
Chapter Six

Frank shifted in his chair, arching his sore back. It had been 2 full days since Gerard had been bitten, and his condition had only worsened. After his heart gave out, the doctors literally dragged Frank from the room and left him to stare at his lover through a pane of glass. His hand rested on the cold window, his teary eyes watching as a nurse stood beside Gerard, checking his vitals and blabbering away to no one. Mikey was sitting beside him, his pale face covered by a mop of stringy brown hair, his breathes coming out in quick little puffs. Frank sighed, pulling his knees into his chest, wincing as the popped and crackled loudly. Gerard's door opened, and the nurse shuffled out, holding a folder in her hands. She shut the door behind her, walking briskly down the halls. Frank shot up from his chair, pressing himself against the window. He rapped his forefinger against it eagerly, "Gee! I'm here Gee!" he yelled into the glass, praying it went into the room.

Gerard didn't answer, he didn't even move. His chest rose and fell in sharp, mechanical beats, keeping a desprate pace with the heart montior. Frank sniffled softly, his eyes darting across Gerard's body, following along the tangle of tubes and cords. He was so desprate to go in, but so afraid he would only make things worse. There was a loud beep, and he looked up quickly, panic gripping his heart. But Gerard was still, his body laying perfectly across the bed.

"You're gonna get through this Gerard... you've gotten through everything else..." Frank whispered, his hand slipping from the glass.

A strong hand rested on his shoulder, and he turned head to see Mikey standing behind him, a tired smile on his face, "He'll be alright Frank..."

Frank blew out a weary breath, laying his head against the window, "How do you know that? I mean look at him, he might as well be dead," he whispered, tears clinging to his matted lashes.

Mikey sighed, his hand slipping down Frank's back, "I don't, but I have faith. He'll be alright if you have faith."

Frank turned, his eyes becoming cold, "Oh yes! Praise God for all of this! This wonderful blessing he's bestowed on me!" he shouted, his cheeks flushing.

Mikey backed off a bit, "I never said that Frankie, I just meant..."

"And should I go to chruch and pray for him Mikey?" Frank asked, his lips curling into a sneer, "Go to the place that turned us away for being faggots and ask for help?!"

Mikey hung his head, sighing, "I wish I could help you... but i can't..."

He stalked off, grabbing his jacket off the chair. Frank placed his hand back against the glass, watching sadly as a pair of young residents lignered over Gerard's bed. One lifted his head, giving Frank a sympathetic look, before returning to his colleague. There was a soft cough behind him, and he felt a gentle hug around his waist. the smell of coconut wafted to his nose, and he sniffled.

"I'm scared, Alicia..." he whimpered, taking her soft hand.

She made a tiny moan, pulling him away from the window, "Why are you so upset? We could hear you screaming from the Waiting Room."

Frank looked at Gerard, tears running down his face, "The doctors lost hope... you can see it when they talk, the way they look at him... it's as if he's already died."

Alicia dropped her head, gently leading Frank back to the chairs, "Look... they're trying Frankie. They don't like to lose paitients, especially young, healthy ones."

He sighed, burying his head into his shaking palms, "But they've given up."

She shifted, laying her finger on frank's spine, stroking it softly, "But Gerard hasn't."

Frank lifted his head, "Huh?"

Alicia smiled gently, setting her sights towards the window, "He's still alive isn't he? He's come out of the coma twice now. He's not ready to go Frankie, it's just gonna be a while before he's back to his, erm, normal self."

Frank laughed softly, tears still dripping through, "Gerard is far from normal..."

"Says you..." Alicia retorted, sticking out her tongue.

Frank rolled his eyes, bringing his hands down to his lap, "Imma go talk to a nurse."

Alicia lifted her brow, "Why?"

"I wanna see my baby..."

"Believe in the resolute urgency of now. And if you believe theres not a chance tonight. Tonight, so bright... Tonight"

Frank's tired voice snaked throughout the vacant room, settling into the dark corners. Nurses drifted in and out, giving him sad but encouraging smiles. It was nearing nightfall, the last few rays of sun trickling through the blinds on the small window on the opposite wall. There was a gentle knock on the door, and a young nurse came through, smoothing down her royal blue scrubs. She looked up, her round, pale face gleaming, "Hi, umm..."

"Frank" he answered softly, the voice settling just outside his grasp.

She smiled, "I'm Keanna... I don't think we've met."

Frank shook his head, watching as the girl took a seat next to him, "They're going to start easing him back to consciousness tomorrow. He's doing much better." she explained, her lips settling into a smile.

Frank closed his eyes and grinned, his grip tightening on Gerard's hand, "Will he recover... I mean, will he be okay from now on?"

"Yep, he just needs to come back a couple times to finish the vaccine." she said softly, crossing her legs.

Frank blinked, "Why?"

"Umm... Rabies vaccine are a little different. See, he has to get sets of shots over a month in order for it to be completely wiped out."

Frank shuddered, giving Gerard a nervous look, "He hates needles... is there any other way?"

Keanna shook her head slowly, her long hair sweeping across her shoulders. Frank wiped his eyes, yawning loudly, "When tomorrow?"

"It'll take about 24 hours for him to wake up fully... but around 7 am." she replied, folding her hands neatly in her lap.

Frank nodded and bit down on his lip, and then looking up at Gerard's broken form on the bed, "I'll be waiting babe... I'll be right here when you open your eyes."