Status: Active- slowly, but i will try my best to update as often as possible

Dannah Jonas: International Superstar


“So, what is my surprise?” Dannah asked as she and Nick walked down the busy streets of Manhattan. It was finally their last day in the city, before they went back to Los Angeles, and they were spending the day having fun and exploring the city.

“We are almost there, now shush!” Nick said as he watched the numbers on the buildings. After another five minutes, they stopped outside of a large, brownstone building with the number 224 on the door; Nick knocked on the door and waited for a couple of minutes. The French doors swung open and a petite woman of about fifty, with mousy brown hair and warm, blue eyes, hugged Nick. “Hello Meryl, how are you?”

“I am very good Nicholas, is this your sister?” Meryl asked as she ushered the twins inside of the brownstone.

“Hi,” Dannah waved shyly, “I’m Dannah.”

“Wow, she is more beautiful than the pictures in the magazines.” Meryl squeezed the life out of Dannah. “Okay, well, I will go and get the dresses while you inform Dannah on what’s going on.”

After Meryl Left the room, Dannah turned to Nick with a questionable look.

“Okay, I guess, I should inform you now-“

“Ya thank!”

“Okay, well, Meryl is a dress designer, and I met last time I was in New York at a charity event. Do you remember when I was asking you those weird questions like a month ago?”

Dannah thought about it:

Dannah was sitting in her room, returning an email to Demi, who was in LA, opposed to her current residence in Dallas, asking her when she was coming home. Just after she pressed the send button, there was a knock on her door.

“Hey, D, what are your measurements?” Nick asked as he walked casually through the door.

“Why, my dear brother, are you asking me for my measurements?” Dannah spun around in her chair, eying her brother suspiciously.

“Well, Michelle said that is testing out a new fabric for a dress, and she wants you to try it.”

“Well, normally, I meet Michelle and she takes my measurements. What are you not telling me?”

“Nothing, nothing…. So what kind of fabric do you say you would prefer to wear?”

“Why?” Dannah asked, shaking her head. “Nick, are you trying to tell me that you are designing a dress or something? ‘Cause I will totally help you. All you have to do is ask.”

“Why are you making this difficult; look, just answer three questions. Okay?” Dannah just nodded, aware that her brother was now getting frustrated. “So what are your measurements?”

“I feel a little uncomfortable with that one so I will write them down for you.” Dannah turned around and wrote them down on a post-it note.

“Okay, what kind of material do you like?”

“I prefer sparkly material, but I like unusually patterned fabric.” Nick just nodded in return. He then went on to ask her about lengths and detailing, then just walked out of Dannah’s room leaving her mystified.

“Man, that’s makes so much more sense. I thought that you wanted to steal some of clothes or something.” Meryl then came out with four dress bags draped over her tanned arm.

“Okay, Dannah I would like you to go to the changing rooms to the left and try these dresses on. After each one, come out and show us how they look.” Dannah nodded and then opened her mouth- “Shoes to compliment the dresses are in there too.”

“Thank you.” Dannah said as her figure retreated into a room. Meanwhile, Meryl ushered Nick into the next room. They sat down and Meryl handed Nick a Diet Coke, to which Nick said thank you.

“So, Nick how is the new band going?” Meryl asked before sipping her cup of tea.

“Great, I am feeling really a lot better than last time I came to see you.”

The small talk continued until Dannah came out in a strapless, metallic, lavender and silver, cocktail dress with a synched waist; matched with a pair of zipped, ankle boot platforms.

“I am in love with this dress, Meryl. It fits like a glove, and when boys stop being scared of me, I will have something to wear on a date.” Dannah glared jokingly at her brother.

“What! I don’t do anything; it’s all Joe and Kevin.” He said bewildered, as Meryl laughed.

“I know, but they aren’t here at the moment, so I am transferring the blame.” Dannah joked, as Meryl circled her, inspecting the dress.

“Mmm, I love how this fits you. You have a great shoulder-line for strapless dresses.” Meryl nodded, “Nick, what do you think?”

“I think she looks great.” Nick said.

