The Bet

The Ice Is Getting Thinner.

The only thing she could hear was him clearing his throat. They had been sitting in the parking lot of the school for about five minutes in an awkward silence but she couldn't get out of the car. Not until he had gone.

"So, what's the hold up?" Billie asked, looking to her as he lifted his hand from the steering wheel to scratch the back of his head. She only continued to stare out the window.

"Dave," she answered eventually. "Dave is out there."

"And?" He asked aloof. He pulled the key out of the ignition and put his hand in a fist and reached with his free hand for the door handle.

"Billie, no!" She howled, turning quickly to grab his arm. Once she realized what she had done, however, she immediately let go, bringing her hands to her lap.

She felt embarrassed. Like her sudden outcry made her look like a lunatic.

"What's the deal? If he sees us, so be it. We haven't done anything wrong." He shrugged, thinking nothing of her outburst.

She looked back toward the window, biting down lightly on her lip. Dave was leaning into his trunk, pulling out his football gear.

Billie rolled his eyes. "Lunch is almost over, and regardless of not smoking, I am still hungry."

Without word, Shayla reached into her purse and pulled out a health bar. She threw it his way while looking back out the window.

Billie caught the bar in his hands and snorted as if it were some kind of joke.

"Nice try," he said as he shoved the nutritious bar into his coat pocket. "But I'm going, whether that's with you or not."

He pushed the rusting door open and a cool breeze blew past him into the car. Shayla sighed, realizing she had been defeated, and pushed her door open as well.

As they started back toward the side doors in which they had exited, Shayla peeked over her shoulder.

Billie looked over at the paranoid girl and grabbed her wrist without warning.

"Don't look suspicious," he whispered.

But it was too late. She had already made the right amount of noise.

Dave nearly hit his head on the trunk at the blood curling scream. He looked around and felt his blood run cold as spotted his girlfriend with the last person he wanted her to be with.

"Hey!" He shouted, dropping his bag from his hand as he subconsciously started walking toward them.

Shayla froze as Dave headed toward them, but Billie merely rolled his eyes as he turned fully into view.

"What now, Matthews?" He was clearly annoyed.

"Are you trying to get her to go with you somewhere? Is that why you screamed, Shayla?" He focused his attention on his girlfriend of one-year.

"N-no," she stuttered, shaking her head.

"We're just returning," Billie piped in, his statement stealing Dave's attention.

"What? You went somewhere with this scum?" He yelled, his heart starting to beat faster. He looked between the two of them, disgusted.

"Nothing happened, Dave." Her voice was meek and Billie had to listen carefully to make her out. He knew she was afraid.

"I thought our last encounter made it clear, Armstrong, that you were to stay away from her." Dave focused on Billie now, blocking out Shayla completely.

They both knew what was coming, and Billie welcomed it with open arms.

"I just wanted company," he started to explain.

"Don't ask for hers! Get one of your other whores, not mine!" Dave yelled, spitting as his anger started to rise.

"Don't act like it's so hard to believe that I talk to others. Friends? I have them, Dave." Shayla weakly defended herself.

"Friends? You aren't friends, Shayla! This loser wants one thing and one thing only from you!" He shouted at her now, causing her to step back.

Billie stepped between the two of them, protecting her from the gut-wrenching fear he had in the pit of his stomach. He wasn't going to let this be the time where he found out if Dave was the one hitting her or not, as much as she denied it.

"Back off, Armstrong. This doesn't concern you."

Billie smirked. "I'm afraid it does, though, you see. You brought me in when you made that false assumption."

It was Dave's turn to laugh.

"False assumption? I have plenty of buddies on the team whose girlfriends you have stolen in the past. Don't try and look like a nice guy just because you haven't gotten to this one yet." Dave pointed around Billie as he laughed.

Billie smiled. "I'm not trying to defend myself. I know I like women, there is no denying that. But I can't help that they can't resist the temptation that is this." He flicked his wrist as he gestured to himself.

