Breathe Me

To Die For

“Ew! That's beyond disgusting!”
My voice was shrill, and I took a swig of my water bottle and swallowed. Freddie sat across from me at the small booth on the farthest side of the cafeteria. He grinned at my display of horror and stuck a french fry in his mouth.
“Yes,” he got out. “Everyone else who heard that from me had the same reaction.. you're awfully predictable.” his eyes were joyful, and I felt at ease.
Freddie had just finished explaining to me his favorite food combination: green beans slathered in mustard and ketchup. The thought of it made me gag.
“Now you tell me.. your grossest food combination.” He pressed, and I grinned.
“I don't have one.”
“Oh PLEASE. Everyone has one.”
“Nope. I don't like condiments or anything, and any food that I eat is just plain. Ketchup and mustard scare me, to be honest. I like bland food.” I trailed off, and Freddie looked like he'd had the wind knocked out of him.
“You have GOT to be joking me! Sheesh Blair, you're so boring.” I beamed, and stuck my tongue out, feeling like a child. He froze, though, and his mouth dropped. “Maybe NOT..” he murmured.
“What?” I asked completely lost.
“Your TONGUE ring. That sure isn't boring.”
I threw my head back and laughed at him, he was so amusing to me. Maybe it was his age, or the way he was so much shorter than me, or perhaps it was just his FACE when he was shocked. I was so comfortable with him, and I hardly noticed the people in the cafe giving us odd looks.
I said HARDLY.
Still, it was fun to meet someone I was so compatible with. The age difference wasn't even a problem, seeing as he acted more like twenty two than fifteen. I knew, even before we started really hitting it off, that we'd be amazing friends.
“Does my tongue ring bother you?” I stuck my tongue out again, taunting him. He leaned back and stretched his hands, then let out a groan of pleasure at the relief of stress.
“No, it doesn't BOTHER me. It's just you don't seem like the kind of girl that would have her tongue pierced.” He raised his eyebrows at me, and at the angle his head was turned, he looked almost.. attractive.
Freddie was not an ugly boy, no, I wasn't saying that. He was skinny, and short to me, but I supposed compared to most fifteen year old boys he really was sort of on the tall side. He had strawberry red hair, and it was long and tousled His eyes were an emerald green, and small freckles scattered the area around his nose. But yet, his face still possessed the qualities of a child, and so I was immune to his very striking features. It was as if I knew they were THERE.. but I just didn't care quite enough to look. He was a friend.. nothing more.
“..Boy, you really are a woman of many mysteries..” Freddie interrupted me. His eyes were straining over my shoulder, looking at something behind me.
“Really, it's not a big deal.” I didn't feel like explaining to him WHY I had a tongue ring.. it was honestly none of his business. “Just a piercing. Stop being weird over it.”
He chuckled at my grumbling. “No, I just meant that Demitrious Montressor is staring at you, and it is very rare that anything besides school or his brothers and sisters holds his attention.”
Montressor? Montressor, that was a character in The Cask of Amontillado. I envied his last name. Yet it fit him.. perfectly, like a glove. And then I grew curious.. there was more than one of them? He had siblings? I was eager to see them but I refused to turn around and see. I had will power.
Freddie's tone was not acidic when he spoke, though I personally thought it should be. His name hit me hard – I was struck with the memory of yesterday. That beyond gorgeous face, his tempting smile, the way he spoke.. he was so..charming. He was unbearably charming, and it bothered me. I snapped back to reality and scowled. Freddie frowned at me, his eyes returning to mine.
“You're not even going to acknowledge him? He's burning holes in the back of your head with those eyes of his.”
I shivered. “He looks ANGRY?” My voice was practically inaudible.
“What? No! No haha. He looks a bit frustrated.. and tired. He always looks tired, though. Very bored, all of the Montressor's. Wait.. do you know Demitrious ALREADY?”
I cocked my head to the side, shrinking in the booth a little. “Yes. I met him yesterday. He told me I intrigued him.” I recalled, and a string of questions launched off in my head. Why?..
Freddie's eyes were huge. “Really? I've never seen Demitrious really TALK to anyone besides his brothers or sister. That's very weird, that he would take such a liking to you so fast.”
I shrugged it off. I didn't care.
Yes, I did.
But you know what? I was an amazing liar.
“You don't find him at ALL attractive?” Freddie's tone was curious, and slightly humored.
