It started in love but ended in pain and confusion

How it all started

It all started the day she walked into her new high school. The sight was overwhelming. Her eyes darted around the school. Kid looked at her.
"Shes another one of those freaks" She heard a girl whisper nearby.
"I no look at the way she dresses and her make-up argh"
"And whats wrong with my clothes" She hissed.
"They're just so baggy....and EWW" The blonde one with obviously fake boobs replied.
"OOO real mature....," she said "EWW," she imitated "Is that like a spider" She cried out in a high pitched voice. The girls screamed as she picked up the spider and threw it at them.
She chuckled to herself as she watched and listened to the girls wailing and screaming like headless.
"Nice impression on you first day of school" Her brother whispered in her ear.
She in return once again chuckled.
"Whats so amusing' He said pouting
"Your face" She said her chuckle now turning into a full laugh.
She walked away searching the school grounds for the "Smokers" area. Finally she found it just around not easy to get caught(Note the sarcasm).
"You guys are idiots if you have to smoke do it somewhere where you wont get caught." She said boredom evident in her voice.
"And what makes you such an expert" Some girl hissed from behind her.
"Because," She took a drag out of the cigarette she just lighted, "I've been kicked out of 7 schools and numerous times it has been because i crossed the line....hmph i don't see why they didn't just kick me out with all the damage i caused to the school property in all the fights and vandalism I've been involved in" She finished but she said the last bit more to herself then anyone else.
"Ahhh i see we have a bad girl on our hands" A voice behind her murmered.
She turned to see the sexiest boy she had ever seen and thats how she met her now husband......Noah Jared Evans
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dont mind his name i have quite and thing for the name noah and jared and alex evans is HOTT