We're All Going to Hell


Amie was not your average teenage girl. Sure, everyone knew that by the way she looked. Her eyes were rimmed with black, so much so that she looked like a racoon. She was rather skinny, and she had a weird jaw and insanely pale skin. She almost didn't look human.

But she was loved by every guy.

There was just a way about her. She was smart and could be pretty at times. Her voice wasn't high-pitched and annoying, and she was laid back. You could see her wearing a black Ramones shirt, skinnies, and black Converse on any given day.

But this girl, who everyone knew, had a secret. She wasn't sixteen years old. She was two thousand years old, a demon some said was sent by the devil himself to kill off anyone she wanted.

Every new town she went to, she would find a nice couple to call her parents. They'd take her in and she'd posess them so they would cater to her every demand.

After about a month or two she'd get a few guys and she'd kill them. Just a little slip of the poison was all she needed and she could send her dead subjects to the devil.

Everything was going according to plan at her new school, Parkland High School, situated in the pot-smoking suburbs and bland farmland outside of Allentown, Pennsylvania.

Suitable boys here were few. Most of the hot ones were gay, and the rest were druggies or jerks. But it didn't take Amie long to eye in on her prey.

Two boys, one her height with short dark hair. He wore the same ten shirts, and most of them were from glam rock bands of the 80's. The other was a tall skinny guy with sexy eyes and scene cut black/blonde hair. He was probably the smartest kid in the grade, he was definately the hottest.

The first guy objected her advances no matter what methods Amie used. He didn't find her appealing at all, which pissed her off. No one had ever shunned her before.

At a football game was where she met Rob, the smart sexy one. He was hanging out with a few of his dumb guy friends. She came up to him and though she really had lost her touch, he fell in love with her laid back style and words.

It wasn't long before he asked her out to the dismay of hundreds of girls just yearning for a chance with him.

Three months later and it was almost like a sin. All she wanted to do was kill him, but yet it was nearly impossible. He was too beautiful to touch. Killing almost seemed like a sin to her for the first time in her demonic life.

She conjured up all she could and went over to his house on a cold, cold night.

"I'm breaking up with you," was the first thing he said.

"W-what?" her voice cracked.

"I'm sorry Amie. But I'm just bored," he closed the door and she held it open with her foot.

"No. No, you love me," she felt her powers falling to the ground. She was nothing.

"Love you? I've never loved you," he tried to close the door again. "Go home. I'll talk to you later."

"Rob, if you leave me, I'll kill myself," oh, the suicidal cliche.

"No you wouldn't! Amie stop, you're a cool girl. Don't do that."

"I will!" she said and pushed him, angry enough to regain some of her power. No one broke up with her. She killed them before that could happen.

He tried to hold his balance as she pushed him, but he felt like the wind had been taken out of him.

"Amie, what the hell?"

Her black eyes turned to red and she stormed in. "You want to go there? It's quite nice actually!"

She tried, but in vain, to blast her powers upon him. She tried to seduce him so she could slip the vile into his mouth. But he could see what was going on. She was found out.

"Leave, or I'll call the police," Rob said sternly.

"Damnit," she muttered, her eyes going black. She couldn't do it. She couldn't kill him. She loved him too much. So she left.

She went home and found all her powers drained. They were gone just like that.

Amie was now single and a normal child. One day she will die, and she will join Satan's other demons in hell.

Rob's with a blonde now. He flaunts her like a new pair of chucks. Oh how that demon wants to kill her. Too bad.
♠ ♠ ♠
Amie and Rob are real people, minus the demon part.

I so enjoyed writing about skeletor.
For me, this story is a comedy.