***land Diary

Chapter I

“Now then, if you would all please just shut up and listen for a matter of minutes, we would not need to argue over this, would we?!”, Sage said as she slammed down a massive amount of papers right in front of my face. Though not specifically specifying me, or me at all since I was just sitting there, wanting to get this over and done with, it was still rude enough to me and my fellow band members. Sighing, I watched as Jesse made his way around the table to his “one-and-only, now-and-forever” angry girlfriend, knowing only to well that he must be a complete and utter idiot if he thinks she is going to calm down about this whole matter. Now you may ask, what is this matter of which I speak of? I will explain for your enjoyment….or, well, maybe boredom, so, listen carefully to me as I explain.

It all started one day in July….basically just the regular normal day for all of us. We were all sitting in Nathan’s tiny apartment or dorm room, whichever you choose, not saying much, as usual. Jesse and Sage were watching a movie on the small 7” square screen, Nathan was sitting on his bed reading with his cat, Mrs. Angel, by his side. And I, as usual, was sitting there, completely bored out of my mind and trying to think of the lyrics to our next song.

“Got our lyrics done yet, Anya?” Nathan set his book against his chest, stroking his cat.
“No.” I honestly hadn’t felt like talking, none the less looking at him. After that, he fell silent once more and lifted his book, starting to read again. Sighing, I gathered my notebook and pen, shoved them in my bag and stood up. As I did however, I could feel eyes cover my body in an instant. Turning and looking at Nathan, Sage, and Jesse, I forced a smile out, “I’ll be back soon. Just going to go do some errands. Don’t wait up on me if you guys want to go somewhere, just go. I might not be back till morning.” Turning, I strolled out of the stuffy apartment, into an even more crowded hallway, full of drunk partying teenagers. And once again, just as any other Saturday night, I learned my lesson about wearing my high heeled black boots. Jason, some random guy I barely even knew in my English course, came up to me and pushed me against the wall right when I was by the exit.

“Hey cutie, where you headed?”, Jason asked, obviously drunk off of his ass, since I could already smell that disgusting alcohol coming out of his disgusting mouth as it got ‘oh so disgustingly’ closer to me.
“Oh my god, is that Britney over there?”, I said unenthusiastically while he turned his head, searching for his girlfriend. In an instant, I was out the door and making my way down the street, knowing that the jerk wouldn’t come looking for me, nor did I even want him to. I took a look at my surrounding, as I always had when I got to the corner, waiting to make my way across the traffic filled street…usually. Tonight, oddly, no one was driving by. Shrugging the matter off though, I made my way across the street and went into a broken-down looking apartment building. Making my way up to my own personal ‘home sweet home‘, I unlocked the door and tumbled in.

Walking farther into the entranceway, I heard a mumbling noise coming from the living room. Shutting the door quietly behind me, I made my way around the corner, only to find the television turned on, a dark figure of a man sitting on my couch in the dark, staring at the television screen, watching some old, black-and-white horror film. Gasping at the sight, my eyes widened as I saw the image, hearing a girl letting out a blood curdling scream from the speakers. Suddenly, I went pale, my whole body trembling as I stood and watch the figure just sit there in silence, not even being able to hear him breathe. My eyes seemed stuck, however, on the shadowy figure. I honestly could not believe my eyes, even if I had wanted to. I dropped my bag, letting it hit the floor with a loud ‘thud’, making the figure turn the TV off, and standing up. Quickly turning on the light switch, I just stood there, staring.

“Anya…or should I say Alice?”, the man smiled.
Trying to move my mouth or trying to make words come out was pointless, because it seemed as though I had lost my voice box right then and there as my mouth fell open in all awe. He walked forward toward me and grabbed my hand, raising it slowly to his mouth and kissing it. Now, before you think I am going to go all ‘Romancy’ on you. You, my dear, are utterly and undoubtedly and unbelievably, wrong.
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Yay! First chapters are always...great? :]
Hope you like it so far!