“Of course I do,” I wasn't afraid to admit that part. “He's absolutely breathtaking. But he seems condescending and arrogant. I just don't like him.”
“That's a little judgmental. He's never been anything but polite to me, I mean I know I've only been here for a short three months but when I got lost looking for a class he was always the first person to help me,” Freddie stared off at this point. “Actually, he pretty much just KNEW I was lost. It was kind of funny.. I don't even wear my heart on my sleeve. I wear it on my face.”
I grinned at him. “I find you incredibly easy to read, also. So don't go giving him credit.”
“You really detest him, don't you?” I nodded. He looked thoughtful as he stared at something else behind me. “Hmm.. well, that's a shame. He just stood up. I suppose he's coming over here. I'm gonna run to the bathroom.”
I opened my mouth to protest. Freddie was already gone, his back to me, walking in the directions of the lockers and not the bathroom. “Freddie!” I whisper-yelled to him and threw my head back in defeat. I closed my eyes, blocking out all light.
“Mind if I sit down?”
The voice swirled in my head. It didn't catch me off guard, because I knew it was coming. Still, I was shocked by it. Why was it so amazing?
I opened my eyes and pushed my head forward. Of course, he was already sitting down.
“Why bother asking if you're simply planning on acting without invitation?” I said, venomous.
He smiled at me. “On a scale of ten, how obnoxious to you find me?”
He pondered the number. “That's really not that bad, you know.”
“Oh I'm sure you've gotten worse.”
The flawless smile did not falter. “Absolutely. How was your first day, Blair?”
Why did such a simple, caring question make me so angry? Why were my fists balled up? Why was I trying to convince myself he was teasing me, and not just being nice?
I was losing it, I decided. I sighed, unraveling myself, slowly letting my hands go and resting my elbows on the table.
“That's bad manners.” Demitrious gestured toward my arms on the table. “Elbows should be off the table at all times.”
“Are you teasing me?”
“Yes. I am.”
I glared daggers at him. He was not phased, of course.
“My first day was fine. Up until a minute ago, you interrupted a VERY important conversation I was holding with a friend.”
Demitrious looked confused. He turned his head to the side, as if trying to get a different angle of my face, and I wondered if he was actually trying to physically SEE the lie. “He seemed willing enough to walk away. I'm sorry, Blair,” he said, and his eyes really were repentant. “I did not mean to disturb ANYTHING. T'was not my intent.” He smiled, this time a small smile, and I felt myself returning it despite all my efforts. I could not scowl at the beauty in front of me. It seemed sinful to me, and so I relaxed slightly.
“S'okay..” I murmured. “It wasn't that important, anyway. What is it you wanted?”
He sat up. “Simply stopping to say hello to a friend.”
I raised one eyebrow.
“Your surprised at the way I worded that.”
It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Maybe that was what bothered me about him. His arrogance. But, perhaps.. it was just confidence. Maybe he didn't intend to be so intimidating. And as for his striking beauty.. well, it wasn't his fault, was it? I could only blame my jealousy and awe on genetics. My mind drifted farther. His parents must be beautiful. And the siblings.. I wondered what his sister looked like..
I moved my eyes to meet his. Crimson, and almost repulsive. When I looked in his eyes, every instinct in my body would tell me to look away. My skin almost crawled, and it was in a way I couldn't decipher. It wasn't a good feeling, or a bad feeling.. but it was weird, and startled me. I gazed into his red eyes for a moment longer. He spoke first.
“You don't like me, do you, Blair?”
His sigh was heartbreaking. He sounded truly sad, and his eyes were no longer wicked with joy and playfulness. The grin was wiped clean, his face was somber and hard. I chewed my bottom lip out of habit.
“I don't know you, Demitrious-”
“Right. Dimi, I don't KNOW you. You do confuse me, and you seem a little arrogant.”
He frowned. “I'm really not. I'm a bit of a know-it-all at times but.. well,” he smiled, and I felt like I was missing some inside joke. “I have my reasons for that. Arrogant, though? Really, Blair, I wish you'd get to know me.”
I scoffed. “Why do you want me to so badly?”
His eyes narrowed. “What kind of question is that?”
“One worth answering, no doubt.”
He was quiet for a long moment. I crossed my arms over my chest and cocked my head to the side, waiting. He drummed his fingers on the wood of the table. “You intrigue me, I told you that before.” He finally said, and I rolled my eyes.
