Thats What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win

This is my loverly origional boyluff story. There's love, betrayal, and connect four. well actually, theres no betrayal yet. im not sure if theres going to be. well actually, there might. you know what, whatever, keep reading and ill figure it out along the way.
ANYWAY! so um, yeah. not a whole lot to say so far. theres smut coming around 11 or 12. if it offends you, dont read it.
  1. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    its the intro to boyluff.
  2. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (2
    um, yeah, more boys. whoo-hoo!
  3. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (3
    yeah, its bulding up to something. i have a plan. yeah...
  4. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (4
    dun, dun, dun. the plot thickens. well... sort of.
  5. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart WIn (5
    hm, yeah, its pretty amazing. no im just kidding. some more stuff happens. read it or die. and comments would be lovely.
  6. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (6
    yeah, you know you like it. and as for the ending... GASP! well not really... i knew it was coming.
  7. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (7
    I know I haven't updated in a couple of days, but I was in the hospital. So, here you go. Comment please.
  8. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (8
    dun, dun, dun... the plot thickens.
  9. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (9
    BETCHA DIDNT SEE THAT ONE COMING! haha, hells yes.
  10. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    yeah, double digits. um, sorry i havent updated in a couple of days. but i suppose no one is too broken up about it. so... here you go.
  11. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    oh, hell yes. theres hardcore-ish smut in the next chapter, so you dont have to read it if you dont want to. it doesnt really change a lot. so here.
  12. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    SMUT! i told you it was coming. its pretty kinky. haha, just kidding. enjoy, i hopes you like it.
  13. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    here... im thinking of stopping th story, because only, like, four or five people read. i adore those people, but i wonder if its worth it... i dont know. what do you think?
  14. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    um, yeah, here you go. ill finish the story, but please comment more, or else i feel like im writing for no one.
  15. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    um, its kind of short. oh well, here you go. sorry it took so long. comments please.
  16. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    um, heres your next part. woo-ha. im hungry. well enjoy. and comment.
  17. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    sorry i havent updated. not that you care. read it if you want. if you dont... then dont.
  18. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (1
    for anyone who ever read this, and cared when i stopped writing it, heres the next part. have fun.
  19. That's What You Get When You let Your Heart Win (1
    This one is pretty short. I haven't written the next part yet. I'll write more soon.
  20. That's What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win (2
    Hey kids, heare's to my 20th chapter. This time I know where I'm going with the whole thing, so hopefully it won't take so long next time. It's kind of melodramatic, but hey...
  21. That's What You Get When you Let Your Heart Win (2
    Yeah, son, part 21. Muh Jesus, that rhymed. Merry Christmas to my lovely readers. All, what, eight of you? Anyway, you're the best and I love you eternally.
  22. That's What Get When You Let Your Heart Win (22)
    This chapter is dedicated to red lipstick and the people who still read this story, the very last few. I love you guys. PS, I think I'm going to end this soon as my last story.