I Need Somebody to Rely On


Growing up, Bridget and I would always play at this little abandoned park on the outskirts of town. She'd lived down the street from me since I was seven, so it was only natural that we became friends.

It never occured to me throughout the years of school and all the playdates we had and everytime we'd hung out that I had feelings for her. But things started to change around the time we announced our first tour.

I guess I was so oblivious because I always thought of Bridget as one of the guys. She played video games, could eat seven slices of pizza in one sitting, and had gone out with me and K-Dirty a few times to graffiti.

She'd just broken up with her long-time boyfriend, who was a jerk, and she'd been hanging out with me a lot. She'd been very melancholy since they'd broken up so I felt as her best friend, it was only right for me to comfort her.

That's when I finally noticed her sky blue eyes, her very nice curves, and her quirky flirting attempts towards me.

I took her out to the park the night before we left for the tour. We blasted the radio in the car as I drove there. We sang along obnoxiously to all the songs.

"I don't want you to leave," she said, frowning slightly as we walked slowly around the kiddie park.

"I have to. Gotta start somewhere to get famous," I smiled.

She sat down on the swing. It squeaked obnoxiously. This place was all rust. I leaned against the swing support and looked at her.

"Well.. have fun."

"It's not like I'm going to abandon you," I chuckled. "We'll still keep in touch. I'll be home in three months."

"Three months is a long time. A lot of things can change."

I shrugged. "I guess.. but our friendship isn't going to change," I was suddenly nervous. I wanted to ask her out so bad but she was still down in the dumps about her breakup.

"Kyle, I've been thinking about that..." she said, not looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

She looked up at me and blushed. "I like you. Always have. No pressure now, since you're leaving."

I beamed. "I like you too. I was kind of afraid to tell you."

She laughed slightly. "Really? I'm not that frightening," she playfully kicked my leg.

"Bridget, will you be my girlfriend?"

"God, I've been waiting for you to say that for years," she said and smiled.

"So it's a yes?!"

She nodded. "I need someone to rely on. I can completely trust you."

I drove her home late that night and stopped the car in front of her house. She looked kind of nervous. I leaned over and kissed her jaw. Her nervous look melted away and she kissed me on the lips.

I smiled. "I'll call you," I said and we hugged goodbye.


No face-to-face communication can really be the death of you.

I returned home three months later, pumped from all the amazing shows and ready to see my girl.

I knocked on Bridget's front door and her mom answered it.

"Kyle?" she seemed confused as to why I would be there.

"Is Bridget home?" I asked.

She frowned. "She's in New York.. for school."


"She said you broke up with her. She left for school kind of in a hurry."

"I.. didn't break up with her," why the heck?

"I'm sorry hun. Call her," she closed the door on me.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. Jonathan was already home.

"Do you know where Bridget is?" I asked and plopped down on my bed. Boy had I missed not sleeping in a bunk.

He sighed. "Dude, I'm sorry. She's back with Dan."

"She.. she cheated on me?" I asked.

"I didn't want to tell you.. until we got home. Mom told me. She went to New York for school instead of Houston because she didn't want to hurt you," he explained.

I fell back against the bed. Not hurt me? Oh you already have, Bridget. You've ripped my heart in half.

"Kyle, don't be upset. Seriously, she wasn't worth it," Jonathan said. Easy for him to say. But I know he was just trying to make me feel better...

"I need someone to rely on. And you weren't that for me, and you'll never be that for me," I sang quietly to myself.

I truthfully lost my best friend, not my girlfriend. And that was the worst feeling in the world.
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