Status: in making :P - Updating\ when i get enough ideas to fill a chapter

Fangs, I'll Show You Mine If You Show Me Yours

Stupid Inaccurate Sci-Fi

We’ve been at my parent’s house for over 3 hours now, dinner was over and we’re now watching reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the lounge room. Ironic right? I was in the armchair with my knees up and my head on top of them.

Eli walked in the room looking gorgeous as always and smiled at me. Then he lifted me off the chair like I weighed nothing and sat down with me on his lap.

“Where did you go?” I asked putting my head on his shoulder.

“To the toilet if that’s okay with you.” He whispered in my hair.

I snorted “Pansy.”

“I don’t get it, taking a piss is pansy like behaviour now?”

“No, but you just never here anyone say toilet any more, they say bathroom. Toilet is too much information.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He mumbled. “Why are we watching this shit? It’s stupid and incorrect.”

“No, what’s stupid is creatures of the night watching a show about a perky teenager and her dippy friends hunting down creatures of the night.” Sam said.

I gave him a glare and Sam stuck out his tongue. Eli didn’t know what we are and I didn’t plan on him finding out. Ever.

“Nope, that Angel character is the stupidest thing out of everything. I just want to slap him for being so weak and useless.” Eli said ignoring Sam’s comment thank god. “I mean come on that’s not how vampires act with or without a soul.”

“Say what you want I would still fuck him.” Sam said.

“Sam the only thing you wouldn’t fuck would be inanimate objects.” Jamie scowled.

“Oh Buffy, I love you but I can’t. I’m a vampire you’re the slayer it just can’t be. But yet I still love you and can’t live without you. I’m going to leaving you, it’s for your safety.” Eli said mockingly.

“Oh but Angel you can’t leave me all alone. I don’t care that you’re a vampire, I love you. Don’t leave, please. I can’t stand to live without you for the short amount of time before I have sex with a player and fall in love with my teachers assistant.” I mocked as well.

“But I have to leave how else will you start you habit of sleeping with vampires.”

We both cracked up laughing then. Thinking that our mocking abilities are hilarious.
Then the doorbell rang.

I got off Eli to answer the door. When I opened the door the air in my lung rushed out of my lungs. There on the doorstep was someone I never wanted to see or think about. Someone with blond hair and aviator glasses on.

He looked me up and down and smiled. “Hi Alex.”

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