Status: Editing.

When Forever Ends

Chapter Four: Swim in Silence

My eye lids fluttered open. My eyes scanned the room. Since my room had no windows, it was completely dark, except for the light coming down the stairway. My eyes met the digital clock. 1:30 PM. It was Saturday, so my parents had been partying last night at a bar. More then likely, they were hungover and would sleep all day.

I turned on my bedside lamp. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I stretched my limp arms and yawned. Believe it or not, I was still exhausted. I threw my covers off of my lap and shuffled up the stairs to the kitchen.

The kitchen was small, it had checkered green and white tiles and dark green walls. On the left side was the kitchen table, a square just big enough for four. I couldn't remember the last time I had sat there with anyone. Over it was a stained-glass lamp that hung from the ceiling. On the other side of the kitchen was all cabinets and drawers. The sink was in the middle, with the dish washer next to it. The counters were green, like the walls. The fridge was on the far side of the wall, next to it, in the corner, was a tiny pantry. A green island with the stove on it and the oven underneath was in the center.

I slowly walked over to the fridge and grabbed the cold, metal handle. The wide door opened easily. I reached into the back and grabbed a fruit salad. I spun around and opened the drawer that the silverware was kept. After grabbing a fork, I walked back down the stairs to my room. I put the fork and fruit down on my bed and walked over to turn my iPod on. The song on was Haunted by Evanescence. I loved that song. It had a creepy feeling to it, it reminded me of zombies digging themselves out of their graves.

I walked back over to my bed and sat down. At this point, I was wide awake. I opened the plastic lid and picked up the fork. I slowly ate and thought, again. That dream was trying to tell me something. But what? I continued eating as the songs continued playing. The dream is trying to tell me something, repeated in my mind over and over again. I was lost in thought. Time escaped me until I looked at the clock. It was five. Already. Time for a walk, I thought.

After walking over to the dresser, I scanned the drawers to find something to wear. I picked out my only dress. The plain, black dress went down to my knees and flew back when you walked. It had no straps. I hastily brushed my hair. It was still pretty messy, but I didn't care. I grabbed my iPod and the black headphones next to them.

My sister wasn't in the living room, so I figured she was in her room upstairs. I walked out the door and down the cement stairs. Like yesterday, the sky was gray. I turned on my iPod as I walked across the street in my bare feet. The song on was Swim In Silence by Paramore.

"Meet me here beneath the burning sky

Where the ocean comes and takes us from all our lives

Never said that you were coming back

I have waited all the while and found the place you hide

What keeps you so far away?"

I continued down the wooden stairs and onto the beach. The water looked so nice. So inviting.

"We can swim in silence

You can pull me under

I will not come up for anyone

I could slowly sink in

Watch you as you leave

I will drown until you care

I will drown until you care"

Without thinking, I dropped my iPod onto the sand and walked to the water. The cool water washed over my feet as I continued walking. Part of me was screaming at me, telling me that a storm was coming and I better get out. But I continued. The waves were getting rough, crashing into my legs. As I got deeper my skirt floated on top of the rough waves. I dove under a wave and swam for a while, going deeper and deeper into the water, until I couldn't touch.

The part of me that was screaming got louder. Suddenly I realized what I was doing. I turned around and looked at the shore. My eyes widened as I realized how far I was. I was at least half a mile away from the shore. Thunder rumbled and rain started to fall. And then I realized how tired I was.

I'm going to die, I thought to myself. Just as soon as I thought that, something grabbed my right ankle. Before I could even scream, it pulled me under. The salt in the water burned my eyes, but that was the least of my worries.

Help me! Somebody! PLEASE! I thought as I struggled to get back to the surface. I kicked whatever was on my ankle as hard as I could and tried and tried to swim up. My mind was screaming at me, telling me to keep trying. But I continued going under. Every time I tried to breathe, water would fill my mouth. And then I gave up the struggle. I watched as the last bubble of air reached the surface and popped. Then I closed my eyes and sank to the rocky bottom of the ocean floor.

I will drown until you care.
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I love this chapter! Haha.