Glasgow Smile

A Razorblade Smile, Streched From Ear to Ear...

Michelle and William Damesworth have been married for 14 years. 14 long, painful years...

William knows for a fact that Michelle has had numerous affairs, all with different men, for about a year now. Most men would confront their wives about this, but William didn't have the balls to do it. He grew up being a pretty shy person, and knew that if he & Michelle divorced then he'd probably be alone for the rest of his life. Now, that necessarily wouldn't actually happen... William was fairly attractive for being in his late 30's, and definitely knew how to pleasure a woman. William apparently didn't pleasure Michelle, or else she wouldn't come home late all the time smelling like sex and cologne. It clearly wasn't the scent of his cologne, either.

The spark they had back when they first were married faded slowly as the years went by, though no matter how hard he tried she just didn't seem happy. Not whenever she was with him, anyways.

Before, the fights were smell and they made up by the end of the night. Nowadays, there wasn't a day where William could actually stand looking into Michelle's brown eyes, which always seemed to be filled with hatred when looking into his own pools of blue...

Taking the large knife, William carefully cut the meat and placed it on his plate. He heard the front door open, and peered through the doorway to see who it was. Of course, it was Michelle. She walked in, tossing her jacket onto the couch.

"Hey," William called from the kitchen, "How was work?" Not that he didn't already know the answer for that one...

Michelle stepped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door, pulling out a bottle of Diet Pepsi. Although she wasn't fat, Michelle worried a great deal about her figure, like most women nowadays did.

"It was stressful," she muttered, before opening the bottle and taking a sip.

"Oh..." William said as he chewed his food, some rice spilling from his mouth and onto his plate.

They sat in silence until Michelle got up and headed to their bedroom. William could hear the TV from the kitchen. He finished up his dinner before heading into the bedroom as well.

Michelle paid no attention to William as he walked into the room, continuing to watch the episode of Forensic Files that was playing on TruTV.

William stepped towards the side of the bed where Michelle was, and Michelle instinctively said, "I know it's your side, but I don't wanna move. Get over it."

Before she realized it, she was on the floor, while William kicked and punched her repetitively. At first she didn't know what to think, but soon she couldn't concetrate on anything beside the pain. After a good few minutes, he finally stopped. Tears strolled down her face as she looked up at him; it definitely wasn't the same man she fell in love 14 years ago. Then again, she wasn't the same woman he fell in love with back then either...

William grabbed something that was on top of the dresser, and as he came nearer she barely saw what the object was. It was the large, sharp knife that he had been using in the kitchen. The light coming off from the TV screen shined on the knife as he came closer and closer to her helpless body.

He bent down, and whispered in her ear, "You brought this upon yourself, you fucking whore."

The knife was then gently pressed onto the right edge of her mouth, before he slowly put more and more pressure on it and then slowly, painfully cut to her right ear, doing the same from the left edge of her mouth to her left ear. Blood poured from the cuts as William then began stabbing Michelle now with the same knife. As she screamed her face slowly ripped apart, the blood that spilled from her staining the once tan colored carpet.

Staring at the bloody pulp that was his wife, William grinned, a wild look in his eyes. He continued to watch with that same look on his face as Michelle bled to death. He checked her pulse to make sure there wasn't a bit of life still in her, and began kicking the corpse, blood beginning to splatter onto the floor and furniture nearby.

The grin still remaining on his face, William walked out of the room and then outside with pride. He jammed the keys that were on the counter in the kitchen into the car, and climbed in once the doors were unlocked.

When the piece of shit car finally started up, he began speeding towards nearby Millerton Lake. For once, there weren't many cars in the way as he drove. It was the middle of September, kids were at school and parents didn't have much of a reason to go camping now.

Soon enough, William was driving the car straight into the lake. The grin on his face remained the entire time as the car slowly filled up with water, and the water eventually weighed down the car...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this sucks, and I know I'm absolutely horrible at writing horror stories, but whatever. I decided to give this idea a go, anyways. Kinda predictable and written awfully, but practice makes perfect, right? :P
I'd love it if I received some constructive criticism by thee way. ;D

Oh, and credit for the definition used on the summary page goes to Wikipedia (clicking the link leads you to the Glasgow smile page).