Status: finished?

A Desert Island Dream


In my dream I was washed up on the shore of a hideous desert island. There was garbage strewn everywhere and all I could think was when will I wake up? I was starving and I knew my emerald green eyes were now red and bloodshot from that nights activities. I took out my pen and paper and sat down amongst the rubbish. I wanted off this island and I wanted it now.

I was completely absorbed in my own thoughts and self when I heard the most horrific moaning and groaning sounds. I went to investigate and found a Wild Boar trapped under a fallen trunk. The poor thing must have been caught when a storm had come and ravished the island of its natural beauty. That would explain the state of disarray that it was in.

I tried all sorts of methods but my strength alone was not enough to release the boar from the mighty trunk. I was flabbergasted that it had not been terminated underneath the rather robust trunk. I tried using a rope system to lift the trunk away. As I knotted and tied the rope and swung it over a tree branch high above I whistled a merry tune to myself. But as the excursion became more strenuous I settled for a more determined ditty. So with my revised song of Thunderstruck by ACDC I managed to lever the trunk off the boar for a mere minute or two.

He ran away jauntily as I freed him, leaving me to my own devices. I was famished by the time I ended my labour and decided it must be about time to break fast. I hunted the tropical forest floor but there was not a spare fruit in sight. I must be more adventuresome and seek food elsewhere. I thought to myself.

I searched for a rather large stick that would do nicely. I quickly fashioned myself a hunter's spear, worthy for the foe that I intended to consume for my meal. I jumped and splashed about in the pitch black sea until I had terrified all the crabs out of their hiding and into open territory. The hunt was soon to begin.

I ransacked the shore, spiking crabs on my weapon until I knew there was enough to satisfy my delirious state of ravenous hunger. As I cooked crab legs over the fire that I had so ingeniously created with flint and twigs, I pondered when I was due to awake from my slumber.

Louise, I said to my self would it not be just awful if this were not a dream at all?

I quickly shut the repulsive thought out of my head and returned to my insistent gnawing on my meagre meal.

As I slumbered that night, there was a terrific ruckus from somewhere nearby. I awoke with a start and rushed to the cause of such a noise. There had been a rockslide only minutes ago where there had been a lovely cave I intended to make my own. I sighed sadly, knowing I would have to continue the tedious task of sleeping amongst the critters until my dream was done.

That was quite alright because I was well acquainted with the practice of being alone and in the open, although I was getting tired of sand in my trousers. I continued on in my general characteristics of catching food, sleeping and other such necessities. All the while humming that jaunty tune and wishing I could go home. Ah well, island life is not so bad.
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Fill In The Blanks Contest

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