he is talented and quite funny.” Nick said.


“He is way to much of a pretty boy.” She chuckled.

“Aww, some people are just pretty, however I want someone with a little more muscle.” Dannah nodded.

“Well, you have to wait. Okay the next guy is Alex Pettyfer. He is nineteen, and an actor, who is also from a well known family.”

“What do his parents do?” Dannah asked, looking at the picture with interest.

“Look who’s taking interest now!” The audience chuckled. “His mom is Lee Ireland and his dad is an actor.”

“Ooh! I love Lee Ireland, she is so pretty.”

“Yeah, but what do you think of the guy, DJ?” Nick asked as the audience chuckled again.

“Oh, yeah, him. He is cute, I love that he’s English. How tall is he?”

“He is almost 6’, a very talented actor/model. He is a Buddhist. Ooh, you wont like this: he smokes.”

“Next.” The audience laughed at her crumpled expression.

“Okay, here is a non-smoker: Ryan Sheckler is 5’8”, lives in California, Pro-Skater that lives alone. He is twenty and has won the X-Games.”

“Does he have tattoos?” Nick asked.

“Well, I think he has about six: four on his arms, one on his chest and one on his back.”

“What about Alex, does he have any?” Dannah asked.

“Yes. He has seven tattoos. He says that they are all personal and very important to him.”

“Ahh! I am starting to veer towards him now.” Nick shook his head at Dannah’s indecision.

“Okay, we have one more and I think he will fit in perfectly with your family. His name is Taylor Lautner,” Jimmy paused for the screams to subside, “and he is about to be eighteen, but he will be eighteen really soon. He is a breakout actor, he can sing, He is 5’10” and a half, he is a martial artist, he loves sport and he recently hosted SNL.”

“Oh, I saw that, he was really funny; he has a beautiful smile,” Dannah’s eyes lit up, “I like that he is not from LA, I think we have been to Grand Rapids and it is so beautiful.”

“So, Dannah, do you have a winner?” Jimmy egged as they walked to the couch.

“I bet you that after I say this, I will meet the people and be really embarrassed. I think I would choose Taylor.”

“May I ask why?” Jimmy grinned.

“I don’t know! I think I have a soft spot for guys like him. I think that we could probably relate to each other because we both had to move across the country to pursue our dreams, so that means he is probably really close to his family. Plus I just really love his smile.” Dannah blushed as her brother nudged her.

“Okay, so Dannah, read this next cue for me while Nick gets ready.”

“Okay, next up is a funky band that likes to kick it old school, with members formally of The New Power Generation and producer, John Fields; performing their from their debut album Who I Am, Nick Jonas & The Administration with ‘Last Time Around’.” Dannah cheered and moved to the edge of the stage so that she could see her brother perform.


At eight-thirty, [url=]Dannah
and Nick walked out of the entrance of their New York hotel, followed by Big Rob, and got into their car. Once inside the warmth of the car, Dannah turned to Nick.

“What’s on the schedule today, DJ?” Dannah took out her Blackberry.

Tuesday’s Schedule:

7.30 - Breakfast
8.30 – Regis & Kelly @ Studio
11.00 – WPLJ in Greenwich Village
12.00 – Meet & Greet @ Virgin Megastores in Times Square
3.00 – z100 in Central Park
3.30 – The View
5.00 - Tour of Yankee Stadium
8.00 – Dinner @ Hotel

“Well, we have a busy day, but luckily for you, you get to sleep in and I get to go on location to film all day.” Dannah leaned her head on Nick’s shoulder as they sped down the road to the studio.

“Yeah, but I have to perform today; and tomorrow I have to do Conan O’Brian and I have am going all over the city .” Nick reasoned.

“You do have a point. Big Rob?”

“Yes, DJ, what’s up?”

“If Nick is finishing Conan around eleven-ish, when can you pick me up?”

“Well, when do you finish on set?”

“My hours are seven until about ten, but sometimes they run overtime.”

“Okay, well this is the plan that your mom gave me: I am dropping Nick off at GMA at six, and then you straight after. Then I am taking Nick around all day, so I can leave the studio to pick you up while Nick, so I can leave straight away and I can get to you around quarter past ten.”

“Uhh! I hate when we have days like that, I mean we never get to see each other, and then when we do, we fall asleep.” Dannah groaned.

“Well, Danni, think of it this way, on Thursday we can go shopping, get gifts, take that tour of the Met, and then I have a surprise for you.”

“YAY! I love twin-time! Oh, and when we go shopping I have a surprise for you too.”

They finally pulled up outside of the Regis & Kelly studio and were greeted by a scream of fans. Nick and Dannah fulfilled the duty of photos and autographs before walking into the studio.


“So, Dannah, what is it like to be the only girl in a family of four boys?” Regis asked as Dannah perched on her stool.

“It is very fun, because my brothers are all funny, and also very active, so there is never a dull moment in the Jonas household. I must admit that it is very difficult because I have no privacy, but being the only girl makes me feel special, and plus I have that really special mother/daughter relationship.” Dannah nodded.

“But, what was it like, because you are the last one in the family to pursue music. I mean, the boys have their band and little Frankie has been doing some music too.” Kelly questioned.

“Well, I mean, it’s nice that my brothers have opened up this opportunity for me, and I was there to learn about the business through them. So now I know how to handle myself in a business situation and work with my manager to compromise contracts and stuff.”

