Dark Nightmare

Melissa is going home from a Fall Out Boy concert, which she has enjoyed very much.
Her route is to go through the park, but what happens when something bad is coming closer?
  1. Bloody Night, Ain't That Right?
    You know the story...
  2. Pure Vampire Hunters
    Patrick comes running into Pete's bedroom and sees the girl trying to bite Pete...
  3. The Blackened Hearts
    Patrick tells Melissa about what happened between The Vampire Hunters and The Dandies
  4. Gone Forever
    They go to Lilia's house but no one answers...
  5. Putting Holes In Happiness
    The Vampire Hunters reach the city just when The Dandies had begun to attack...
  6. Sister To Sleep
    Going back to Lilia's house...
  7. Thanks For The Memories
    Plan A Never Works
  8. From Now On We Are Enemies
    "Melissa, you're the key person to my plan."