"I'm going to beat the cocky right out of you," Dave snarled, shoving Billie.

Billie felt himself fall on top of Shayla, who let out an 'umpf' as they came into contact with the dirty ground.

"What the fuck, man?" Billie growled, rushing toward Dave. He was quick with his upper cut.

Shayla was quick on her feet as well, which neither of them realized. She watched Billie's fist come into contact with Dave's jaw and she grabbed onto Dave's burly arm before he could react.

"Dave, stop! Please, Dave! Stop!" She cried out as she tired to pull his arm back.

"Get off of me!" He yelled, turning and slapping her with his free hand as he yanked himself free of her tug.

The impact of his slap was much worse than that of her father's. She yelled out in pain as she wobbled backward, tripping over the sidewalk.

Billie watched with angry eyes as Shayla landed on the grass with a thud. Dave pushed passed him quickly and knelt in front of his hurt girlfriend.

"Shayla, Shayla baby. It was an accident, I swear! I was in the heat of the moment and you came as a surprise and it was just bad, and oh, my god! Shayla!" His voice became softer as he rambled and Shayla nursed her cheek with her hands. She kept her eyes closed as hot tears continued to escape and escalate down her cheeks.

"," she said darkly through gritted teeth, finally opening her eyes.

"What?" Dave asked, surprised.

"Get away from me!" She yelled, louder this time, and fiercely reached out and slapped his arm. He jumped up in surprise of the attack.

"Shayla, it was an accident!"

"I don't care! Get away from me!" She yelled, reaching out to slap him again, but missed.

Dave huffed. He decided to walk away before making matters worse. He shot Billie an evil glance as he turned toward the direction in which he had come from, and shook his head as he walked away.

Billie knelt in front of her this time. As badly as he wanted to run after Dave and give him the beating he deserved, he knew she was the one who needed attention.

"Here." He extended his hand. "Let me take you to the nurse."

Sighing, Shayla placed her soft hand lightly in Billie's rough palm. His calloused fingers wrapped protectively over her smooth skin and in that moment, she wasn't scared.


She had never personally been to the nurse's office, but what she had heard about Billie, she figured he was a regular.

"Billie, hi! How are you?" Lucy, the nurse whose age surprised Shayla, smiled as they stood awkwardly in the doorway.

Her red lipstick enhanced her face and her thousand watt smile was the only thing Shayla could focus on. Anyone with a smile like that could invite anyone in, she thought.

"Not so good, Luce. We seem to have gotten into a bit of a scuffle." He pointed toward Shayla and smiled halfheartedly.

First name basis and a nickname. She knew her theory was correct.

Lucy turned her attention on her and gasped. Rushing to her side, she lightly grabbed a hold of her wrist and pulled her further into the room.

"What happened, dear?" She furrowed her eyebrows as Shayla slowly sat down on the bed that was in the far right corner.

"I accidentally got hit," she explained awkwardly, feeling both their eyes on her.

"It looks like it's swelling up. I'm going to go get you an ice pack, don't move, ya hear?" Shayla nodded as the nurse disappeared from the room.

"So," Shayla began. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah." Billie ran a hand through his hair as he laughed. "We've gotten to know each other quite well over the past four years."

"She seems young," she suggested, looking up at him.

"Even then, we haven't gotten to know each other that way." He shook his head, shaking off what they both knew what she was trying to say.

Before another one of them could answer, the bell rang throughout the school and signaled that lunch was over.

Billie reached into his coat pocket and revealed the squished nutrition bar. It was rumpled and Billie laughed as he torn it open, pushing the wrapper down a bit.

"Want some?" He offered, holding it out to her before taking a bite.

"No, that's quite old. I think there may even be mold at this point." She watched him stop mid-bite and crinkle his nose.

Her laughter deafened out the busy hall behind him. And he smiled.
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