Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Three: Telling Mom and Meeting Val and Matt.

She looked up at me, and my heart stopped. She had sad little eyes and she looked so scared. I want to take her in my arms and tell her everything was going to be okay and that I loved her so much.

“It’s nice to see you again, Mr. O’Shea.” I said shaking his hand and inviting him in, he bent down a little and picked up a large bag. Ophelia followed him in. She stayed close. He started looking around and seem pleased I had take down some of the not so kid appropriate posters. Taking the bag from him, I placed it on the couch.

“Can I see her room?” I nodded and led him back. He smiled, she went straight for the toy box. Looking up at us, I walked over and opened it. Inside were a few things Val and I had picked out. With some help she grabbed the stuffed animals and started playing on the floor. I smiled. “A word Mr. Baker.” I nodded closing the top gently and stepped out into the hall and angled myself so I could keep an eye on my daughter. “Mr. Baker, I’ll be stopping in, in a few weeks to check up then randomly from time to time for the last six months.” I nodded, I jumped when Leila stood up and stumbled, almost falling, but she caught herself.

“That sounds fine, I’ll let you know if anything comes up.” I said.

“I have a feeling you and her will bond quickly.” I nodded with a hopeful look on my face. He showed himself out and I went in to her room. I sat down on the floor.

When she noticed I was sitting there, she looked at the door. She then walked over and looked out. I got up when she started down the hall. Following her she looked around. Her little bottom lip started to quiver. I kneeled down and took her little hand gently in mine.

“Leila, everything is going to be okay.” I whispered. She took a small step towards me. “I’m your daddy. I’m gonna take good care of you.” I said. She gave me a look and she calm down a little. “Hug?” I said opening my arms a little. She stepped closer and wrapped her little arms around my neck. I kissed her cheek and held her close. When she let go, I slipped her jacket off and took her shoes off. I stood up with her in one arm I grabbed the bag that Mr. O’Shea had brought with her and walked back in to her room. Putting her down she went back to playing.

Opening the bag, there were clothes, and some toys. Some sippy cups. And a letter with my name on it. I grabbed the letter and took a seat on the bed. Leila came over, I pulled her up on my lap. She rested her head on my shoulder. I opened the letter and read it out loud.

“Dear, Zack. If your reading this letter right now it’s because the cancer has finally taken my life. I want you to know that I loved you very much. There is a few things you need to know. When we were together I knew I had cancer before hand, and the reason I hadn’t told you was because I didn’t want you feeling pity or think any different of me.” I thought to my self for a second that even if she had told me I wouldn’t have thought any different. I would have loved her more and done anything to make sure she had everything she ever wanted and needed. “ Also I’m sorry you had to find out about your daughter this way. I was pregnant with her when I left. It hurt to look at her sometimes because she looked so much like you. She’s a very shy little girl so once you have a bond she’ll stick next to and not wonder off on you. Her full name is Ophelia Elizabeth Baker. I forged your signature on the birth certificate.” I laughed a little, and my laugh made Leila giggle. “ You might know this but I called her Leila for short.” I nodded. I kissed the top of my daughters head as she sat on my leg and listened to me. “Leila is a dog person like you. She a lot like you. Zack please promise me you’ll take good care of her.” the tears were starting to build now. “at the bottom of he bag that is packed for her should be a photo album. It has all the picture ever taken of her. And a video tape should be in there too. Its of her birth. Some other things you might need to know about our daughter is, she needs her bunny to sleep. It’s most likely in the bag. And if she gets fussy hum her to sleep.” I looked down at her to see she was already getting tired, her eyes were getting heavy and she fighting to keep them open. I put the letter down and holding Leila to me I looked threw the bag and found her bunny. She took it in arms, I started humming softly and she fell asleep.

I placed my sleeping daughter on her bed and covered her up. I planned on waking her up in about an hour just so she wouldn’t have a hard time sleeping later that night. I grabbed the letter and went out into the living room

“Zack, also know that I did tell her about you. And I hope you do the same for me when she’s older. I love you Zack Baker. You gave me the one thing I wanted in my life before I died and I wish I had a chance to tell you before it was to late. But thank you so much. Love Mary-Lynn” I sighed. Placing the letter back into the envelope, I picked up the phone and called Val.

“Hello?” Matt answered.

“Hey dude your wife home?” I asked.

“Yea hold on.” I could hear him walking down the steps. She must be doing laundry.

“Hello?” she answered.

“She’s here.” I said softly.

“Really, when?” I knew she was really asking when did she get there.

“About 30 minutes ago. Val she’s beautiful. She’s taking a nap right now.”

“Aww that’s great. How are you?” she was really asking ‘how’s it going so far?’

“She got upset when she noticed that the worker had left but I told her everything was going to be alright and she gave me a hug. Val I’ve never felt like this about anything before, and when I was going through her bag there was a letter from her mother in it.”

“Really? Wow. I’ll have to look that up.” I knew she wanted to read it.

“Can you come over later? I want you to meet her first.” I knew she was smiling then.

“Yea I’ll be over in about two hours.” I agreed that be great. I hung up.

As I waited for it to be time to wake Leila up, I just thought about how I was going to tell everyone. I jumped when the phone started to ring and almost had a heart attack when it was my mother calling. I had completely forgot about her. I let it go to my answering machine.

“Zack this is your mother, answer the phone I know for a fact your home.” not having a choice I answered.

“Hi mom.” I said with a sigh.

“Hello dear. How have you been?” she asked.

“Fine. A little stressed. Umm… what are you doing tomorrow?” I asked.

“Nothing dear why?”

“There’s someone I want you to meet.” I said.

“Oh is there a new girl in your life?” she said.

“Yea, in a way. You’re going to love her.” I said. We talked for a few more minutes. When I hung up I walked in to Leila’s bedroom to see she was laying in her bed wide awake. I picked her up. “Hungry?” I asked. She nodded.

I was cutting up a banana for her when there was a knock at my door. Ophelia was sitting on the couch watching cartoons. She looked over as I walked past I smile and she smiled.

Opening the door, Val stood there with Matt. My eyes got wide.

“Sorry, he insisted on coming.” she said.

“It’s okay he’d meet her sometime anyway.” she nodded. Matt looked confused. When we came in, Leila was standing on the couch holding on to the back looking at us. She reached for me when she seen the new people.

“Oh Zack she’s so beautiful.” Val said. I smiled and so did Leila. She rested her head against my shoulder. Matt hadn’t said anything.

“Ophelia, I’d like you to meet one of my best friends, Matt.” I said softly. “Can you wave hi to him.” she wavd her little hand and he melted.

“She so cute. Is she your niece?” I shook my head no.

“She’s his daughter.” Val said. His jaw dropped.

“Daughter?” he questioned. “Are you sure?”

“Matt look at her, they look a like. I mean they have a bond already and it’s her first day here. Mary-Lynn was her mother.” he knew then that it was true. Everyone knew I loved Mary-Lynn.

Val and Matt spent some time with us. Matt fell in love with his new niece. They were playing on the floor, her little giggles filled the apartment. Val snapped some pictures. It was a good day.
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