Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Twelve: Coming Around

When we pulled apart from our kiss, lily and I stood there still in our underwear. My hands resting on her hips. Her arms around my neck. My heart raced I didn’t know what to do next. I leaned forward, resting my head against her shoulder.

“Zack are you okay?” Lily whispered. I looked up at her.

“I’m so confused right now.” I whispered back, and her eyes filled with concerned. “I like you a lot but I’m not sure if I’m ready for a relationship.” I said. She pecked my lips wit her.

“I understand that right now everything with Leila is new, just know that I wouldn’t ever hurt you or Leila.” She said. I nodded. “And when you are ready to have someone in your life and in her life let me be the first to know.” I nodded.

After kissing a few more times, she got dressed as I started to clean up. When she was done putting her clothes back on, she came over to me and took the cards, I was trying to back in the box, from me and told me to go to bed. And that she’d back there soon. I nodded again and kissed her cheek whispered a good night. I went to bed after gathering up all my clothes. I pulled the sheets back on my bed where Leila lay sleeping peacefully and laid down, and like always, my body was like a magnet and Leila snuggled close into my side.

As I laid there with Leila, I thought about what had just happened. It was an amazing feeling to have someone I could possibly one day love and be with for a long time in my arms again. I knew how I felt, but I just didn’t understand why I was so afraid to act on my feelings. That was until Leila snuggled closer into chest. Her mother, my Mary-Lynn.

Mary-Lynn was my first true love. She was my everything. And when she left me with telling me why, everything bad ran through my mind. Was I not enough for her? Was I not man enough? Did I let my work worries effect me so much I drove her away? And the one that popped up a lot and should have been the reason I searched harder for her. Was she pregnant? But of course I let temptation and fun keep me from what I really should have been doing. I should have been looking for Mary-Lynn and Ophelia.

As I slept I dreamt about what could have happened if I’d gone and searched harder. All I seen was fighting and booze. That wasn’t who we were. And even if we had been together she still would have died. I’d still would I have become an only parent, but would I have been as prepared? Would I be the great parent I was now? Or would I have let Mary-Lynn’s death effect so much that I would have pushed Leila away? And where would Lily come into the equation? Would she have been just a one night stand I met on tour while Leila was staying with my parents? Would she have saved me like she’s doing now? Would she have even been part of my life? I believe that fate put us all on this path, and that I need to stop asking why and just be happy for what I have.

When I awoke it was to Leila screaming. I sat up and she was laying on laying on the ground. She had rolled out of bed, Lily and I both jumped from the bed.

“Baby girl are you okay?” I asked her, she shook her head no. When she brought her hand away from her head there was blood. “Shit.” I said under my breath. Pulling pants and a tee-shirt on, I grabbed a hand towel. Taking her from Lily so she get dressed we made our way down to the lobby, Lily joined us, I asked where the nearest hospital was. It was only a block away so we walked. I hated being in cities I didn’t know well, for these reasons. I kept her awake just incase she had a concussion and I held the towel to her head. She was still crying. I knew then that Leila was in pain.

We arrived at the hospital we were directed to the children’s section. They took her right away, and us to wait in the waiting area. We took a seat, I looked over at her, she took my hand.

“Everything will be okay Zack. It’s probably nothing she’ll get all bandaged up and we’ll be back a the hotel before anyone notices we’re gone.” Lily said. I nodded.

About an hour later, we were allowed to sit with Leila. She was sitting on the bed eating a popsicle as the doctor put three stitches in her head. When she noticed us she smiled, and showed us her popsicle. Shaking my head because it was first thing in the morning and now she would be bouncing off the walls from the sugar. I sat down on the bed with her. He doctor said that she’d be fine. And in a week I can bring her back or to any doctor to have the stitches removed.

Back at the hotel, Leila and I were watching TV when Lily came in with lunch. Lily looked upset, and frustrated. I brought Leila over to the table where we were going to eat. Once Leila was served, I pulled Lily a few steps away and she burst into tears. I wrapped my arms around her and held her just letting her cry. After a few moments, I asked her what was wrong.

“Today is turning into the worse day ever.” she stated. “while waiting for the elevator in the lobby, the guy working the front desk asked what room I was in and when I said the room number he didn’t believe me. He tried calling security, as they came in so did Brian and thank god he did or I don’t know what would have happened.”

“I can’t believe they’d do that. We’ve been here almost a week and this guy hasn’t seen you?”

“No he has, the other day when I came down with Leila we went to a park not to far from here. He said good morning and everything.” she said. I shook my head.

“Don’t worry babe everything will be okay. He probably just some dick head.” I said. Then it hit me. I called her babe. She must have not noticed and if she did then she wasn’t showing it.

“I hope so, because for all I know he might get me for kidnapping the next time I go down there.” she said. I gave her a tight hug then we turned to see Leila standing her chair watching us. She had a smile on her face.

“And what are you smiling at?” I asked.

“You and lily.” she said.

“Oh really well I think you need a visit from the tickle monster.” I said. She sat down in her chair and shook her head no still smiling. I tickled her a little then sat down to eat.
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