Status: Completed

She's a Lady.

Part 1

I'm in love with the girl I hate
She enjoys pointing out every bad thing about me.
I'm in love with a critic and a skeptic, a traitor
I'd trade her in a second.

"Dude, stop fucking staring at her!" Kyle whispered while nudging me.

"Dude I was not staring!" I defended myself. Kyle rolled his eyes.

"Jonathan, tell him he was staring." Kyle said still looking at me.

"You were staring." Jonathan said stuffing his face with popcorn while he continued playing his video game.

I rolled my eyes and sat back crossing my arms. This is so stupid I was not staring.

"You were staring." Brii said getting up from next to Jonathan and over to sit next to me on the couch. Shit, she saw. "It's okay I know I'm gorgeous." She winked and sat down next to me.

"And sixteen." Kyle added picking up Brii's abandoned controller.

"I was not staring!" I yelled and got up to go to my bunk in the back of the bus.

I wasn't staring.

I wasn't staring.

I wasn't staring.

I kept repeating those words in my head as I grabbed my iPod and put on a random song. I crawled into my bed after all it was almost one in the morning.

Brii was here as our Merch girl for the summer. She needed the job and Kyle was her cousin so he offered it to her. Damn Kyle.

Brii was beautiful but she was a bitch. I mean truly a bitch. If we weren't fighting, she was boasting about how god damn sexy she was.I can't argue there.

I don't know what it was but just something about her attitude made her cockiness that much more of a turn on. I guess I liked the fact that she was more cocky then I was and out of the millions of girls she was the only one who showed no interest in meand I loved it.

"You look like a fuck-tard when you sleep," I awoke to Brii sitting on my bed. I rolled my eyes sitting up and pulled my earbuds out.

"What do you want Brii?" I growled. She sighed.

"Oh, nothing. Just this!" She said squirting that gross liquid candy stuff all over my fucking head. She giggled and ran out of the room before I had time to hurt her.

I quickly got up and ran after her. She was quietly sitting on the couch curled in a ball acting sad.

What happened?

"You fucking bitch!" I said walking in where she sat with the boys.

"Dude did someone jizz on your head?" Kent asked and took a sip of his redbull. I rolled my eyes at his stupidness.

"Very funny. Shut the fuck up Kent." I said before walking towards Brii who was now in the arms of Kyle.

"Don't fucking touch her dude. Why do you have to be such a dick to her?" Kyle spat at me. Brii didn't look at me. What the fuck?

"What the fuck are you talking about dude? I didn't do anything she just squirted this shit on me for no reason!" I reached up to touch the mess on my head which now was all in my hair.

"You don't need to fucking lie. All you ever do is make fun of her and call her names. She's only sixteen Caleb. She's just a kid. There's no need to make a little girl cry." Kyle said stroking Brii's hair. What the fuck?

Why does she always do this! The guys are starting to think I'm this horrible person but I never do anything wrong.

"I didn't do anything! She's faking it!" I said pointing to Brii. Brii looked up with tears rolling down her face.

Oh she's good.

I sighed and said 'never mind' before going to the bathroom to shower this blue shit out of my hair.

Even though Brii always did this I still couldn't get her out of my mind. It was crazy the way she made me feel. The more of a bitch she was to me the more I fell for her. It was crazy.
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Hi. This is dedicated to For Our Hero. She is amazing and I love her :D

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