Status: Active

Broken in Time

& 002;


Alison Vivaldi was wide awake. There was still 4 hours before breakfast was to be served, and 5 hours until the first day of classes would begin. She sighed, there was no way that she was going back to sleep anytime soon.

Getting up, she decided to start getting ready now. She took her shower, magically dried her hair, changed her clothes and put on her shoes. There were still three hours until breakfast. She decided to take a walk.

The sun was barely in the sky. Beautiful oranges, pinks and purples were all the eye could see. The air was slightly chilly, but it didn’t matter. Alison pushed her bangs out of her eyes, and pulled her Hogwarts sweater over her arms.

Without knowing, Alison had walked to the top of the Astronomy Tower. The view was breathtaking.

“Beautiful, isn’t it” she heard from behind. She smiled at the ever so familiar voice.

“Yes” she said, not even bothering to turn around. She felt a presence behind her, and then a hand rested on her shoulder. She placed her head upon it.

“Should I call you grandfather now, or headmaster?” she teased. Dumbledore laughed.

“Whatever you please my dear” he smiled.

“What are you doing awake so early grandfather?” her voice was just slightly over a whisper. She felt like if it was any louder, the beauty around her would break, and then the magic would be gone.

“I could ask you the same.”

“You know me, once I wake, I can’t seem to fall asleep.”

“That I do.”

“You still haven’t answered my question grandfather. Why are you here? Awake?”

“As the headmaster, I have my duties also” he answered mysteriously, the twinkle in his eye shone a bit brighter.
Alison rolled her eyes, and looked into the sky again. The blue was finally starting to peak through.

“Never a straight answer with you, grandfather” they both shared a chuckle.

“I must bid you adieu. I have some things to clear up before breakfast” Alison made a whining noise.

“The first day hasn’t even started and already it seems like I won’t be spending any time with you” she sighed. Dumbledore placed his other hand on the young girl’s shoulder.

“Not to worry my dear, we will spend our time together this year. I promise you.” Alison smiled. Never had her grandfather broken a promise to her.

“Alright. Goodbye grandfather. I love you.”

“As I you” with one last smile, Headmaster Dumbledore left, leaving his only granddaughter to spend the next twenty minutes at the Tower, before trudging back slowly to her dorm room, to wake her best friends for the first day of their fifth year.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its to show she does have somewhat of a relationship with her grandfather.
The golden trio should be introduced within the next chapter or two.
Feedback is always cool. :)