This Is What Happens When 2 Teenagers Get Bored

Possesed with KC and CJ. Teza was not here.

Kaycee: Where's the kids?!?
CeeJay: Their with Jeremy, playing with his beard.
Josh: Wait up, you're far enough away from the church.
Ash: Hey, look, there's a bar. You guys want to get drunk?????
Kaycee: Where'd you come from?
Ash: I've always been here, I've just been invisible.
CeeJay: Since when could you be invisible?
Mary: *walks out of subway with cookies* Since forever.
Zac: *runs past and snatched cookie off Mary* FOOOD!!
ceejay: What the fuck?
Josh: *looks around and cries* Where's... the
CeeJay: They're with Jeremy, playing with his beard.
Jeremy: And I'm right here. *passes kids to Kaycee and Josh and gets his beard pulled*
Decoy and Fapipo: *cries*
Hayley: Oh, shut the hell up.
Kaycee *jumps* Where did you come from!?!
Hayley: I was hiding behind CeeJay.
CeeJay: You calling me FAT??
Hayley: Yeah, what of it ???
Kaycee: Hey it seems to be quieter than usual. *looks around with Decoy on her hip* Where's Taylor?
CeeJay: Oh yeah. *shifty eyes* I have to go. *runs off*
Kaycee: *calls after CeeJay* Bye *sniffs* Ew, the kids need there nappies changed .......Josh! *passes Decoy to Josh*
Hayley: Hehe, Josh has to change nappies.
Jeremy: Why can't Kaycee change them or at least one?
Kaycee: Because I don't want to and Josh would do anything I say.
Hayley: Hey she's mean....... Who are you and what have you done with Kaycee?
Kaycee: This is what happens when I've been with CeeJay.
Jeremy: Or maybe she's possessed!!
Hayley: The power of Christ compells you!
Kaycee: Oh crud! *collapses then wakes up* What happened?
Hayley: You were possessed and you have Josh whipped.
Kaycee: Really? Last thing I remember was we got home from the honeymoon and I found out that
I was knocked up.
Kaycee: I don't know. *gets helped up by Josh and Jeremy*
Decoy and Fapipo: Mum, mum, mum. * tries to get to Kaycee*
Kaycee: Hello and who are you two? *sniffs* And I think you need your nappy changed.
Jeremy: They're your kids.
Josh *cries*
Kaycee: Josh, I love you and all but you need to stop crying and help me with the kids.
Josh: *instantly stops crying* Okay.
Kaycee: Man, I need to catch up on a lot of things.
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yeah teza wasnt on so she got left out.