Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Twenty Two: Her Last Day.

With the two new additions in the house, life seemed a little more complete. Leila was a huge help. She had fallen in love with her new brother and sister. She really stepped up by doing everything she’s told without a fight. She loves doing stuff that involves the babies the most. Lily smiles more then ever. Yes she did get a little upset sometimes because she missed having that internal bond with the twins, but she loves having them here and part of our family more. Myself, well my love for my son and my daughter was instant and not to have hem home was to me magical. Their soft cues and cries made the house more homely. I love to come in the front door of my house to hear Lily and Leila cueing over the babies, or to hear their little noises come from the baby monitor. Most of my nights I spend them listening to them “talk” to each other. When Lily I take them out, to do grocery shopping, or to get Leila or even to the doctors, they love being in the car. Sometimes just to get them to sleep we have to put them in their seats and take a trip a couple times around the block.

Towards the end of the recording of our newest album, Lily brought the twins in. They were six months old now and getting so big. Waylon out weighed his sister by almost two pounds. The guys gathered around the two cariers that held the small beings that were my children. I greeted my wife. With one kiss I could she was a little upset.

“Baby what’s wrong?” I asked.

“Leila’s school called.” she said. I rolled my eyes.

“About what this time?” I asked getting frustrated myself.

“What else. She hit someone today.” Lily said. “Will you watch them while I go and get Leila? I know she’s gonna want to be with her Daddy.” I nodded, kissing her forehead.

“Yea and I want you to let them know that this is her last day.” I said.

Ever since last year when Leila started school she been having a extremely hard time. It’s not the work, it’s her classmates. Each and everyone of them picks on her. So lately she’s been lashing out at them. Last week she was sent home twice. Once for giving someone the bird (the middle finger) and the second was because she punched a little boy in the eye.

Matt did some vocals as I sat there listening feeding Waylon. Brian was feeding Nikki. Jimmy had gone with Lily to get Leila and Johnny was messing around with his bass. When the bottle was empty, I pulled it from his mouth and the little that he had in his mouth came spilling out as he smiled up at me. I smiled down at him before positioning him to burp him. As I patting his back, Nikki gave Brian a little present. She eat to much and threw up all over him. I couldn’t help but laugh because she burst into a fit of giggles.

“What is with Baker’s and throwing up on me?” he asked. I laughed harder remembering that back before Leila was born, after a party I was so gone that I leaned over and threw up in Brian’s lap.

“It’s our way of showing you we love you.” I said. When Waylon finally burped, I praised him. I took Nikki from Brian so he could go and change. I was holding both my children in my arms when Jimmy and Lily came in. Jimmy was carrying Leila in his arms. I could hear her crying softly into his shoulder. Matt came and took Waylon while Lily took Nikki. I got up and took Leila from Jimmy. As she clung to me she kept saying she was sorry.

“Baby girl, it’s not your fault. No one is upset with you.” I said, stroking her hair. She seemed to relax a little and when I sat down with her still on my lap, she cuddled to me like she did when she was a little.
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