Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Seven: Nanny Business.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, I watched my little girl grow right in front of my eyes. It was scary sometimes to think that in a few years she’d be starting school, and then it was only a matter of time before she was leaving. College, marriage, kids of her own. At times I don’t think I’d be able to handle it, but then her smiling face brings me back down to earth. I learned something new about her everyday, and no matter what it was I cherished it. I loved my daughter with my whole heart. She was my everything to me for now, but I knew that in the future there was a chance I’d meet someone and fall in love again. I was just hoping that she’d like her too and we could be a happy family.

As you all know I’m a musician which means I travel for a living playing shows for hundreds of people a night. So this meant I would have to take Leila with me. And I couldn’t leave her alone with just anyone while performing or doing other things where I couldn’t be right there with her. I didn’t want to leave her home with my parents, my dad was to much of a cranky old man. She’s drive him insane, plus my mother would smother her like she did to me. I had talked to my mom before about getting a nanny to come with us. But I didn’t want some old hag, coming on tour with us and have her not baby sitting my daughter but baby sitting us.

I took it into my hands, to call a agency. I gave them some notes that the Nanny would need, and I asked Val to help pick one. Some of the qualifications the person need were, likes to travel, can deal with close quarters, easy going, flexible, likes metal. A week after I called, a book a of people came in the mail. Matt and Val came over. Leila was down for her nap, we they arrived. I handed the book to Val, I had looked threw it. I didn’t really know what I was looking for. I knew I needed someone who would take good care of Leila and love her so she always felt comfortable, but I didn’t want some perv taking care of my kid.

“Zack, how about this one.” Val said. She placed the book in front of me and I read threw the person’s profile. Her name was Lillian, she was 23. She had baby-sited most of her teenage years, for money and grew to love it. She love working with kids and wanted to eventually go to school to become a preschool teacher. She like music, reading and traveling. As I read more about this girl I like her. It stated she had some tattoos and piercing. That was okay with me. I knew for a fact Leila like tattoos too. She like running her finger along the lines. It was relaxing for her. Jimmy’s fallen asleep a couple of time holding her because of it.

“I like this one too. We can call her up and schedule an interview.” I said. Val nodded.

“I do it right now. The sooner the better.” she said. Val stepped into the kitchen with the book grabbed the phone and called the girl. I was just hoping that she was the right one. I didn’t want to have to go threw a million people to find someone who’d be wrong for the position anyways. When Val came out of the kitchen she was smiling. “She can come now. How long has Leila been down for her nap?” she asked.

“I’ll get her up when Lillian gets here. She hasn’t been down long.” I said. As we waited Leila called out from her room. I went in to get her. She was sitting up in her bed. She must have had a bad dream because, she crawled into my lap once I taken a seat on her bed and fell back to sleep. I took her out into the living room where Matt and Val sat. I sat down in my favorite chair and Leila slept against me.

“Nervous?” Matt asked.

“Yea, I don’t want just anyone taking care of her. If I had my way it’d be me only, but I can’t take her on stage, I can’t bring her on photo shoots, I can’t take her on interviews.” I said, as I looked from Matt to Leila. I moved some hair from her eyes, she shifted a little but stayed asleep.

“Could maybe once bring her on stage. Maybe at a smaller show. I think the fans would like it so would she. She’s like you a lot. Likes being the center of attention. Even when she sleeps.” Matt said.

“I’ll think about it. Before we go I have to have her fitted for ear plugs.” I said.

“Good thinking.” Val said. “I wish I could go with you guys so you didn’t have to do this. I feel bad.”

“Don’t everything will work out for the best.” I said. Just then there was a knock at my front door. Val got up to answer it. I heard them talking and could tell it was two female voices so I knew then that it was the girl coming to interview for the nanny position. Val walked in first, then the girl. My jaw dropped at how beautiful she was.

She was about 5’5, tan skin, with black hair and piercing blue eyes. She smiled shyly, and gave a small wave that Matt and I returned. She walked gracefully over to the couch and took a seat on the edge. I could tell she was nervous and so was I.

“I’m Lillian.” she said, sticking out her hand. “You must be Zack.” she said softly. Her voice was soft and soothing. As she reached I could see some ink under the sleeve of her jacket.

“It’s very nice to meet you.” I said. “I’m sorry about setting up this interview such sort notice, and that Leila is asleep.” I said.

“It’s alright, she very beautiful.” she said. “How old?” she asked.

“Leila is almost three.” I said. “How old was the youngest child you’ve watched over?”

“Three days.” She said. “I worked for a family that had three children, two boys and a new born girl.” she said.

“Well, I’m looking for someone who okay with traveling for long periods of time, on a tour bus with several other people.”

“Yea, I’ve been in that situation before. It wasn’t a metal band, it really wasn’t a band at all it was just a very large family. But traveling and cramped quarters don’t bother me. I’m an easy going person. I’m open minded and flexible.” she said.

“Well that’s really great.” I said. “Your perfect for the job.” I said. As soon as I said it I was regretting it. I was hoping I was making the right decision. I hope I was making it off what she had said and her profile not just on her looks.

“So I have the job?” she asked. I nodded. “This is so great. When do I start?”

“Umm, can you stop by tomorrow so that you and Leila can spend sometime getting to know one another.” Val suggested.

“Yea, that would be great. What exactly do you want me to be doing?” she asked.

“Well while on tour, there will be days that I can’t be there with her all the time and I have to be away, you’ll be there to take care of her feed her and stuff. Like if I have an interview after a show or a meet and great it’ll be your job to give her a bath and get her ready for bed, so that when I come in I can read her a story and kiss her good night.” I said.

“Sounds reasonable. I can’t wait to meet her while she’s awake.” she said.

“I know she’ll love you. You seem like a really great person.” I said. I was relaxing a little to her. At least there was time for both Leila and I to get used to her.
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