“Why didn’t you sign with Disney?” Kelly asked. “I mean, my daughter loved it when you were on Hannah Montana and I’m pretty sure that other kids love you too.”

“Well, I want to be able to still do all of that, but my music is aimed more for adults and teenagers, plus I want to try and not be known as the ‘Jonas Sister’. I’m not trying to disown my family or anything, but I just want to try something different.”

“We have a few leaked titles of possible tracks from the album. They sound kind of pensive. Tell us about ‘Satellite Heart’.” Regis asked.

“I wrote it in a chapel a couple years ago. It’s about someone who has lost their way and just saying “I will always be there for you, no matter what”.”

“Is it written for someone in particular?” Kelly probed.

“Well, I wrote it initially for Nick when he was really sick, and then when he was out and better I played it to him; but we didn’t actually record it until a couple months ago.”

Kelly and Regis turned back to the camera after saying, “Well, thank you so much for talking to us.” Dannah just nodded in return.


Straight from the last radio interview, the twins headed back to the studio lot for their interview on The View. When they got to the studio, they only had enough time for Nick to check his sugar levels and for Dannah to check her make-up in the mirror and straighten her top.

“Welcome to the show, Nick and Dannah Jonas.” Whoopi Goldberg announced. Nick and Dannah came out of the side door and sat in the middle of the group, on the white leather couch.

“Gosh, this is the first time we have had you as guests on the show.” Sherri Shepherd said, smiling. Both Nick and Dannah nodded identically in their infamously nonchalant manner.

“You guys are real twins! I mean, you sit the same, nod the same, you even walk the same.” Elisabeth Hassleback noted. “Who’s older?”

“Guess.” Dannah laughed.

“I think it’s Nick.” Sherri said and Elisabeth and Barbara Walters nodded in agreement.

“Well, I get this feeling that Dannah is older.” Whoopi said and Joy nodded in agreement.

“Well,” Dannah started, “I am older by seventeen minutes-“

“And she never lets me forget it.” Nick cut in. The women laughed at this.

“Now, Nick you are going to release your record with The Administration in March, and Dannah, you are recording your debut album now with John Mayer.” Whoopi informed as the twins nodded identically. “Dannah, what kind of music do you do?”

“Well, I have always loved folksy stuff, so I have a very prominent theme, but I have a few pop/rock songs and a definite dance track.”

“And Nick, how do you describe the music that is with The Administration?” Elisabeth asked.

“Well, I describe it as Heart & Soul, but it’s kind of Funk/Adult Contemporary.”

“Have you guys ever written songs together?” Sherri asked, intrigued.

“Yes, we have actually written a song that I hope will get onto the album called ‘Runaway’ and it is one of my favourite tracks that we have recorded, and we have also written a few tracks.” Dannah said.

“Now, earlier today, you were next door, with Regis & Kelly and you said that you wrote a song for Nick. Can you tell us about it?” Whoopi asked.

“Well, I wrote it a few years ago, when Nick was in the hospital and he was just diagnosed with diabetes. I just went into the chapel of the hospital and just wrote the song, but I wouldn’t let him hear it because I felt stupid singing to him.”

“It’s a really beautiful song, and it’s so different and uncomplicated. We recorded it together with two guitars and a few microphones. I think it was a profound moment to see my sister in her element, the only other time that happens is when she is on stage with an acoustic.” Nick beamed with pride and happiness.

“You seem to have a very strong bond, which is quite common in twins; are you closer with each other than your other brothers?” Joy asked.

“Um…well I am closest to Nick as we are the same age and he is my twin, plus he is really mature and understanding for a seventeen year old boy.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I am a man.” Nick spoke nonchalantly, nodding his head as the crowd laughed.

“But,” Dannah recovered from laughing, “I am really close with my other brothers. I mean, when I’m feeling down, Joe is the one to turn to because he always cheers me up with his humour, but he also the most sensitive of the family , which many people do not know. Kevin is the one when I need big brother advice on boys and business. Plus we have Frankie and he is always good for a cuddle.” Everyone laughed.

“Yeah, we are all extremely close, but I think that we have been through a lot together, and being in the public eye we still together more.” Dannah nodded her head.

“Do you guys ever spend time together as just twins?” Elisabeth asked.

“Well, we don’t much. I mean we spend a lot of time together as a family but, we do occasionally get to spend time alone as siblings.” Nick said.

“Plus, when we do get to spend some time together, it’s more special.”

“What kind of things do you do together?” Sherri asked.

“We go shopping together; but that’s more for me than Nick.” Dannah answered.

“And, we go to football and baseball games together, whenever we can. Plus, we are going to try and spend a lot of time together before Dannah starts touring.” Nick added.

“Well, you are both graduates as of 2009, do you guys read?” Whoopi asked.

“Oh yeah, I try to read a lot, but Nick has always been the more musically inclined type. He likes to read biographies and political literature, whereas I like to read classic literature and teen novels.”

The women probed them for a little while longer, before Nick performed with his band. Then, as they left, they went through the same routine of smiling at the paparazzi.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second Update in two days, I am on fire. love it.

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I would love a few comments so that I know whether people are actually reading this.

I probably wont be updating until I get some comments but I will continue writing so that I can do a double update next time.