Status: Finished

Dear Diary


I woke up feeling my bed move up and down. It took me a while to realize the reason was moving was because I'd fallen asleep on Frank. My fidgeting must have woke him because when I looked up at his face he was smiling at me.

"Good morning," he tells me letting out a yawn.


Things were silent after that seeing as we were both too tired to say much. That changed when Gerard came out of his room and began picking on us.


On the way to the party I was sitting in between Frank and Alicia, Mikey was on her other side. As I sat there my mind was going a mile a minute. Just last month I honestly believed I hated Frank and now all he has to do is smile and my heart beats faster and butterflies explode in my stomach.

Frank placed his arm around my shoulders breaking me away from my thoughts. He smiled at me as he pulled me closer to him so that my head was resting against his shoulder and his was placed on top of mine.

I wrapped my arms around him snuggling closer. For some reason I had a strange feeling everything was going to change between us tonight. The problem was I couldn't tell if it was a good or bad thing and it had me scared. I was also worried about Gerard, we weren't even at the party yet and he has already downed three beers.

"You're shaking," Frank whispered in my ear.

"I'm worried about Gee,"

"Don't be, he'll be fine." he assured me.

When we arrived there was a pretty girl standing in the yard looking around nervously. Upon seeing the girl Bob jumped out of the car and ran to her pulling her into a hug before quickly pecking her on the lips. Alicia and I awed at the cuteness of it.

"I'm guessing that's Caylee," stated Ray glancing at the two.

"Who's Caylee?" asked Alicia.

"Bob's new girlfriend, he hasn't shut up about her since he met her,"

"That's so cute!" I gush pulling out my phone and snapping a picture.

"You and that phone." Frank comments chuckling.

"I wanna meet her! We need more girls around." Alicia says getting out the car.

We got to know Caylee a bit before entering the party. You could tell she was nervous but I also got that vibe that she could be really loud once she felt comfortable. It was also very obvious that Bob really likes her, I haven't seen him this happy since there was a Mr. Bean marathon on t.v.

Fifteen minutes later the guys were up on stage playing their hearts out. Like alway Alicia and I went crazy and started jumping around and singing along with them. By time the guys were on there third song Caylee had joined in on the fun.

At one point Frank had jumped up on Bob's drum set but lost his footing and collided with the floor. The place went silent until he jumped back up and starting playing like nothing just happened.

When the song ended Gerard gave a speech about how homophobia wasn't right and you shouldn't judge people by who they love. None of it made much sense though considering he was extremely wasted at that time. The crowd got the just of it though when Frankie walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss before walking back off.

By the time it was all over everyone loved them and began chanting My Chemical Romance. The guys hugged and high fived each other, all of them high off the energy.
Seeing them like this and knowing how much people have grown to loved them made me believe that one day they will defiantly be huge.

Just as I was feeling happy and the worried feeling had faded out of the corner of my eye I saw Gerard collapse.
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Thanks to everyone that's been commenting. =]

Also thanks to Mrs.IeroWay for being Bob's girlfriend.