‹ Prequel: A Twisted Love
Sequel: Heedless Hearts
Status: Active, might be slow active. I don't know yet.

When It All Fell Apart

A new school year begins, and suddenly Colton is pulled into a whole different social-life. People that avoided him before are now flocking towards him, and Colton soon finds himself amidst a whole new group of friends. As he spends more time with his friends, he pays less and less attention to Cameron.

Cameron is not coping well. His usual posse of friends is slowly decreasing as he becomes more and more depressed and unresponsive. He's not sure of much anymore, but he does know that he misses the old Colton, and he's wondering if he'll ever get him back.

Can Cameron and Colton's relationship be salvaged, or will it all just fall apart?

A/N: ***NEWS FLASH*** This is a sequel. Idemand strongly recommend you read the prequel first. This story contains slash [homosexual material] and incest. Don't like it? Don't read it. Simple as. Don't waste your time hating.

Title Credit;; When it all falls apart by The Veronicas. [I do NOT own this song or the title of this story.]
  1. Confusion on the first day
    Cameron's POV
  2. The down-side to popularity
    Colton's POV
  3. For Sale
    Cameron's POV
  4. I don't care
    Colton's POV
  5. So excruciatingly close
    Cameron's POV - part 1
  6. Indescribable
    Cameron's POV - part 2
  7. Euphoria
    Colton's POV
  8. New inhabitance
    Cameron's POV
  9. Like a vacuum
    Colton's POV (XXX) Not sex, but still pretty graphic.
  10. Tear-stained cheeks
    Cameron's POV
  11. The last.
    Colton's POV