Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Twenty-One: Welcome To The Family.

The next few months passed quickly. The guys had gone off on tour and I was staying home so I could be home with Lily because she was due in a few days and I couldn’t leave her home with Leila because she was on bed rest.

Lily went into labor the morning of Leila’s last day of school. I got home and found Lily sitting on the arm of the chair her bag at her feet. She looked scared, her hand kept running over her stomach.

“Baby what’s wrong?” I asked rushing to her side.

“My water broke while you were gonna and the contractions are really strong.” she said. “I’m scared now.” she whispered.

“Don’t be baby I won’t leave your side.” I told her as she stared into my eyes. “Come on lets get you to the hospital.” I said. Helping her out to the car, I called Jimmy to see if he would get Leila and bring her to the hospital after school. He agreed. As I drove down the highway, I called Leila’s school to let them know that Jimmy was going to pick her up and I was sorry for the last minute call it was due to her mother going into labor.

The closer we got to the hospital, the more traffic seemed to form. I was keeping track of Lily’s contractions. She was doing her breathing and I was doing my best to keep calm. I didn’t want anything to go wrong because I could get her to the hospital fast enough. I didn’t want to lose the love of my life. I don’t think I could raise two children on my own. And I don’t want anything to happen to that baby. I wouldn’t forgive myself.

When I found a break in the traffic that was close to the exit, I took it. Which also got a police officer on my ass. I pulled over mother fucking the world under breath. I rolled down my window with my license and registration ready and waiting.

“Sir do you know why I pulled you over?” the office asked. As he said that Lily let out a whimper of pain. The officer bent down looking in the window. “Well I see why you did that. I’ll give you a escort to the hospital.” he said. I thanked him. Letting lily squeeze my hand as I drove down the road behind the officer who had his lights flashing and siren going. Her contractions were getting closer.

“Zacky, it hurts.” she whimpered as the last one hit as we pulled into the entrance way of the hospital.

“I understand that baby we’re here now.” I said sympathetically. Not able to see Lily in pain, I didn’t wait for a nurse to come out I picked Lily up bridal style and carried her inside. I’d never seen someone jump up so quickly as the nurse did when she seen us coming in. she had me place Lily in a wheel chair and before she would allow me to come up to be with her she had me sit and fill out paper work. Cringing, I filled out most of it as fast as I could. When I got outside her room, Lily’s screams of pain and her begging for me broke my heart. When I walked in, she was in pushing position the doctor and nurses were all prepped. One nurse escorted me out to get me washed up. As I washed my hands the nurse said they think there was something wrong with the baby, they were worried because of what was coming up on the heart monitor. My heart started to race.

When I entered the room, the baby’s head was already out, Lily was pushing. I joined her at her side trying to cheer her on. I was happy that the baby was here, but when I thought my heart was going to stop when the doctor told us it was a boy. I gave him a confused look. My confusion turned to fear when I didn’t hear him cry at first. But I was even more frightened when the doctor said that there was another baby. Everything was going so quickly. As soon as the second baby was born and her little cries filled the room so did his. And that’s when everything went black.

When I came to, I was sitting in one of those blue hospital chairs that reclines. There was a washcloth on my forehead and a blanket draped over my body. I opened my eyes and heard the soft quos of the babies. I sat up taking the washcloth off my head. My mother and Lily’s mother were sitting on a couch in the room each holding a baby. I looked from them to my wife. She laid in her bed smiling at them. I moved to her side, taking her hand. She looked up at me.

“Twins. Can you believe it?” she said. I shook my head no.

“I can’t, but I can’t help but be excited about it.” I said. She smiled. I leaned down and kissed her. “What happened?”

“You passed out. The doctor said it was because you stopped breathing because our son hadn’t cried yet.” she said. “The lack of oxygen to your brain caused you to pass out.”

“I hadn’t even noticed I had done it. What time is it?” I asked looking around the room. When I spotted the clock, I noticed that I had been out for only an hour or so and that Leila and Jimmy would be here soon. Giving Lily a kiss, we started thinking of names for our son. We had our daughter’s name picked out. Her name was Nicolette Elizabeth “Nikki” Backer.

“He should be a junior.” My mother suggested. I shook my head no.

“How about Andrew?” Lily’s mother suggested. Lily shot that on down quickly.

“I want him to have a unique name.” she said. “Let me see him.” she said. My mom brought our son over. He was so handsome. A splitting image of my own baby pictures. I took him in my arms before handing him over to Lily. He was so tiny and I couldn’t help but kiss his little cheek. I’d fallen in love.

“Waylon.” she mumbled. I looked at my wife as she run her finger over his cheek. He gave a little smile.

“I like it.” I said. I walked over and took my daughter. She was so gorgeous just like her mother. I was sitting there with Nikki when Leila and Jimmy came in. Leila came over to me and was so excited about seeing her little sister.

“Daddy’s she’s so pretty.” she whispered. I let her give Nikki a soft kiss.

“Leila mommy has a surprise.” I said. She hadn’t notice the second baby yet. Looking over at Lily her eyes got wide.

“There is two?” she whispered.

“Yep, come meet your little brother.” Lily said. Leila walked over to the bed, Jimmy helped her up. Leila was so excited over him.

“What’s his name?” she asked.

“Waylon.” Lily said. “We have to think of a middle, would you like to help?” Leila nodded.

“How about Anthony?” she said. Lily and I looked at each other.

“It’s perfect.” I said. “Leila you’re so smart.” I said. She smiled.

Our two newest members at Nicolette Elizabeth Baker and Waylon Anthony Baker.
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