Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Thirteen: Be Mine.

Once the our was over and we were back home sleeping in our beds and I had Leila back on a normal schedule life was getting back to normal. I enrolled Leila in pre school. So she could be around kids her own age. Lily was still a big part of her life. She was always at the apartment. It was calming to know that I wasn’t along when it came to raising Leila. I knew I had a supportive family, but I hated depending on them. I didn’t want to be like my siblings. Always leaving their kids with my parents because they just can’t handle the responsibility of being a parent. And I knew my friends were supporting me when it came to raising a child and being a musician. They were more family to me then my own flesh and blood. But Lily was different. I could see her being a permanent part of our lives.

One afternoon, I decided that I was ready to have someone special in my life. I wanted it to be special so I asked Val if she could watch Leila for a little while. Val of course agreed she had been bugging me to watch Leila. I called Lily it up it washer day off, she answer her phone like she normally did. She always answers it with a soft hello. I said hello and then asked her lunch. She said she’d be happy to join me. I told her I’d pick her up in an hour.

As I got ready, I couldn’t help but start to panic. She was someone I liked a lot and I couldn’t afford to lose because of Leila. Leila had become so attached to her. My daughter looked up to Lily. I finished getting ready and walked out to my car. Getting in a sat for a second before starting the engine. I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and placed it in the cup holder. My stomach was starting to get butterflies.

As I drove down the road towards her apartment complex. I stopped at the red light and took a deep breath. I remembered the first time I had gone to her apartment. She had Leila there for the afternoon while I was at a meeting about the tour. I had gone to pick Leila up. I hadn’t felt the way I did now about Lily so I wasn’t so nervous. When the light turned green I made my way down the road then turned in the parking lot of the building. She was sitting outside. She looked amazing in the sun. it was a little nippy out so she had a sweat shirt on but she still amazing. When I pulled up into front of her she looked up from her finger nails that she scraping the nail polish off of and smiling. I smiled back and greeted her as she hoping into the car.

“How are you?” she asked.

“I’m okay.” I said. She nodded. “How has your day off been?” I asked.

“Boring, and lonely. I miss being around you and Leila all day.” she said softly.

“I’m sorry.” I said, feeling a little bad.

“Don’t be. I’m with you now so I’m good.” she said with a smile. I smiled too.

When I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant I wanted to bring her too, I found a parking place. I turned the car off and turned to her.

“Ready?” she nodded. Climbing from the car, I met her in front of my car, and I took her hand gently in mine. I looked over at her and smiled. She smiled back.

Walking in we were sat in a booth. We sat a crossed from each other. I took off the hoodie I was wearing. I took the menu from the waitress, who said she’d return in a few moments to take our drink orders. Before looking throu the menu I looked over at Lily she was skimming the menu. She looked so beautiful. No matter what she did she always took my breath away. What also got me sometimes was the way she handled Leila. The way Leila took after her. Everything Lily did Leila wanted to do. It was so sweet. She looked up and smiled at me. I blushed and smiled back, looking down at my menu.

As we waited for our order, I thought it was the right time to tell her.

“Lily?” I said in a question like tone to get her attention. She looked me straight in the eyes.

“Yea?” she replied.

“You remember that night we first kissed?” I said. She smiled softly and nodded. “And do you remember how you said when I was ready for a relationship to tell you first?” she nodded again. “Well…” my heart started to race. “Lillian will you be my girlfriend?” I asked.

“Yes.” she said softly. I smiled big and took her hand. I kissed the back of her hand softly. She giggled softly.

As we eat, Leila came up and we talked about how much she’s grown. That’s when lily offered to cut her hair because she had asked about it the other day.

“Yea, that should be fine. You can cut it or this weekend we can take her.” I said taking a bite of a French fry.

“I know someone who will cut her hair for free.” she said.

“Who?” I asked.

“A friend of mine from school. We’ve known each other since like forever.”

“Does he cut for a living?” I asked.

“Yea, he owns his own place and everything.” she said.

“Well we can do that this weekend.” I said. She smiled.

We spent the last of our meal just enjoying each other company with soft chit chat about all different things.
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ps. sorry it's been so long since the last update... a lot has been going on and i've been really tired. i should be back on task now.