Dannah then went on to try a purple, strapless dress with golden leaf patterns; a modest, silver, frilly dress, made entirely out of ribbons and another modest piece that was made of gold orange and teal, mosaic material. After about an hour, Dannah and Nick were waving goodbye to Meryl, leaving the dresses behind so that Meryl could ship them to their home in LA.

As they started walking down the bust streets again, Nick turned to Dannah and smiled.

“What now, FroBro?” Dannah asked.

“Nothing, it’s just; do you really feel that we push guys away from you?” Nick asked cautiously.

“Well, no, but being the sister of well-known brothers and being around men all of the time, boys tend to avoid asking me out, in case they get beat up or something. But I could never blame you guys because it comes with the package of this crazy life.” Dannah nodded and side hugged Nick to reassure him. “Now, are you ready for your surprise?” Dannah grinned.

“Yes, I have been so excited about this, plus I thought you would have spilled by now.” He said as she suddenly turned a sharp corner into a small restaurant. “Why are we here?” Nick asked as he followed Dannah into the private sectional. Inside, sat down at a corner table was Elvis Costello, looking to be in deep conversation, then burst out laughing. Dannah just smiled and walked towards the table.

When she reached the table, Elvis got up to greet her with a hug. She then motioned for Nick to join them.

“I don’t understand. I’ve met Elvis before, do you not remember?” Nick said inquisitively. They all sat back down, Dannah sat down next to Common.

“Well, my surprise is actually what these guys have for you. Elvis, did you remember it?” Dannah asked.

“How could I forget? You practically begged me for this and then threatened to tell my wife if I didn’t pull through!” Elvis laughed as well as Dannah, only Nick was surprised by his sister’s behaviour.

“Dannah; what did mom tell you about threatening people?” Nick asked.

“Not to threaten lives; and I didn’t. Now don’t get me all annoyed if you want your surprise before we head to the Met.” Elvis then bent underneath the table and brought out a guitar case, he then handed it to Nick.

“You got Elvis Costello to give me a guitar!” Nick asked as he opened the case.

“Well, there is more to it than that. Look on the back.” Elvis said as he nodded towards the guitar that Nick was fingering. When Nick turned the guitar over, it was covered in signatures. “Danny asked me to do this about five months ago when I started the Spectacle Tour and then I passed it around to a few friends over December.”

“Well, who did you get?” Dannah asked.

“Let me have a look,” Nick passed him the guitar and Elvis read the signatures. “Well, Dannah said to be as creative as I could with the people so on here you have: Steven Tyler, Bruce Springsteen, Sheryl Crowe, Alanis Morissette, Bono, The Edge, The Roots, Paul McCartney, and Prince. I know there are more, but I can’t remember them all.” Elvis nodded as Nick awed as Elvis pat him on the back.

“So, how was the tour?” Nick asked Elvis.

“It was really good, I just finished it, and Dannah got me to stay in town one more day to give you this.” Elvis looked aver at Dannah pointedly. As the small talk continued, the teens caught up with their idol.


“I’m gonna miss this place.” Dannah said as they walked into the plane with Nick into the plane.

“Danny, you always say that when we leave New York.” Nick said as he followed her to their seats.

“Yeah, well sometimes I miss the days when we were on Broadway and seeing the bright lights; being in Wyckoff or Dallas and just playing with you guys in the garden.” Dannah said.

“Well, we now that we’re older, we can do more exciting things like when we went Go-Kart-ing and travelling the world; experiencing new cultures.” Dannah just nodded as she leaned on her brother, her rock, and closed her eyes.

“I am grateful for everything, I just, wish that I could take a piece of New York home with me.” Nick just rubbed her arm in understanding.

“Well, back to La La Land!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Not a particularly long chapter, but they do vary sometimes. Thank you for your reviews. I would like to see some more before I update again. I also apologize for thcrap title but I couldn't think of ANYTHING! If you do then leave me a message on my profile and I'll consider it.

I was going to update last week but I had Graduation and Sixth Form Transition Day. PLUS, I saw Nick Jonas in Les Miz @ the Queen's Theatre (it was magical, I loved it!) But I will be able to update at least once a week from now on (if you review)

Thanks for reading!