Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Ten: Fear and Love

Putting the thought that I might have feelings for Lily behind me I focused on Leila. Yea Lily and I became close friends, but we kept things professional. I was still her boss, she was still my nanny.

On the flight over seas for the European leg of our tour, I was sitting by the window, Leila was in between Lily and I. I was listening to my Ipod as Lily read Leila a story. Leila was so quiet. She loved the traveling, and for the first time in forever the bus has stayed clean. Even Jimmy kept his stuff organized. Even thought it took Leila hitting her head after tripping on something of his.

After her story, Leila turned to me and tapped my arm. I pulled an ear bud from my ear.

“You read now?” she asked handing my the book. I took it and opened it to the first page.

As I read, she leaned against me. Lily grabbed Leila’s blanket and draped it over her. Soon she was asleep. I closed the book and handed it to Lily. Leila got comfortable leaning up against me. I was surprised she was sleeping with out her bunny. It was in her bag that was under the plane. I put my ear bud back in and looked over at Lily, she was listening to her own Ipod and reading a book. She looked so beautiful. I smiled on the inside.

I knew that I was falling for her but I wasn’t stable enough to put myself and Leila thru a relationship. I was still trying to get used to the one I had with my daughter. It still shocks me sometimes when I wake-up to her laying next to me. I even wake-up in the middle of the night to make sure she’s real. It never clicked in my head that one day I’d have a being in my life that I loved more then anything else in the world. And I never thought that it’d be like this.

Running my fingers thru Leila’s hair as she slept, the plane gave a hard jerk. I pulled my earphones from my ears, as the pilot came over the intercom and said that we’d be hitting some turbulence. Leila woke up and I held her to me. I was scared because I didn’t know what was happening. When we hit another hard batch of turbulence, I don’t know what came over me but I grabbed Lily’s hand. We looked at each other and our eyes both said the same thing. There was the same looked of fear and love.
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