Half the Time the World Is Ending


I sighed, pushing my glasses further up my nose as I leaned back in my seat. "But Tara, be reasonable. Do I have to be one of the interviewers?"

My boss, Tara, gave me a snotty look. A look she only used when she was adamant about getting her way with other employees. Guess I really pissed her off this time.

"This is the first really big fucking band we have to interview. Your one of my top three interviewers. Do you know what that means?" she practically hollered.

Hell, at that point I was just thanking my stars that we were in a soundproof room. Otherwise this would have been one big as fuck scene between us.

"Tara, I honestly can't do this. I mean, I was with him for three years for fuck-"

"AnnaLisa!" she hollered, effectively making me shut my mouth. "I have three fucking good interviewers. There's five band members. That means that two of them are interviewing two members at once. I thought I was being reasonable in only giving you one member, since I knew you didn't want to do this to begin with. I thought you would have thanked me. Instead I get your fucking excuses! Now you are doing this interview. No more excuses!"

I flinched slightly. Up until that exact moment, I thought we were on pretty friendly terms. Guess that just goes to show bosses never really get close to their workers. If they did, they'd never get anything done.

"Fine," I sighed. "Just please not Vengeance, alright? Any other member but him."

"Agreed," she said with a smirk. "That just saved you your job. Now get your ass out there and greet the band."

My mouth dropped open, but I didn't have time to protest. She threw the door open and walked out, leaving it wide open for the entire floor to see me sitting there in shock.

Not to mention five very farmilliar faces.

"Holy shit, AnnaLisa!" Jimmy shouted, taking off at a run down the middle aisle between all the separate working stations, and heading straight for me.

I barely had time to stand up straight and brace my legs against the desk before his body barreled into mine, my feet lifting off the floor as he spun me around excitedly.

"Jimmy, put me down!" I whined, laughing. "I'm wearing a skirt, damn it."

He laughed, placing me back on my feet slowly, just as the rest of the band made their way slowly into the room, Tara trailing in behind them, a look of pure awe plastered on her face.

"AnnaLisa, you have some explaining to do. You didn't tell me you knew this particular band," she said, a devilish look on her face. Hell, she looked about ready to fire my ass.

"I did just tell you," I retorted softly. "You weren't listening to what I was saying."

She shrugged my comment off yet again. "Well, whatever. This works out even better. Now you can do the interview alone, since you know them so wel-"

"I want her to interview me alone," a soft voice said. Soft, yet utterly demanding.

Tara looked flustered. "But sir, since your entire band knows her, wouldn't it be better if she did all of you as a group-"

"Alone," he growled again, this time standing directly in front of her. "She interviews me alone, or I walk out of here."

"That's perfectly fine," Tara agreed, nodding extremely fast.

"Fuck you Tara," I grumbled softly under my breath, watching as the other four filed out of the interviewing room, looks of pity plastered on their faces before the door shut.

I was now effectively trapped in a soundproof room with the man I fuckinglove hate. A man so utterlysexy annoying that I wanted tojump him kill him where he stood.

"You always have to make my life a living hell, don't you Vengeance?" I spat out, slamming myself into one of the conference chairs.

"You know you love me," he smirked back for a response. "You know, your a very hard person to get hold of. I kept trying to call you, but apparently you changed your number."

"Lost the phone," I retorted, folding my arms.

"And you moved halfway across the word," he shot back, leaning his back against the door and clicking the lock in place.

I gulped, now extremely nervous. "Got a promotion. Had to move."

He nodded, his eyes not meeting mine. "You stopped talking to the other guys. Even the Berry's."

I shrugged. "Didn't feel like listening to the bullshit. New place, new friends and all that."

He finally looked up from the floor, his piercing green eyes meeting mine. "You left me without so much as a fucking note, Lisa," he growled.

I shivered at his use of my nickname. Granted, it was just a shortening of my name, but normally people called me Anna. Only he ever called me Lisa.

"Got tired of your bullshit too," I argued, trying to keep an outward composure, and praying my voice didn't waver as bad as I thought it did.

"My life was falling apart!" he shouted, walking forward and slamming his hands down on the desk on either side of me. "And you fucking left me!"

