Status: Fin

You Changed My Life Kid.

Chapter Eight: A Tour and The Tour

Around noon, I had just given Leila her lunch when the door bell rang. I told Leila I’d be right back and to eat. She nodded as I turned to answer the door. Lillian stood there. She was still as beautiful as the day before. She smelt like a mixture of fruit and baby lotion. It wasn’t strong it was light but noticeable. I let her in.

“Leila’s eating lunch right now so I’ll show you around first?” I said. She nodded.

“Sounds good.” I started with the bedrooms, and worked my way forward. I let her know where she could find everything. Leila was still potty training so that came up when we got to the bathroom. In the kitchen I had posted the list of food Leila couldn’t eat for various reasons ranging from allergic or just flat out won’t eat. I showed her where I kept Leila’s snacks. They were kept separate so that when the guys came over they didn’t eat them on her.

“Leila’s likes repeating new words she hears. So be careful when it comes to what you say.” Lillian nodded. I pointed out the hidden box behind the couch where I kept her toys.

“I was wondering about that.” she said. I laughed.

“Yea, this box will go with us on tour. I’m going to go threw it and take some stuff out so there is room to put new stuff in it because I knew she’ll get new toys on the trip.” she nodded. “So if you could keep an eye on what she’s playing with it’d be a big help. I don’t want to leave anything behind she’s going to miss.” Lillian nodded.

“Umm… is there anything about her I should know?” she asked. I gave her a confused look. “Like does she get upset when your not around, stuff like that.”

“Oh, um…” as I thought I don’t ever remember there being a time since she arrived that we’ve been apart. “I don’t know we’ve never been apart. It’s been me and her the last few months.” I said.

“Well we’ll find out.” she said. I laughed and nodded. Just then I heard her chair squeak against the floor. Leila came into the living room and I picked her up.

“Ophelia, this is Lillian can you say hi?” I said to my daughter.

“Hi.” she said in a soft voice. I smiled and kissed her cheek. She was the sweetest.

“Hello, Leila you can call my Lily.” she said. Leila nodded with a smile.

“Leila, Lilly is going to take care of you while Daddy has to work is that okay?” she nodded. “But don’t you worry Daddy will always come home to you.” I said. She smiled. I don’t know why I said that but I think it was because of the look in her eyes.

Lilly took over for the rest of the day to see how they reacted to each other. Leila took to her quickly. She liked Lily and I was happy for that.

When morning we were to leave for our first date. We had to leave early in the morning. I woke up to my alarm and took a shower. I had given Leila a bath the night before to save time in the morning, plus I didn’t want her be outside with a wet head. I didn’t want her getting sick.

I woke Leila up, she was still so tired which was how I wanted her. I got her dress. I put her in sweat pants and a tee shirt with a matching sweat jacket. I put her new sneakers on and brushed her hair out. Holding bunny to her, I placed her on the couch with her pillow and blanket. The bus was going to show up once they had picked up the rest of the guys. As I was putting a few things away and making sure everything was locked up, there was a knock at the door. I looked into the living room to see Leila fighting sleep. I smiled and went to the door. Lillian stood there looking tired herself.

“Morning.” I said as she came in.

“Morning.” she said back. We went into the living room. I picked Leila up. She snuggled into my chest but I wouldn’t let her sleep. I wanted to get on the road before letting her go back to sleep. “What time should they be here to get us?” Lillian asked

“Brian said he’d call when they picked him up because he gets picked up before me.” I said. She nodded. I looked around at everything that was sitting in the middle of my living room. This was going to be our longest tour. It’s going to be 6 months then we are going straight into another 6 month tour. So for the next year we’re going to be going all over the world. My cell phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts. I felt Leila jump awake. I kissed the top of her head and answered my phone.

“We’re on our way now your ass better be up.” Brian said and before I could answer he hung up. I huffed. Getting up I placed Leila on Lily’s lap.

“Make sure she stays awake.” I said. “I’m going to start bring the stuff down their on their way.”

“Why don’t Leila and I go and sit down there with the stuff so nothing gets taken.”

“That’s a good idea.” I said. I grabbed Lily’s stuff first and Leila’s blanket and pillow whatever else I could get my hands on.

“They should be here soon right?” Lily asked. I nodded.

“Yea, you’ll know it’s them when a huge tour bus stops out front.” I said. She laughed.

“Yea I guess.” As I made my last trip to get the last of the bags, the bus showed up. The driver parked and came to help. Matt came out taking Leila from Lily. Leila leaned against him and tried going to sleep but he knew to keep her awake. She was getting cranky and I felt bad but I knew she had to stay awake or she’d up when everyone else was trying to sleep. And I didn’t want or need her getting hurt.

Once on the road and the bunks were made up, I curled up with Leila in ours. We were sharing. I didn’t want her falling out of one. She’s rolled out of her own head and that’s a lot closer to the ground then the bunks are. I took her sweat jacket and shoes off. She was out the moment her head hit the pillow. Lily was in the bunk above ours. As I was tucking Leila in she looked over the side.

“Zack.” Lily said softly. I looked up and her beautiful face looked down at mine. “Good night.” she said.

“Good night.” I said. She smiled then laid down and closed the curtain. I closed ours and fell asleep Leila snuggled close to me.
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