Status: Completed

She's a Lady.

Part 4

Take off your shoes, come in the room
And baby let's try not to argue
Turn out the lights, turn on the radio
And how can we fight when I'm too busy loving you
I'm too busy loving you, I'm too busy loving you

It had been three weeks. I hadn't spoken to Brii in three weeks. Of course she still had to sell our stuff. We couldn't just fire her. She was a good Merch girl and we couldn't let her go cause she was Kyle's cousin or just because we were fighting.

I was currently strumming the chords to 'Hey Brittany' and I looked down to see Brii in the front row. I guess the fans had noticed that I was acting different because they would always ask if I was alright and there were huge rumors going around that I was depressed and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if I was.

Brii just stood there. Staring up at me. It was like no one else was there but us. I saw a tear run down her cheek and I winced and walked to the other side of the stage. I turned around and away from our fans. I didn't want to make them unhappy. I wouldn't let them see me cry. It would kill them. I stared down at my guitar and just kept plying.

I looked up and Kyle was looking at my sympathetically from behind his drum set. I forced a smile onto my face but the tears were still there. When the song ended I let go of my guitar that was strapped around my neck and pulled the sleeves of my sweatshirt up and rubbed my eyes.

I took a deep breath and smiled turning around towards my audience. Brii was gone.

When the show was over we were staying in a hotel for the night since out next show was only an hour away.

"Um so I guess I will room with Caleb." Jonathan said. "Marc you go with Austin. Kyle room with Brii. and Kent you got your own." Jonathan said slapping his hand on Kent's back.

"What? I hate being alone you guys know that! Why can't Brii have the single she's the only girl!" Kent said. So that was a huge no. After we broke up Brii accident. Kyle never left her alone after he found her bleeding from the wrists behind the stage.

Jonathan gave him a look that instantly shut him up.

"Guys. It's okay I'm fine alone I won't do anything." Brii argued.

"No. I'm sleeping with you and that's that." Kyle said sternly.

"Just let her be alone dude. She is never alone. I trust her." Austin said.

Brii looked at him and gave him a small smile. Kyle sighed before agreeing.

"Fine but I get a key to your room got it?" Kyle asked. Brii laughed lightly and nodded. God her laugh made me melt. I still hadn't forgiven her yet.

Jonathan handed us keys and we all piled into the elevator. Marc, Austin, Kent, and Kyle were on the 6th floor. They got out and said goodnight. The doors closed and it was silent.

The elevator doors opened revealing the 10th floor. Jonathan and I were room 1032 and Brii was room 1034. We entered our rooms and I dropped my backpack on the floor next to Jonathan's. He instantly called the bed near the window and I didn't argue. All I could think about was her.

"Dude you need to either get with her or forget her." Jonathan said laying on the bed.

I sat down on my bed. "I don't know." I said. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Well we all know you guys still love each other...obviously. So just forgive her already. She didn't mean to hurt you and she is taking this pretty hard dude. The girl tried to kill herself over you." He said knowingly.

"I know dude don't remind me!" I hissed at him.

"Okay, I'm sorry just saying." Jonathan said turning on the TV. I groaned and fell back on my bed. I didn't know if I was ready to forgive her just yet.

There was a quiet knock at the door and Jonathan went around the corner to answer it. He didn't come back for a minute before I head someone standing beside my bed. I opened my eyes to see Brii standing over me.

"H-hey," She said staring at her feet.

"Hi," I said a little confused.

"C-can I sit down?" She asked a little louder. I nodded my head and scooted over. She sat down barley making the bed move.

"Can we talk?" She asked.

I thought about it for a second before nodding my head slowly.

"Okay, listen what I did was wrong. I regret it completely and I shouldn't have done that to you. It was wrong and I understand completely why you don't forgive me." She paused to look up at me. I sat there emotionless.

"You hurt me." I said. She sighed and responded.

"I know. I feel horrible. You are the last person I want to hurt. I still love you so much even after you said all that stuff to me--" I interrupted her.

"You deserved it." I said. She only nodded and continued.

"I-I know I did. I just really want you to try and forgive me. I'm not perfect and I was just getting overwhelmed. It's hard when the who female population is your competition." She mumbled looking away from me. I couldn't help it. That did it.

"Just promise you will never hurt me again. I can't handle that. I may seem tough but when it comes to you I'm so soft. I'm not ready to go back to a relationship but we can be friends." I said smiling. I really hopped she would agree. I just needed her in my life again.

She looked up at me now with tears rolling down her face. She threw herself at me and I wrapped my arms around her. It felt amazing to hold her again.

"Thank you." She whispered in my ear causing me to smile. She kissed my cheek before bouncing out of the room. I could still feel where she had kissed me and I reached up to touch the spot.

"I love you." I whispered once the door closed.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is longer then expected :/
Oh well.