Status: Completed

She's a Lady.

Part 2

She's a backseat driver, a drama provider
An instant update of the world
She's a first class liar, a constant forgetter
She's attractive but bitter

"Turn left! Turn left! Turn Left!" Brii screamed in my ear bouncing in the back middle seat. I winced lightly before looking for this "left".

"Where?" I yelled looking around frantically for the left.

"Right there dude!" Jonathan yelled next to me pointing.

"Turn now! Turn now! Turn now! NOW!" She screamed. There was no where to fucking tur---oh. There was a sharp turn covered by trees and I spun the wheel while everyone in the car flew to the right. Brii and the guys screamed as our van tipped a little and landed with a thump. Hey at least I didn't miss it.

"What the fuck dude!" Marc yelled from the trunk. "I don't have a fucking seatbelt take it easy." Marc and Austin were rubbing their heads.

"Sorry." I mumbled speeding down the road to make it to the next show. We were already late due to Jonathan's sucky directions.

"It should be right around the corner." Brii said holding the directions. I nodded my head and sure enough there it was. Tons of cars and kids were filling the streets.

"Well where do we park?" I asked.

"Um, maybe we just park with all the other cars." Jonathan suggested.

"But there's no other vans or busses here." I said circling around the parking lot. Our bus had broken down and we had to use one of our tech vans to get here while the bus was being fixed.

"Just park on the grass you fucking moron!" Brii said and leaned back in her seat. I shrugged and pulled onto the grass that was covered by some trees. We all piled out of the van. Our gear was already here because our tech crew brought it. Brii was struggling with her camera and some boxes of shirts and CD's that she was supposed to sell.

"Let me help you!" I said picking up some boxes. Brii smiled and pilled all of her stuff in my arms. I dropped my mouth as she kept piling it. "I didn't mean all of it! I'm helping you not doing it for you!" I said but she already started walking away. I rolled my eyes and she turned around and started snapping picture of me.

I made a couple of goofy posses and she laughed a little.Her laugh made my heart roar.

"Run!" We heard Jonathan yell. Brii screamed and ran behind me as a huge mob of screaming girls made their way towards us. I looked around frightened not knowing what to do.

"Caleb help!" Jonathan yelled as girls shoved pens in his face. He started signing some but pleading to let the girls let him go.

"Caleb!" Kyle yelled. I looked over to Kyle and girls were throwing themselves onto him like he was a massive pile of ice cream.

"Caleb do something!" Brii cried behind me. I stared ahead of me as maybe 150 girls were now getting closer to me.

"Dude come on!" Marc and Austin grabbed my hands as Kent trailed behind them with four girls attached to him. He looked truly terrified. Marc grabbed a box and so did Austin. Brii grabbed some shirts leaving me with a stack of CD's. I quickly followed them to the Van and opened the trunk throwing the stuff in.

Brii threw herself into the drivers seat since I had given her my keys to hold. Austin, Marc and Kent all took the back seat.

I was just about to open the door when I was tugged back forcefully. I screamed a bit as girls screamed in my ears and started tugging at my clothing. One jumped on my back and kissed my cheek as another snapped a picture. I look at the van and gave Brii a pleading look.

She smirked and quickly sped off the grass and onto the road.

For ten minutes I fought off girls and signed shirts, boobs, shoes, faces, anything.

"Um, oops sharpie is out!" I said smiling innocently and holding it up. "Guess I have to go get one!" I said starting to walk away towards Jonathan and Kyle who had now merged together and were signing stuff.

"I have one!" A girl screamed and threw one at me. Suddenly about 10 huge body Guards came running out to help us. I sighed in relief as three came to help me since Jonathan and Kyle had a bigger mob.

"Ladies back up now or we will forcefully remove you from the primacies. All the girls backed up and muttered 'sorrys'. I followed the body Gaurds who led me into the venue.

"Next time take the back." One said.

"Now you tell me." I laughed a little. How could Brii just leave me there! I mean I know she hated me and Iloved hated her but really come on, it gets low when you leave a guy stranded in the middle of a parking lot with hundreds of screaming girls.

I found Brii setting up a table under a tent. Other bands were setting up and some were practicing on stage.

"You left me." I said in a monotone voice. She shrugged and looked up at me. I now was angry.

"Oh come on Caleb don't be a baby it wasn't that bad." She said pinning up a shirt.

"Yes, It was. My hand hurts and so do my ears and body! I feel violated. Used!" I whined. Brii turned around and rolled her eyes. The bands were now starting towards backstage so they wouldn't get bombarded with fans when they let them in but I wasn't done with my conversation yet.

"Well you going to watch this time right? I don't think you have been to a single show." I said.

"Yes I have! I'm here now!" She defended herself.

"No you haven't. I'm not stupid I look for you." Shit why did I say that. Brii smirked up at me.

"What am I supposed to do leave the table?" She asked.

"Sarah is our Merch girl too ya know. Where is she by the way?" I asked looking for Sarah. Brii shrugged.

"Soda and candy?" She said and placed a CD and wrist band along with some other merch stuff on the table.

"See she leave! Just promise you will listen to at least one song?" I asked. "No one will be here anyways because anyone interested in Merch will be watching us." I said. There that proved my point. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Fine I promise. Hey look its Caleb Turman!" Brii screamed and pointed at me. My eyes widened as I turned around. I guess they let the kids in.

"Bitch!" I yelled and made a run for backstage. She just flipped me off and laughed a little.That laugh.
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