I shrugged, ducking my head so I wouldn't have to see the hurt in his eyes. "You life is always falling apart. You always were pretending shit was worse then it was, just to give you an excuse to party your nights away, trying to drown out the world."

"You were my fucking world!" he spat out.

"Not anymore," I whispered. "I'm not in your life anymore. And your not in mine."

I gasped as his hands gripped my arms, pulling me up out of the chair forcefully, my back hitting the wall as his body pinned mine in place. His lips crushed against mine, those farmilliar snake bites denting my bottom lip as his tongue traced between them.

Without mean to, consciously at least, I arched my body into his, my lips falling apart on a soft moan, letting his tongue rub against mine. His fingers dug into my arms before releasing them to travel down my hips, his fingers brushing against the bare skin of my stomach where my shirt had ridden up.

"Lisa," he groaned against my lips, "please, let this happen."

I couldn't even think of a reply as his mouth traveled down my neck, sucking gently on my pulse before licking his way down to my collar bone.

"Zacky," I breathed softly, my hands traveling up his arms until I could grasp his shoulders, one hand grabbing at his hair. "God Zacky, I missed this."

I felt him smirk against my neck before his lips met mine again, his fingers leaving my hips to grab the bottom of my shirt, fingers quickly working the buttons open.

I gasped again as my shirt fell open, falling off my shoulders as his arms wrapped around me, my bra falling free moments later.

His mouth once again left mine, my bossy arching into his mouth as he started sucking at my breast, his hands traveling down my sides until he reached my skirt. I managed to keep my balance, thanking the wall for being behind me as I stepped out of it, leaving me in only my white lace panties.

I made a started sound as me lifted me off my feet, my back hitting the conference table as he shrugged out of his shirt, his jeans hitting the floor seconds later before he crawled on top of me.

A whimper rose from my throat as he began sucking softly on my neck again, one hand massaging my breast while the another snaked it's way down my stomach, teasing my hip bones, but never getting to where I wanted it.

"Zacky, this isn't right," I gasped out, hanging on to reality by a small thread. "This won't change anything."

He groaned against my neck before lifting his head up, his eyes searching mine. "half the time the world is ending," he whispered softly. "But the truth is I'm done pretending."

I groaned as his fingers finally went where I needed them. Where I've been dying for him to touch. "What does that mean?" I questioned, my hips arching into his still hand.

"I'm done pretending I can live without you," he answered, biting his lip. "I need you back. I stopped fucking around. No more partying unless your there. No more binge drinking. Nothing. Just you."

I sighed as he started moving his fingers again, his mouth meeting mine in a passionate kiss.

"Fuck Zacky," I groaned, my hips bucking against his fingers. "Stop teasing me already."

He smiled against my lips. "I fucking love teasing you, baby," he whispered against my lips.

Thankfully his hand left me, only to be replaced with his shaft when he moved on top of me. With one more shift of his hips, he was fully in me, a shocked gasp leaving my lips as he set a slow pace, filling me up so much that it was almost hurting. Almost.

"Zacky, faster," I begged, grabbing another fist full of his hair to steady myself.

He growled against my neck before pulling out of me almost all the way, then slamming back into me. Over and over again he repeated the process. Over and over again my breath would hitch in my throat until I felt that slight build up of pressure low in my stomach.

"Babe, fuck!" I shouted, arching into him one more time before my orgasm slammed into me, my hand falling from his hair to dig my nails into his shoulder blades.

He groaned against my lips, his shaft pulsing inside of me as his own release took him, his body shaking slightly on top of mine.

"Lisa, I fucking love you," he whispered into my hair. "Let me come back baby. Please, please take me back."

I laughed at the absurdity of the situation. Here I was, laying naked on top of a table in my office, a man I used to love laying on top of me, begging to take him back, when all I wanted an hour ago was to run as far away from his as I could get.

"Fuck it," I reasoned out loud. "Why not? Sure."

He looked up at me startled, his green eyes piercing my brown ones hesitantly. "Why do I get the feeling your being sarcastic when I'm finally pouring my heart out to you?"

