Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Fourteen: Hair Cut Part One

The rest of the week was nice, Lily was around more and the small amount of tension that was there between us was gone and Leila had opened up in so many ways I was so proud of her. She was talking more and finally using the potty. We bought her, her first pair or big girl underwear during the week.

The Saturday that Lily and I were going to take Leila to get her hair cut, I had gotten up early made some coffee and started to check my email. I looked up from my lap top when I heard keys in the lock. It was Lily looking at the time she was early. Looking back down at my computer, I heard her come in and stop right at the table. I looked up and I could she was up set. Placing her bag on the chair then coming over to me she sat down on my lap and burst into tears.

Lily was never the one to cry for no reason, and whatever had her upset had her so upset it was hurting me. I didn’t like seeing her cry, even thought she was very beautiful when she cried. After a few minutes of her crying her eyes out into my shoulder, she calmed down and relaxed a little. That’s when I asked what was wrong. She sat up and looked my straight in the eyes. Hers was filled with so much pain.

“I’m going to lose my apartment.” she whispered. I was confused.

“Why?” I asked.

“The land lord said that because of my job I’m not home enough to live there.” she said.

“That makes no sense” I said. She nodded.

“Yea that’s one reason I’m so upset.” she said. “That and I have no where to go.” she added.

“Babe don’t worry, you can come and stay with Leila and I. my bed is your bed.” I said. She smiled a little but then it faded. “What’s wrong?”

“I couldn’t come live here.” she whispered, looking down at hands that were rest on my chest.

“Why not?” I asked.

“It’s to soon. I don’t want to overwhelm you and Leila. Plus I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want us living together to drive us apart.” she said softly. I placed my finger under her chin and tilted her head up so that she was looking at me.

“Lily I want you to come stay here. I’m here for you. Leila adores you. You have nothing to worry about because I love you.” I said. When I said those last three words, her eyes widen and she smiled.

“You really do love me?” she said. I nodded. “I love you too.” she said.

We kissed for a few minutes before Lily went to get Leila up so we could get her ready for the day. Leila came out of her room as Lily picked her outfit out. She came over to me and I pulled her up on to my lap, whispering a good morning giving her a kiss on the cheek and hug. I could tell it was still early, because she was still sleepy. Leila laid against me when Lily came out to get her to get dressed.

“Why don’t we go out for breakfast?” I suggested. Leila smiled and nodded. “Go get dressed.” I told her. She slid off my lap and took Lily’s hand as she passed. The walked into her room and got Leila dressed. I, myself, did the same.

Once ready, I grabbed my keys and cell phone. Leila brought her bunny for when we went to get her hair cut she didn’t get scared. Lily put her bunny in her bag so she wouldn’t lose it. Taking Leila’s hand we walked down the hall to the stairs, as we walked down, people were coming up. Leila took Lily’s hand and we moved to the side. I didn’t recognize the people but I didn’t think anything of it.

When we reached the bottom, my landlord came out of her apartment. And asked if I had paid my rent.

“Of course, I give you money at the first of the month.” I said. She nodded and walked back in. She was a mean old lady.

When we got to the car, I put Leila in her seat and buckled her in. She was getting so big. Soon she would be doing a lot of things on her own. I grabbed Lily’s hand as she passed by to walk around the car I pulled her into my chest and kissed her. She kissed me back with a soft giggle. When I let her go she walked over to the passenger side of the car and got in.

As I drove the three of us to one of favorite places, Leila spotted a dog in the car next to us as we were sitting at a red light.

“Daddy look puppy!” she said excitedly. “Can we gets a puppy?” she asked.

“Our building doesn’t allow pets baby.” I said.

“But I don’t want a pet I want a puppy.” she said. I laughed a little.

“Baby girl a puppy is a pet.” I explained.

“Oh, why can’t we have a puppy?” she asked.

“I don’t know it’s just a rule they have.” I said.

“Then we shouldn’t lives there.” she said, pouting crossing her arms. I laughed some more. She had a point.
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