Girls Don't Play Football

Nick Jonas

“Heather Ann!” Nick called down the hallway. I turned around to see him walking towards me and he was smiling. I re-adjusted my backpack and waved to him.

“Nicky-J!” I shouted back, smiling at my little nickname for him. I was the only one who could call him that. I don’t know why… that’s just the kind of friendship we had.

“Ready for practice?”

“You know it. I’m starting to get pumped up for the dance after the game tomorrow. Homecoming is always fun.”

“Well, let’s just hope the game goes well and you don’t get hurt so you can go to the dance. We can’t have the best quarter back we’ve had in 50 years get injured now can we?”

“Nope. We can’t.” I said smiling as we reached the locker rooms. “See you in a sec.” I said, walking into the girls’ room as he went into the boys’. He smiled and then walked in.

That’s right. I’m a quarter back on the varsity football team at our high school. And… the only girl. None of the guys seemed to care. They were pumped to have me on the team because I’m awesome at what I do. They call Nick and I the ’dream team’. He’s the best receiver on the team so when I throw long yards… he’s always there to catch it. We’ve scored many a touchdown that way.

A lot of my friends didn’t like the fact that I was a football player. Some of them were on the cheerleading squad and always saying to me “You should become a cheerleader. Girls don’t play football.” I’d just roll my eyes and ignore them. Then they’d say stuff like, “You’ll never get a guy if you’re on the team. I mean think about it, what guy would want to date a girl who can throw a football better than him.” I’d just laugh at that statement. What these girls didn’t know was that, at practice, when the guys got hot, they’d take off their shirts and I’d get to see their nice toned bodies. And, when I got hot, I’d take off my shirt leaving me in my sports bra and at least half of them would be checking me out and I’d just smirk at them and continue with practice. Tell me I’ll never get a guy now.

After I changed I walked out to the field joining the guys. A lot of them high fived me and grinned as I went to the front of the group. We stretched while we waited for coach and then we did some practice plays. After practice we all went back in and showered. When I got out of the locker room, Nick was sitting on the floor leaning against some lockers waiting for me.

“You didn’t have to wait for me Nick.”

“I know, I wanted to though because I have something to ask you.”

“Shoot.” I said, slinging my sports bag over my shoulder.

“Well… I was wondering… if you wanted to go to the dance with me?”

“Yeah, alright.” I said, smiling at him.

“Great, well, I’ll see you tomorrow for the game.”

“Yupp. Knights pride baby!”

“See ya!” he shouted, running to his car. I walked over to my car, a huge stupid grin plastered on my face. I know it’s a weird situation, one of my best friends, and teammates, asked me to the dance. And I said yes. I was elated though, what Nick didn’t know was that I’ve liked him for awhile now, but didn’t want him to know, afraid of what would happen to the team.

The next morning I woke up early, so excited for the game later. I went downstairs and ate breakfast and then grabbed my stuff and headed to the door to leave.

“Good luck honey! We’ll see you after the game!” Dad shouted.

“Be careful!” Mom shouted.

“I will. Thanks guys.” I said, closing the door and heading to my car. I got to school and waited for Nick in the parking lot. Once he arrived the two of us headed to the field house to change in the locker rooms out there. After we got changed we joined the rest of the team for warm ups while the JV team set up the field. People started arriving about when the other team did, about 45 minutes before the game was to start. I saw my parents and Nick’s parents and brothers walk over to the bleachers. It looked like Joe and Kevin were carrying signs.

“Hey Nick,” I said, nudging him, “What’s that your brother’s have there?”

“I have no idea. Probably embarrassing signs to cheer us on with.”

“Great.” I said, rolling my eyes. “You ready?”

“I’m so ready you have no clue.”

“Oh I bet I do.” I said, playfully.

“Oh yeah.” He asked, grinning.

“Yeah.” I said, smiling up at him. Then he leaned down and kissed my cheek, smiled, and jogged over to some of the other guys, putting his helmet over his head. I turned and stared at him in shock. Did he really just do that? I thought.

“Alright team. Huddle up!” coach said, calling us over. Nick stood next to me as the team draped our arms around each other, standing in a circle with coach in the middle. “O.K. you know the drill. Watch out for our girl here when we have the ball. If we want to win today we need her amazing QB skills. Got it?”

“Yes coach!” the guys said, half of them smirking at me.

“Let’s do this!” he said. Then we did our little team cheer thing and we ran out to the field. More than half the crowd stood up and cheered for us. Since Nick and I were the captains we had to go to the refs to meet the captains of the other team for the coin toss to see who would get the ball first. We got possession meaning Nick and I would get the field first…. This should be easy.

By the end of the fourth quarter the score was tied, 47-47… there was 3:50 left on the clock, and the Raiders had possession. They were third and goal and so close to a touchdown. We had to intercept the ball somehow there was no way we could let them score a field goal. Of course, because they had possession, Nick and I were on the sidelines so it was all up to the others on the team. Their QB had the ball some of our guys were coming up to sack him but he threw it when all of a sudden, Jeremy ran up and jumped and intercepted the ball, sprinting to the 50 yard line before getting tackled. I jumped up and down and turned to Nick who gave me a high five. Our time now.

We ran onto the field, switching with the guys out there, high fiving them on the way. I kept passing to Nick and Rod interchangeably, getting us closer and closer to the goal. We got to second and goal and I was about to pass the ball when one of the Raiders came up and sacked me my pulling me down at the knees. I landed weird on my ankle and it hurt bad. Nick and the refs ran over, the refs blowing their whistles. The refs pulled guy off me and Nick knelt next to me, the ball still clutched in my arms.