I snorted. "Zacky, think this situation thorough for one second. We're laying on a desk at my work. We just fucked, when I'm supposed to be interviewing you. All I wanted to do was stay as far away from you as possible. I got this job thinking that it was one of the very few places I'd never see you. Now here we are."

He bit his lip, eyes never leaving mine until he started to chuckle. "Now that I think of it... This is pretty funny, isn't it?"

I nodded, pushing his shoulder gently for him to get off of me. "We need to get dressed before Tara comes storming in here, demanding to know why the door was locked."

Zacky rolled off of me, helping me to my feet before picking up our clothes and handing me my own. "So what now?" he questioned.

I shrugged, placing a quick kiss to his lips before shrugging back into my now rumpled clothes. "Even better question Zacky. What the fuck am I supposed to write for the interview? Our time is pretty much up," I stated with a small laugh.

He chuckled, grabbing me around the waist as soon as he buckled his belt. "Guess you couldn't just write what actually happened, could you?" he asked, a mischievous grin plastered on his lips.

I glared at him. "I'd lose my job."

He only laughed. "Point being? Your coming back with me anyways. I'm not giving you up this time," he whispered, suddenly serious.

My smile faded slowly, eyes transfixed on his lips as I leaned forward and kissed him again. He was an addiction that I was just now realizing I couldn't break. And one that I really didn't want to, either.

"Eh, I guess I could write what we did," I finally mumbled, a smirk taking over my pout. "Even if she doesn't believe it, what's she gunna do? Fire me?"

He erupted in laughter just as a knock sounded on the door.

"AnnaLisa!" I heard a male voice shout through the door. "Hurry up. Tara's on a war path."

I rolled my eyes, opening the door to reveal my one best friend Sephy. "So? I'm quitting anyways. Let her be pissy."

Sephy's eyes went unbelievably wide as he saw Zacky's arms wrapped around my waist from behind. "Your..And he..And your quitting? What the fuck did I miss? Where you gunna work?"

I bit my lip at that. "Good question. I guess I'll have to go back to job hunting soon."

Zacky bit down on my shoulder softly before kissing that spot. "Your gunna write for me. For the band," he amended. "He can too, if you want to bring him along. I know you used to always talk about your friend here that you missed."

Sephy looked floored, unable to speak. Thankfully he didn't too. Tara came around the corner just then, storming over towards me. "Why the fuck was that door locked? You haven't answered in the past fucking hour! Well?"

I shrugged. "I quit. See you never, Tara," I said loudly, laughing as the entire floor went dead silent.

"What about the interview?" she shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air.

The rest of the band chose this opportune time to come walking out of the opposite conference room, smiles plastering their faces as they took in the scene.

"Looks like she'll still be interviewing us," Matt said. "Well, at least Zacky. Repeatedly," he joked.

I blushed, walking past Tara as Zacky grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. "I'll send you the interview," I hollered over my shoulder to a fuming Tara. "But you won't be able to print it anyways. It's sort of X-rated."

I laughed along with the rest of the band, walking out of the doors just as Sephy came racing up beside the rest of the band, bouncing up and down. "You sure I can come too?"

I shrugged, looking first at Zacky, then at the rest of the band. All of them nodded their agreement.

"He can be our publisher for events," Brian said, looking at Sephy. "That is, as long as he can do it right."

Zacky laughed. "From what I heard, he can do pretty much everything. But he can only come along because AnnaLisa will be too busy with me to work much."

I smacked his arms just as we walked out of the building, the sunlight hitting my eyes and making me flinch. "And what makes you say I'll be too busy, Zacky?"

He laughed, waiting one step so I was in front of his before he wrapped his arms around me from behind again, our fingers still laced together oddly. "Cause your going to marry me. And making kids takes time. That's how I say."

I gasped, laughing at his comment while the others just got into their separate vehicles. "Then I guess we need to get started, eh?" I joked.

He frowned, pulling me to turn around. "I'm being serious," he whispered, bending down to kiss me again. "I fucking love you. And I want to marry you. Okay?"

well when he put it that way, how else was I supposed to respond?

I kissed him back.
♠ ♠ ♠
One-Shot request from X..Kris..X
Hope you like dear.

Comments would be awesome!! After all, I can't improve my writing if I don't know my flaws. *winks*