What It Takes.

For What Its Worth, Is it Worth It?

"DAVID!" Kira yelled to me. "Hurry the FUCK up."

"Coming." I stated sadly. Kira was my girlfriend although she didn't always act like one. Constantly flirting with guys, and them all over her....to be honest I was getting sick of it. She wasn't even nice to me. Why was I going out with her again? Oh yeah, because she's the hottest girl in school.

"Hello earth to David?" I snapped back to reality with Kira's voice. "Hello?" she asked again.

"Yeah sorry. What do you need?" I asked politely, after all she was my girlfriend no matter how bad she treated me I couldn't treat her bad.

"Well I was hoping you and me could go to that party tonight." There was a pause. Kira plus parties plus booze equals David in a whole lot of trouble. "Pweaseeeeeeeeee!" she begged leaning on me like a two year old not getting a new toy from their mom.


"Yay!" She got off and stood straight. "Pick me up at 7, and DON'T be late." Kira kissed me on the check and skipped off happily. Man, I'm so whipped.
Ding Dong went Kira's old fashion door bell. It rang that old musical sound like you hear in old movies.

"Hey babe." I said when she answered the door

"Hey! Good, you're here 7 sharp. Just what I wanted." Her smile was enough for me to forget about what a hard time I had getting ready, it was bright white and had that sparkle to it. "Okay, chop chop lets get going!"

I was pulled by my right arm to my car and push around the front to get in. "Okay we have to leave around midnight sorry babe but tomorrow I have to be somewhere early."

"Ugh, are you fucking serious? I have to leave at midnight?" she complained.

"...uhm well yeah." It's not like she never made me leave anywhere early before. There goes my conscience again.

"Fine, whatever. Lets just go so I can have as much time there as I can." I looked at her expecting her to say sorry for acting like a bitch it's just my time of the month or something along those lines. But no. Nothing. Nada. Not even a glance at me.

We drove in silence the whole way their and when we arrived she got out before me and stomped her way to the door. "Kira wait!" I called after her but she didn't turn around.
"Ugh..."I sighed to myself.

"Real bitch huh?" I heard from behind me. I spun around to fine a girl standing there. "I'm Emily by the way." She was average looking. About 5'2" long brown hair, brown eyes. Looked like a plain Jane to me compared to Kira.

"Nah, she's just in a bad mood I guess." I looked back at Kira, "David." I stuck out my hand to her.

She stared at it contemplating to shake it or not. She did. "Nice to meet you. Walk me to the party?"

"No, I wouldn't dare be seen with you!" I said in facetious tone.

The girl giggled, "Good I don't wanna be seen with you too!"

"Haha good. So whats new with your life?"

"Oh you know, the usual. Just moved here, no friends yet, parents nagging me to 'Be Careful' or 'Use a condom'." we laughed in tandem.

"Wow, looks like you have a very....how should I say it, eventful life. But anyways you're new here?"

"Yep, brand new straight from New Jersey!"

"Haha well guess what."


"Consider me your very first friend." She might not have been as pretty as Kira, but her charm and her smile...it took my breath away. Was I already falling for this girl? Wow that was fast.

"Haha why thank you very much." She smiles gratefully. "You're great you know? I don't know why you're with that girl, she seems like she doesn't even care about you."

"Well she was great at first. Nice and sweet and caring....but then...high school happened i guess." she stopped me.

"Woah. You thought this wouldn't happen? With a girl like her? Bud what did you expect to happen?" and then she kept walking.

I followed behind her, "Well, I was hoping she'd be you know, like you. Sweet, funny and short." I stuck my tongue out at her. Maybe she didn't have to be hot like Kira...

"Awe thanks. I know I may not be the prettiest girl around, but it's great when guys see whats inside and all that bologna," she turned to look at me, "like you do."

As I stared in her eyes I could feel my need to kiss her, so I did. Our lips fit perfect together and I could tell we were meant to be. I pulled away, "I think you're beautiful...." I knew I'd pay for this, but who cares, "lets ditch this party." I grabbed her hand and headed to my car.

"I'm with ya 100%" she laughed and followed close behind. When we got there I pulled her into my arms and kissed her again.

"Thank you."

"For what?" she was puzzled.

"For talking to me, showing me I could have better...." I stared into her beautiful deep eyes. "Just like you." I smiled and pressed my lips against hers again.

Emily giggled, "No problem."