“Why? Because I'm the new girl? I apparently intrigue EVERYONE at this place! Should I Get to know everyone in the student BODY? Fresh meat, is that what it is? Please, Dimi. Don't even bother..” I spat. I had NO idea where it came from, or why I was trying my hardest to insult this angel perched in front of me. And was I really acting as if I thought he wanted to date me, or anything more? I almost laughed out loud. I was being an idiot.
“You REALLY have no idea what you're talking about.” His eyes were still narrow. “Don't flatter yourself, either, Blair,” He reprimanded, and I recoiled. Instantly his eyes were softer, the edge in his voice non-existent. “Oh, God, I'm so sorry..” He mumbled, fumbling with his hands now.
“S'fine..” I told him, straightening my shirt and sitting up. He'd confirmed me pretending to think he wanted to date me was idiotic. It was an insult to someone as perfect as him, I reasoned.
“My anger, it's a problem..” He muttered, turning his head to the side and the look in his eyes suggested he was not looking at anything in particular. “Anyways.” His now chipper voice startled me, and he turned back towards me, his face totally composed. “Hmm.. will you tell me what you're thinking?”
It was a personal question. A question a lover, or a mother or best friend would ask. Yet this stranger was so comfortable, he was able to utter the question without a problem. I stared at him, wondering if I should be honest or not..
I decided honesty would be best. After all, he seemed to be keeping it quite true himself. I knew I should play fair.
“Honestly?” He nodded at me, pressing for more information “I'm thinking how gorgeous you are. I'm wondering what you're doing over here, and why you are so hell bent on talking to me.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Hmm.. the last two things make sense. The first one really doesn't.”
My jaw dropped. “Do you SEE your reflection in the mirror?”
He shocked me in that moment, by erupting with laugher. When he was composed enough to look at me, he had to actually wipe his eyes. I was almost frightened. “What the hell..” I started, and he held up his palm to silence me.
“Nothing, Blair. I'm unstable,” he grinned at me. “but still, it doesn't make much sense. Why would you be thinking that? Don't you find me repulsive?”
“In a way..” I admitted. “But you're also unbelievably attractive, you do know that, right?”
He frowned. “So it's all about looks?”
“Well your personality seems to be UNSTABLE, right? So really the only way I can deal with you is by focusing in on your looks.” I smiled, and I hoped he understood it was a joke. He apparently did, because he beamed at me, his white teeth flashing. “Can I ask you something?” I disrupted the comfortable silence that had fallen between us. He nodded. “Why do I intrigue you, then? What made you first start talking to me?”
“Hmm..” he drifted off, and I imagined he was replaying the awkward encounter in his head, too, only his side must be much, much more interesting..
“I suppose it was your.. physically qualities,” I wondered why he was choosing his words so carefully. I felt like he was lying, and was playing games with the words, twisting them. I then convinced myself my paranoia was clouding my senses.
He was quiet.
“What qualities?” I pressed, interested.
“Really, Blair, are you playing dumb?”
I looked at him, concentrating. “No,” I answered, innocence coating my words.
“I found you.. QUITE appealing.” he finally said, but it was again that careful choice of words that got to me. I wondered..
“Appealing as in?”
Okay, so I admit now I really WAS playing games. He was saying he thought I was attractive, I supposed.
“Blair,” He scolded. I grinned at him.
“Really though. What was it that did it? My wet, tangled, mop of hair? Or no.. my fabulous dress sense?” I took the opportunity to gesture to his outfit, which consisted of a pair of expensive-looking jeans, a grey v-neck sweater, and a brown leather jacket. He was also stylish, of course. The good looks weren't enough, no, he needed to be FASHIONABLE too! “Or perhaps it was my scrawny figure, yes, that MUST be it. Maybe the undeveloped breasts are just adorable to you.”
His eyebrows were both raised, and his expression conveyed confusion and wonderment. I didn't say word.
“You really have no idea, do you?”
His soft voice was to die for.
“Not at all,” I replied, not really caring anymore. I took a swig of my forgotten water, and glanced at the clock. The bell would be ringing any second..
He stood up, and looked down at me. I helpelessly stared up at him, my eyes wide with admiration.
The bell rang, and we still stared at each other.
“Another time, then.” He said, and swiftly walked away.