This Is What Happens When 2 Teenagers Get Bored

Leaving The Band and Hayley Wants Him Back

*Two years has gone by filled with crying, shouting, eating, rolling, sighing and name calling*
KC: Hummmmm. These years just seem to fly by.
Teza: They do, don't they? I remember the letter of complaint that started this whole series of events.
KC: Yeah. Remember when Josh took that tour off and blamed me.
Teza: Yeah, how rude. But he cried after that. We SO felt sorry for him... As always.
KC: Yeah, we should stop doing that.
*Hayley appears out of nowhere, as always*
Hayley: You can't avoid that, so stop trying. He's a complete idiot.
KC: Yeah. But you're the one who made a band with him.
Hayley: Yeah, but he and Zac still have the idiocy to leave.
*KC and Teza faint*
Josh: *Comes in crying* I left the band.
Zac: So did I... And has anybody seen my pizza? It was around here somewhere...
Hayley: Yeah Josh blamed you and the kids... And Zac left coz he wasn't getting enough food.
*We all look at Zac still searching for his pizza*
Teza: Josh, stop blaming others. You didn't have to leave it was your choice and... Please don't keep crying... Zac, your pizza could've possibly fallen behind the couch.
Zac: Found it! It was behind the couch. Yous wouldn't have even thought of looking there.
*Takes a bite of the pizza ad walks off*
Hayley: ...That was possibly the most disgusting thing I've ever seen anybody do.
KC: Not me. There was that time Zac thought decoys puke was cream and he ate it. (side note-ewwww)
Teza: Okay, all this talk about food from God-knows-where and puckish ice cream is making ME want to puke. Let us talk about something like... WHAT? JOSH AND ZAC QUIT?!? (side note - in actual fact, I'm feeling quite hungry :3)
KC: I know how are we supposed to buy food and clothes for the kids if you have no job... You know the best job /I/ can get is at Maccas. (side note - lol lol lol yeah so am I I'm cooking hot dogs)
Josh: I'M SO SORRY *cries like there's no tomorrow"
KC: Awww I'm sorry we'll figure something out.
Zac: *re-enters* How about you work at a food joint? Then you could get me discounts! As for me, though, I already found some other people to chill with. They don't give any food but, hey, maybe I can bribe them into it!
KC: Yeah, and who's gunna look after the three kids.
Hayley: You tard, count properly! Two, right? You only have two, count PROPERLY next time!
KC: No. I have three. Josh, Decoy and Fapipo
Josh: I'm not your child... Am I? Eww... Incest. *cries*
KC: No. The way you act you mo-as well be a child and I'm your...carer.
Josh: But... but... *cries* I don't want nap time!
Teza: And I shall have to agree with Hayley. JOSH! You have to have your nap time! Let KC put you to sleep!
Josh: Fine. *lays down on couch* KC can you get me my bankeeyyy, please?
Hayley: Oh my God. *conjures up a blanket from midair* Take it and shut up and go to sleep!
KC: finally! ...But knowing my luck the other two will wake up.
Teza: Probably. But oh well. So... What are you guys gonna do about Josh and Zac, Hayley? You can't have a band without a guitarist or a drummer!
Hayley: Well we have Taylor and I guess we will have to get another drummer
Teza: Fail. They were the best combination ever. I doubt there'll be any way of getting them back, though. *starts sobbing* (Side note - I have to share this lolful bit from another chapter with you :D
KC: Oh, here we go again, all these stories of Zac’s mistakes.
Josh: Well, long story short, Zac makes a lot of mistakes.
Hayley: Like...?
Josh: Like when he mistook the sink for a toilet.
KC: At least your not gunna be hated for it. *starts sobbing with Teza*
Hayley: Yeah, I'd hate to admit it, but those guys are pretty lovable idiots.
KC: Yeah, and Josh is such a cutie whens hes asleep. *stares at Josh with eyes full of love and passion* Zac would be if he didn't roll or covered in food.
Hayley: *smiles* He kinda is, isn't he... Oh no, I'm starting to fall back in love with him! Somebody help me, I don't wanna be in love with an idiot, especially a married one!
KC: *Bitch slaps Hayley* STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN,BITCH!!!!
Hayley: *bitch slaps back* Well I had him first, so nyeah. The only reason I had to split with him was for the band to stay together! But Josh isn't in the band anymore... And you only have to be married one year for a divorce... And I can be quite influential when I want to be...
KC: (I'm speechless...WHAT DO I DO...I know I'll cry) *crys* (Wow now i know why Josh crys so much)
Hayley: Hmm, now I know how to bribe you and... What I said just before sounds like an awesome idea. I believe I should wake Josh up right now...
KC: *thinks of a idea* OK you can have Josh... AND the kids and then I can go to work. There goes your career Hayley.
Hayley: Nope, you have to keep the kids, since they're related to you. If you don't want the kids, go put them in an orphanage. My career isn't going to die! *nudges Josh with hand, waking him up to tease KC, or maybe even worse...*
Jeremy: actually Hayley, Josh would have to obtain custody of the children as he is the only one over 18 therefor the only one to gain custody of the children and there's also the fact the feeling of love he has obtained for those kids...or as you'd say it the law says Josh must have the kids and he loves them too much to let them go.
Hayley: Doesn't ruin my career. After all, who's the jobless one? Not me, it's him. *points at Josh, who has just woken up*
KC: He WILL call you every minute your away....wasn't that another reason you broke up with him and the fact you have to buy Zac food all the time. ... Yeah that's right Jeremy knows things.
Hayley: No, actually, I quite liked him calling me every minute. Even though I think of him now as a complete idiot... *sighs* And the only reason I call him that is because I miss him. *small tear appears in Hayley's eye*
Teza: Hey, when am I gonna get a word in here? (side note - I just NEEDED to say something XP)
Hayley: You should divorce this chick and come with me, Josh. You know the only reason we split was because of the band, and wanting to save it. Now we don't have to do that anymore. Come with me, Josh.
KC: Hayley do you really wanna deal with.......
Teza: Aww, so what are you gonna do now? It's only been about a week since you left Paramore, you can't come back right now. You'd confuse people.
KC: Me and Hayley's convo was /that/ long?
Hayley: Yeah, it was. Since the mood was ruined, I'm out. Catch ya later, idiots.
Teza: Ooh, we have a new bitch in town, it seems... Although my respect for Hayley hasn't gone down one bit.
*Epic music plays*
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go..our version of the break up.
There are rumors that Josh has a video on You-Tube called "The Truth" *dun dun daaaa*
People who have watched it have said that they wish to unwatch it.
So me and Teza (NOT TERZA AND I!!!! =@) have not watched it though curiosity has been killing me.
Another reason why we probably haven't watched it is we have be using mobile-phones for Internet.

Just a lil update from me, Teza. Sorry for the long wait. We finally got bored enough to write another chapter... After all, this is what happens when two teenagers get bored ^.^ It's a horrible chapter, I realise, I didn't even know we was publishing it. Promise the next one will be better and, just like the original chapters, funny!