“Heather you o.k.?” he asked.

“Yeah I’m fine, my ankle hurts a little.”

“We need a medic.” He said to the ref.

“No Nick, we don’t.” I said, then coach came over with one of the medic guys.

“What’s going on? Heather are you o.k.?” coach asked.

“Coach, honestly I’m fine. It just hurts a bit. I’ll be fine. Let me finish the game. I need to finish this game.” I said.

“Fine, but as soon as it’s over the medic’s checking your ankle.”

“Fine.” I said, moving to stand up when Nick grabbed my hands and helped pull me up. “Thanks.” I whispered.

“You’re welcome.” He said, placing his hand on my back. “You sure you can do this?”

“I’ve never been more positive about anything.” I said.

“O.K., let’s do this.” He said, taking his position on the field again.

I gave the ball to the ref and walked back over to my position, some of my guys patting me on the back and I nodded at them. The play started and I got the ball, I made to pass but no one was open… not even Nick. I had to run it in. I maneuvered my way around the players, dodging left and right, my ankle throbbing with pain with each move. I was so close, about two yards away, I had to get there. There was 5 seconds left on the clock and there was no way I could last if this went into overtime. I sprinted a bit and jumped, soaring over two guys, diving into the goal, the ball clutched tight to my body. The refs blew their whistles signaling a touchdown. The crowd went wild and Nick and the others rushed over to me, picking me up, cheering. Nick helped me off the field as our guys went on one last time for the one point field goal and they got it. We won our homecoming game, 54-47. Who said girls don’t play football?

As soon as the game ended the medic and coach came over to me as well as the Jonas’ and my parents. The medic examined my ankle, which had swollen considerably and was bright red.

“It’s just a small sprain.” He said. “I’ll just wrap it and put some ice on it and you should rest for a few hours. Were you planning on going to the dance tonight?”

“Yes.” I said, looking over at Nick and smiling.

“Alright well, you’ll have to do without heels.”

“That’s fine with me.”

“And easy on the dancing.”

Nick pouted and I laughed.

“I’ll try.” I said.

“Alright,” he said when he was done wrapping. “You’re good to go. Congratulations on the win.”

“Thank you.”

“Heather that was amazing!” Joe said, hugging me. Kevin then followed.

“Thanks guys. If it weren’t for Nick here I don’t think we could’ve done it.” I said, smiling at him. He blushed and smiled back.

“Come on,” Dad said, helping me off the table. “Let’s get you home.” He and Nick stood on either side of me as I hobbled my way across the field to go home. We reached the car and I turned to say goodbye to Nick.

“I’ll pick you up at 7. You did great today.” He said, smiling.

“Thanks Nick. So did you.” I then reached up and wrapped my arms around him. Giving him a hug. “See you tonight.”


That night, I was sitting in my living room, waiting for Nick. I had my dress on and my hair down in loose curls, and a slight amount of make-up. Since I couldn’t wear heels I was wearing a pair of converse. At exactly seven the doorbell rang and my mother answered. She walked in with Nick who was carrying a single red rose. I smiled and stood up, accepting the rose as he held it out to me.

“You look beautiful.” He said.

“Thanks.” I said, handing the rose to my mother and she took it into the kitchen to put it in a vase. “Ready?” I asked.

“If you are.”

“Let’s go.” I said. “Bye Mom, Dad. I’ll see you later.”

“Have fun.” They said, smiling at us.

We walked out to the car and he opened the door for me, closing it after I slid in. then he walked over to the driver’s side and started the car. He turned on the radio and we sang along to the new Nickelback song. He glanced over at me and smiled while we were singing. I blushed and looked out the window. We arrived at the school and he linked his arm with mine as we walked into the gym which had been decorated in the school colors.

When we walked in, everyone cheered for us. All my football guys came over and hugged me while all my cheerleader friends just kind of rolled their eyes. Nick and I walked over to his brothers and their dates and we all started dancing. Then a slow song came on…

“Come on,” Nick said, taking my hand and leading me out to the middle of the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck. “How’s your ankle?”

“Better. The ice really helped. The swelling went down quite a bit.”

“That’s good. I’m sorry I let them hurt you like that.”

“Nick it’s not your fault. It’s not your job to protect me on the field. It’s your job to get the ball when I pass it to you.”

“Yeah, I know but still…” he said, glancing away from me. We were silent for a little bit until he spoke again. “Heather?”

“Yeah Nick?”

“I… I like you.”

“Yeah, I like you too.”

“No I mean, I like you. I have for awhile now.”

“Really?” I asked, looking up at him.


“I’ve liked you for awhile too.” I said, smiling. He smiled back and then slowly leaned in. I closed my eyes the moment his lips connected with mine. He pulled away from the kiss but I wasn’t done. I reached up and captured his lips in mine again and kissed him longer.

“Thank you.” He said, placing his forehead on mine.

“For what?”

“For making me the happiest football player on earth.”

“Well, you’ve made me the happiest female football player ever.”

“Silly Heather… girls don’t play football.” He said, laughing.

“That’s right… we rule football!” That caused us both to laugh. I laid my head on his chest and we continued swaying to the music. Best day of my life.
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Thanks for reading

~Steph <3